[Doc-SIG] docutils status report
Edward Welbourne
Edward Welbourne <eddy@chaos.org.uk>
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:55:21 +0000 (GMT)
>> and can I use `1)' and `a)' instead of
>> `1.' and `a.' ? (as lead-in to list items)
> No. Not for any greatly fundamental reason, but because it's not in
> the original definition(s) of ST[NG].
hasty addendum:
not that I want anyone to bodge the tool into supporting 1) style as
well as 1., I just haven't yet found time to catch up with the flood of
mail on this thread, let alone the web pages (yes, I still connect (from
home) via a dial-up modem on the end of a piece of salty string), so
didn't know whether I'd caught on correctly to the bit to which I
responded; and, of course, I need to know how to mark up my doc strings ...
I'm far more interested in getting a Yes answer to
> Are we there yet?
than in being able to engage in personal-taste deviancies.
God Yul, and keep up the good work,
... Few indeed are those who, travelling
it, have crossed the dark and yawning Abyss of Implementation to Delivery.
Many, yea, many in truth stagnate yet in the Desert of Delay, or linger ever
in the ghastly limbo called Perpetual Beta. (from the LOGINATAKA)