[Doc-SIG] suggestions for a PEP
Edward Welbourne
Edward Welbourne <eddy@chaos.org.uk>
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 22:58:57 +0000 (GMT)
Tony then Edward said:
>> dosctrings inherit like any other value, surely?
> Um.. yes, but that's not always what you want. Basically, if I define::
> class A:
> def f(x):
> "this if f(x)"
> return 1
> class B(A):
> def f(x):
> return 2
> Then I might want B.f to inherit its docs from A.f.
Albeit (at least at 1.5.2, as Tony has pointed out) I can set B.f to A.f
by assignment, I agree with Edward, sort of, that this is what `should'
happen. But ...
This sounds more like *acquisition* than inheritance, so I really want
to drag Jim Fulton into its discussion. Sadly I haven't had time to
play with Zope and pursue acquisition algebra yet. (Bloody capitalism -
keeps me too busy to have fun ;^)
Hi Jim, Doc-Sig calling ...
If at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way you were told.