[Doc-SIG] docstring grammar
M.-A. Lemburg
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 13:06:34 +0100
David Ascher wrote:
> Proposed format for docstrings:
> ...
> Is there value in having string interpolation? David Arnold mentioned
> __version__ = "$Revision$[11:-2]
> __date__ = "$Date$
> which raises some issues. I don't think that having [11:-2]
> evaluated by the docstring parser is a wise idea. However, I can
> imagine that the module author could do:
> __version__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
> in the Python code, and then
> Version:: %(__version__)s
> in the docstring and that such a simple string interpolation
> mechanism could have value. I'm not sure it's worth the
> complication though. What dictionary would be used to do the
> interpolation?
This raises the question of whether to parse or evaluate the
loaded module. Evaluation has the benefit of providing "automatic"
context, i.e. the symbols defined in the global namespace
are exactly the ones relevant for class definitions, etc. It
probably makes contruction of interdepence graphs a lot easier
to write. On the downside you have unwanted side effects due to
loading different modules.
Some notes on the proposal:
· Mentioning the function/method signature is ok, but sometimes
not needed since e.g. the byte code has enough information to
deduce the signature from it. This is not true for builtin
function which is probably the reason for all builtin doc
strings to include the signature.
· I would extend the reference scheme to a lookup in the module
globals in case the local one (in the Reference section) fails.
You could then write e.g. "For details see the [string] module."
and the doc tool would then generate some hyperlink to the
string module provided the string module is loaded into the
global namespace.
· Standard symbols like __version__ could be included and used
by the doc tool per default without the user specifying
any special "Version:: %(__version__)s" % globals() tags.
BTW, for some code which does online formatting of the
doc strings, have a look at my hack.py script. It includes
a function called docs() which prints out all the information
it can find on the given target object.
Here's an example:
>>> docs(string.upper)
upper :
upper(s) -> string
Return a copy of the string s converted to uppercase.
>>> docs(string.zfill)
zfill(x, width) :
zfill(x, width) -> string
Pad a numeric string x with zeros on the left, to fill a field
of the specified width. The string x is never truncated.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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