[Doc-SIG] HTML versions of documentation.
Peter Funk
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 09:36:28 +0200 (MEST)
Mark Hammond :
> It would be great if I could get HTML versions of the documentation
> from the CVS tex versions..
> * If all else fails, would someone be able to respond to my calls
> for help should I attempt to perform this automatically on starship
> (sort of a-la DA's tarballing of CVS)? Does anyone know why
> starship _wouldnt_ be able to build the .html?
Since I can't get CVS through our firewall, I have to download the
CVS tarballs from Davids account. I do this once a week or so.
Building the HTML simply requires to type 'make html' on my SuSE Linux
box. ... After installing the "right" version of l2h! Selecting the
version of 'latex2html' was the critical part. You definitely need
which is still available on the net.
Fred was very responsive on my attempts to get this going.
But beware, Fred just started to fold the 1.5.2p2 branch back
into the main tree. May be you should wait one or two more days.
Regards, Peter