[Doc-SIG] Zope product: RSTDocument 0.1
Alan Jaffray
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 13:33:00 -0500 (EST)
Not sure how many Zopistas are on the list...
Let me emphasize that this is not a general release. I want to get
feedback from people on this list before going further.
reStructuredText Document
The RSTDocument_ product provides a document class for reStructuredText_
documents. It is in *very* preliminary form. It depends on Xalan_,
it can't be customized from ZMI, there's no help, no error handling, etc.
There's also the minor issue that rST itself hasn't yet been finalized.
But hey, it's better than nothing. You can create an RSTDocument_,
then call it (or the index_html or html methods) to get HTML output,
or call the xml or rst or text methods to get output in those formats.
It works. Or at least it works for me.
Known Issues
It sucks.
To Do
The code has been blatantly ripped off from philiKON_'s STXDocument_
class, and modified using the latest sophisticated find-and-replace
coding techniques. STXDocument_ is in turn derived largely from the
built-in DTMLDocument class.
The author of this mess is `Alan Jaffray`_. Send comments, patches,
or other feedback to him; any suggestions are welcome, since I'm a
Zope newbie and need all the help I can get. Alternately, disregard
this code entirely, take a couple of hours and write something better.
.. _RSTDocument: http://pobox.com/~jaffray/rst/RSTDocument.tgz
.. _reStructuredText: http://structuredtext.sourceforge.net
.. _Xalan: http://xml.apache.org/xalan-c/
.. _philiKON: http://www.philikon.de
.. _STXDocument: http://www.zope.org/Members/philikon/STXDocument
.. _Alan Jaffray: http://pobox.com/~jaffray/