[PYTHON DOC-SIG] setext in doc strings

Robin Friedrich friedric@rose.rsoc.rockwell.com
Mon, 5 Aug 1996 16:42:04 -0500

|> From: Jim Fulton <jim.fulton@digicool.com>
|> Robin Friedrich wrote:
|> > 
|> I spent some time looking at setext after the workshop and was fairly
|> underwhelmed.  Actually setext document I looked at were sort of ugly
|> in their basic form and example setext converted to html was often
|> broken.
|> I also has a tough time making out the setext documentation, which
|> colored
|> my opinion somewhat.
|> In a separate note, I released a Structured text module that I consider 
|> to be superior to setext in several ways:

Bummer. I didn't get it. Can you send it again? Be sure it's not >40K if
you send it to a sig list - it won't get forwarded.
|>   - The sourse text os more readable,

|>   - It supports arbitrary levels of nesting, including numbered,
|> bulleted
|>     and descriptive lists.

|>   - It generates HTML tags like <strong> and <em>, rather than <bold>
|> and
|>     <i>.

Actually, so doesn't gendoc.


|> >  Internet mail header  From <source>        Subject: shown    subject-tt (a)
|> >  (start of a message)  minimal mail header  [Date: & From:]
|> I assume this doesn't apply to us?


|> >  --------------------  -------------------  --------------- ------------ ---
|> >  title (1 per text)   "Title                a title             title-tt (b)
|> >  in distinct position  ====="               in chosen style
|> Is gendoc using this?  This mechanism of setext is rather restrictive
|> and ugly.

Yes, I thought so too but not badly so.
|> >  --------------------  -------------------  --------------- ------------ ---
|> >  heading (1+/ text)   "Subhead              a subhead         subhead-tt (c)
|> >  in distinct position  -------"             in chosen style
|> Ditto.
|> >  --------------------  -------------------  --------------- ------------ ---
|> >  body text               66-char lines in-  lines undented     indent-tt (d)
|> >  [plain not-indented]    dented by 2 space  and unfolded
|> Ditto.

Don't think this one is applied.
|> >  --------------------  -------------------  --------------- ------------ ---
|> >  1+ bold word(s)           **[multi]word**  1+ bold word(s)      bold-tt (e)
|> *mult word* would be more readable and follows standard conventions.  I
|> think 
|> emphasis is better than bold.  This is what I did in StructuredText.

The reason I guess was that * was used to indicate a bulleted list.

|> >  a single italic word               ~word~  1 italic word      italic-tt (f)
|> This looks ugly.  Why specify italic directly?  Doesn't this run counter
|> to HTML
|> philosophy.

HTML philosopy had nothing to do with setext as far as I can tell.
|> If the group wants this, I'd be willing to add it to StructuredText.  
|> If I do, what consitutes a 'word'?

A contiguous string of characters.
|> >  1+ underlined words        [_multi]_word_  underlined text underline-tt (g)
|> What consitutes a word?  Does this run afoul of
|> multi_word_python_variable_names?

Same. Not really as there has to be both a leading and trailing underscore.
|> >  hypertextual 1+ word        [multi_]word_  1+ hot word(s)        hot-tt (h)
|> This is weird.  Where is the reference?  Has this been implemented in
|> gendoc?

Yes. You specify a_hyperlink_ like this and it points to the address spec'd
at the end of the doc string.  It's not obvious from the setext docs. That's 
why I explained it later with examples.

.. _a_hyperlink http://www.python.org/sigs/

|> >  >followed by text     >[space][text]       > [mono-spaced]   include-tt (i)
|> This looks like a quoted email message.  But I guess it makes sense.
|> >  bullet-text in pos1   *[space][text]       [bullet] [text]    bullet-tt (j)
|> I think 'o text' and '- text' are more readable.
|> >                        `_quoted typotag!_`  `_left alone!_`     quote-tt (k)
|> `_e_gads!_`  I like 'this much better'

Don't think this comes up much and it's not necessarily implemented yet.
|> >  --------------------  -------------------  --------------- ------------ ---
|> >  [hypertext link def] ^.. _word URL         jump to address      href-tt (l)
|> >  [hypertext note def] ^.. _word Note:("*")  ("cause error")      note-tt (m)
|> I have no idea what this means.
|> >  --------------------  -------------------  --------------- ------------ ---
|> >  end of first? setext  $$ [last on a line]  [parse another]   twobuck-tt (n)
|> >                       ^..[space][not dot]   [line hidden]    suppress-tt (o)
|> >  logical end of text  ^..[alone on a line]  [taken note of]    twodot-tt (p)
|> Huh?

Read on McDuff...

|> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
|> > The following doc string example illustrates the usage of all setext
|> > constructs recognized by the gendoc tool. (i think)
|> > 
|> > class Setext(Text):
|> >     """Lets you change markup to stylize your text
|> > 
|> >     SETEXT 102
|> >     ==========
|> This is not valid setext.  Setext wants the titles and headings to start 
|> in column 1 and the other text in column 3, like this:

Yes but the implementation doesn't enforce that now. headings and body can 
be in column one.  Remember Daniel strips the leading tab/spaces from the 
doc string before applying these rules.

|> SETEXT 102
|> ==========
|>   **Setext** can be used to mark your text in a non-obtrusive
|>   manner. Text within double asterisks are treated as bold, ...
|> >     **Setext** can be used to mark your text in a non-obtrusive
|> >     manner. Text within double asterisks are treated as bold,
|> >     while single words with tilde at the front and back are
|> >     rendered as ~Italic~. You can _underline_a_phrase_ but it
|> >     will be rendered as bold in HTML. Placing hyperlinks
|> >     is easy; just hilite_the_tag_ and at the bottom of the doc
|> >     string include the address which it points to on a line by
|> >     itself.
|> > 
|> >     New paragraphs are separated by blank lines.
|> >     > And a bunch of literal text
|> >     > can be specified with the left
|> >     > arrow. This gets marked as <pre> in HTML.
|> >     Otherwise the text will be wrapped according to whatever
|> >     output formatter is used.
|> > 
|> >     A bulleted list is done with single asterisks thusly:
|> >     * Lettuce
|> >     * Onions
|> >     * Pickles
|> > 
|> >     Extension to setext
|> >     -------------------
|> Ditto.
|> >     A frequent construct in python doc strings is to list ones
|> >     keyword arguments. This made us wish for a way to specify
|> >     a definition list so that it looks nice is html (and others).
|> >     I propose the following. I have this working in my version.
|> >     The double colons won't be in the output.
|> > 
|> >     item1 :: definition 1
|> >     item2 :: definition 2
|> >     item3 :: a rather long and involved definition for item 3
|> >              spanning more than one line.
|> >     item4 :: back to brevity with definition 4
|> Why not:
|>       item1 -- Definition 1
|>       ...
|> This looks much better to me, and works with StructuredText.

Hey, I just picked it out of the blue. (And I've never seen your
structured text module.) ':-(

|> >     .. _hilite_the_tag http://www.python.org
|> >     """
|> > 
|> > Notes:
|> > 
|> > The indenting inserted by python-mode for the entire doc string is
|> > detected and processed out before setext rules are applied. So
|> > eventhough titles for example are required to start in column one they
|> > will if they obey the overall indenting for that doc string.
|> Hm.
|> > The underlines for the title and subtitle should be the same length as
|> > the title itself.
|> > 
|> > Spaces around tokens are important (for the "* ", "> ", and " :: ")
|> > 
|> > Comment are hearby welcome.
|> I think my structured text module mechanism provides richer 
|> text formatting with less obtrusive markup, especially for 
|> strings that have much structure, as many of mine do.
|> Jim

Send it to me!!

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