[Doc-SIG] David's Idea for Lazy Indentation
David Goodger
Sat, 11 Aug 2001 19:23:16 -0400
[I've added this to the restructuredtext/spec/rst-notes.txt file, in the "Or
Not To Do?" section. Thoughts?]
Consider a paragraph in a word processor. It is a single logical line
of text which ends with a newline, soft-wrapped arbitrarily at the
right edge of the page or screen. We can think of a plaintext
paragraph in the same way, as a single logical line of text, ending
with two newlines (a blank line) instead of one, and which may contain
arbitrary line breaks (newlines) where it was accidentally
hard-wrapped by an application. We can compensate for the accidental
hard-wrapping by "unwrapping" every unindented second and subsequent
line. The indentation of the first line of a paragraph or list item
would determine the indentation for the entire element. Blank lines
would be required between list items when using lazy indentation.
The following example shows the lazy indentation of multiple body
- This is the first paragraph
of the first list item.
Here is the second paragraph
of the first list item.
- This is the first paragraph
of the second list item.
Here is the second paragraph
of the second list item.
A more complex example shows the limitations of lazy indentation::
- This is the first paragraph
of the first list item.
Next is a definition list item:
Definition. The indentation of the term is
required, as is the indentation of the definition's
first line.
When the definition extends to more than
one line, lazy indentation may occur. (This is the second
paragraph of the definition.)
- This is the first paragraph
of the second list item.
- Here is the first paragraph of
the first item of a nested list.
So this paragraph would be outside of the nested list,
but inside the second list item of the outer list.
But this paragraph is not part of the list at all.
And the ambiguity remains::
- Look at the hyphen at the beginning of the next line
- is it a second list item marker, or a dash in the text?
Similarly, we may want to refer to numbers inside enumerated
1. How many socks in a pair? There are
2. How many pants in a pair? Exactly
1. Go figure.
Literal blocks and block quotes would still require consistent
indentation for all their lines. For block quotes, we might be able to
get away with only requiring that the first line of each contained
element be indented. For example::
Here's a paragraph.
This is a paragraph inside a block quote.
Second and subsequent lines need not be indented at all.
- A bullet list inside
the block quote.
Second paragraph of the
bullet list inside the block quote.
Although feasible, this form of lazy indentation has problems. The
document structure and hierarchy is not obvious from the indentation,
making the source plaintext difficult to read. This will also make
keeping track of the indentation while writing difficult and
error-prone. However, these problems may be acceptable for Wikis and
email mode, where we may be able to rely on less complex structure
(few nested lists, for example).
David Goodger dgoodger@bigfoot.com Open-source projects:
- Python Docstring Processing System: http://docstring.sourceforge.net
- reStructuredText: http://structuredtext.sourceforge.net
- The Go Tools Project: http://gotools.sourceforge.net