[PYTHON DOC-SIG] RE: [PROGENV-SIG] Project proposal discussion document
Monty Zukowski
Thu, 30 May 1996 13:32:01 -0700
For what it's worth, the Sorcerer toolkit looks like an excellent
approach to parse tree walking and translation. But of course it is in
C. The newsgroup for it is comp.compilers.tools.pccts. Also look at
<http://www.mcs.net/~tmoog/pccts.html>. I haven't actually used it
myself but I've read the documentation quite a bit and love the LL
approach to the problem.
This may be useful for the translation of the internal python parse tree
into the general framework structures.
If only I had the time to spare...
>From: Fred L. Drake[SMTP:fdrake@CNRI.Reston.Va.US]
>Sent: Thursday, May 30, 1996 11:38 AM
>To: Progenv-SIG Mailing List; Doc-SIG Mailing List
>Subject: [PROGENV-SIG] Project proposal discussion document
> I am advancing a proposal for a project which would benefit from the
>input of the members of both doc-sig and progenv-sig. I have prepared
>discussion document describing the project in general terms in more
>than I present in this message, but a brief summary is appropriate.
> My intention is to produce tools which can analyze Python source
>potentially as it is imported into a running Python process, and
>sufficient analysis to create a representation of the object hierarchy
>with as much documentation as can be derived from the source text and
>documentation strings as possible. The data structure created by the
>analysis should allow for programmatic examination as part of an
>interactive development or debugging environment or for the generation
>static documentation of a collection of modules.
> My hope is that this project can be a collaborative project of,
>primarily, the progenv SIG with the doc SIG providing critical advisory
>input and evaluation. As described above, the work appears to be of
>sufficient general interest to warrent the involvement of many
>contributors. At the same time, the work promises enough modularity
>individuals need not invest huge amounts of time to provide a
>contribution. The most significant investment to be made before
>applications may be created within the project framework involves
>a consensus on the definable stages of the project and precise
>of the underlying data architecture.
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