[Doc-SIG] Suggestions for reST "modes"
Garth T Kidd
Thu, 9 Aug 2001 09:10:08 +1000
> > > will be needed. I suspect that a means of marking
> > > Chapter, Appendix, etc., explicitly may be needed [...]
> >
> > ``.. section::``, anyone?
> I suspect facetiousness (!) but it may come to that.
I'm not being facetious_. "Section" is the generic term most Microsoft
Word users would use to describe a chapter or appendix. An application
handling a "section" directive doesn't need to worry about having an
insufficiently large list of words used in headings to describe a new
section. Chapter and Appendix are obvious. `Fit the First` isn't.
.. facetious: well, not there, anyway. :)
.. _Fit the First: `The Hunting of the Snark: an Agony in Eight Fits`_,
by Lewis Carroll.
.. _`The Hunting of the Snark: an Agony in Eight Fits`:
> Section 3: Fred
> ===============
What if we want to discuss Proposition 23? ::
Proposition 23: Discussion
Oops. :)