[Doc-SIG] Proposal for indented sections in reStructuredText
Peter Funk
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 08:10:17 +0200 (MEST)
David Goodger:
> In light of Guido's arguments (backed by his Dictatorship ;-) and Ken's
> clarification -- thank you both -- I'm prepared to back out the changes
> allowing indented sections. Before I do that, however, I'd like to hear from
> anyone with something to add, especially if a well-reasoned argument is
> forthcoming.
Well, in doc strings we don't need a deep nested structure like for example
H1, H2 ... H6 in HTML or chapter, section, subsection ... in LaTeX.
If restructured text limits itself to at most two levels, using '=' as
a underline character for top level headings und '-' as a underline
character for nested section headings is okay.
But IMO the different over- und underlining styles and the automatic
recognition of styles described in your proposal is way too much freedom
for writers. This seems unpythonic to me. At least for Python doc-strings
the title style to be used should be restricted.
Regards, Peter
Peter Funk, Oldenburger Str.86, D-27777 Ganderkesee, Germany, Fax:+49 4222950260
office: +49 421 20419-0 (ArtCom GmbH, Grazer Str.8, D-28359 Bremen, Germany)