[Doc-SIG] Undocumented modules update.
Moshe Zadka
Moshe Zadka <mzadka@geocities.com>
Sat, 19 Jun 1999 16:34:40 +0300 (IDT)
(I commented a bit on Guido's comments)
On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > curses
> Important, deserves to be documented
I'm working on it. Hopefully I'll have it complete today.
> > dl
> A bit dangerous and platform specific,
> but worth documenting for those that need it
Fred already has my docs for that one, but (rightly!) wants to go
over it himself.
> > grep
> Useful enough, but more deserving of being
> a Demo or Tool
Especially since it uses the old regex, and from a preliminary look
I'm not at all sure how to convert it to "re".
> > htmlentitydefs
> Deserves documentation (is it up-to-date?)
This module is pretty trivial:
------------------cut here--------------------
# Proposed entity definitions for HTML, taken from
# http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_14.html
entitydefs is a dictionary mapping entity names to characters.
------------------cut here--------------------
(Should be LaTeXed, of course, but doesn't seem like a big deal)
> > packmail
> A simple "shar archive" creator
> which probably should become a tool or demo
And in any way, Fred has my docs for it, in case it doesn't.
> > rlcompleter
> Very cool code that ought to be documented
> (and cross-referenced with the readline
> module)
I couldn't find any documentation for the readline module either.
Moshe Zadka <mzadka@geocities.com>.
#!/usr/bin/tail -1
Just another tail hacker.