[Doc-SIG] lightweight markup: bullets
Edward D. Loper
Wed, 11 Apr 2001 13:06:41 EDT
So I'm still playing around with developing a lightweight markup
language for docstrings, and wanted to bounce an idea off the
Traditionally, there has been some difficulty in deciding how
to do lightweight lists. The simplest idea is to do something
- this is a list item
- this is another list item
- This is a multiline
list item.
Where list items are lines that start with a bullet character.
But then there's an issue of whether that makes it safe to include
dashes (surrounded by spaces) in paragraphs.. because they could get
word-wrapped such that the dash appears at the beginning of the line,
which would then make it into a list item. So a paragraph containing
the sentence::
This is a paragraph - it contains a dash.
Might get word-wrapped at some point to::
This is a paragraph
- it contains a dash.
The problem also applies to ordered lists: the paragraph::
Some people like the number 1. Some don't.
Might get word-wrapped to::
Some people like the number
1. Some don't.
There are some ways to get around this *most* of the time with
indentation (by requiring that lists be indented), but they don't work
all of the time. For example, with a paragraph like::
return: Some real number that's greater than
1. The number should also be less than
2. ...
it doesn't help, because there's no way to tell whether that's a list
item or part of the first paragraph..
My Question
So the approach that I wanted to get peoples' opinion on is using
bullets that look like::
<-> This is an unordered list item.
<1> This is an ordered list item.
<foo> This is a description list item.
Here, I'm assuming that we're already using C<...> etc. to delimit
colored regions, so <...> without a letter before it should never
appear in a paragraph. (Alternatively, replace '<' with '{' and '>'
with '}'. I've been going back and forth on which one I like better.)
The advantages of this approach are:
- it's consistant between list types
- it's very easy to detect (for coloring, etc.)
- it's safe with respect to word-wrapping paragraphs
- it easily allows for a wide variety of bullets (e.g.,
for description list items)
The main disadvantage that I see is:
- It's uglier than just using '-' or '1.'.
Is it too ugly? Do you see any other problems with it? Do you have
any better ideas?