[Doc-SIG] which characters to use for docstring markup
Edward D. Loper
Sun, 08 Apr 2001 15:20:33 EDT
> But you counted single characters. I grepped for '[A-Z]<' and found
> none that occurred in docstrings. (The actual re should be
> r'\B[A-Z]<'; I believe the POD rules ask for a single upper case
> letter before the <.
Well, presumably the occurance of '[A-Z]{' will be comperably small.
However, it's not just the open delimiters that we have to worry about.
You can't include a close delimiter in a colored region. For example,
if you want to put "x > y" in a "code" region, then you can't::
C<x > y>
There's no way for it to know that the first ">" isn't a close delimiter.
Similarly for bold, etc. Also, there's a question of how context-
sensitive we want our delimiters to be. It may confuse people that
they can say::
but not::
I would be happier just reserving '{' and '}', and saying that they're
always delimiters when they occur in a paragraph (except possibly if
backslashed somehow, but let's not get sidetracked into backslashing).
> Now, there's one significant use of [A-Z]< that might trip us up: the
> regular expression syntax (?P<...>...). I certainly could see this
> being useful in docstrings for methods that take regular expression
> argument.
This may be important, but I see it as less important than the issues
of using < and > to mean less-than and greater-than.
> There's also one use of [A-Z]{: \N{...} means something in
> Unicode literal syntax.
I agree that there will be cases where any character gets used. But
I would argue that, in these cases, we should either use literal
blocks (do you really need to say "\N{...}" in a paragraph? Maybe..)
or use some sort of backslashing. (But again, let's come back to the
discussions of backslashing).
> I don't like `...`, because (a) it means something very specific in
> Python (and in the Unix shell), (b) it's hard to distinguish from
> '...' in some fonts, and (c) except for the `...` Python and shell
> notation, I expect ` to be closed with '.
I'm leaning more towards the L{...} syntax anyway. Although I would
argue against b on the count that, if you're viewing it in a non-parsed
form, then you're viewing it in your source-code editor, and
presumably you chose a font for your source-code editor in which you
can distinguish "'" and "`", since they mean very different things
in Python. Even if you did choose a different font for your docstring
comments, you'd still like to be able to distinghish "'x'" and "`x`"
when you read a doctest block.. so presumably you'd pick a font in
which you can..?
> > 4. You should keep in mind that any of these characters will be used
> > in the docstring for *something* (well, actually, I was surprised
> > to see a backspace in a docstring..).
> Where?
In the sre module docstring, if I remember correctly.
> I still like C<code> and *multi word emph* better. :-)
I was thinking of these as mutually exclusive. If we're going to use
C<code> or C{code} or whatever, we might as well use E<emph>. No
need to go removing even more characters from docstring writers'
(Incidentally, multiword emph can be somewhat dangerous.. Especially
if you let people have docstrings like "*hi" and "bye*", where the
'*'s get parsed as normal asterisks.. People will get confused.. The
problem is made worse if *multi word emphs* can span lines.. But then,
if they can't, then word-rewrapping won't work as expected. etc...)