[Doc-SIG] Zope product: RSTDocument 0.1
Alan Jaffray
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 13:56:17 -0500 (EST)
Oh, you'll need to install Xalan (no relation) and change XALAN_PATH
in RSTDocument/RSTDocument.py for this to work.
On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Alan Jaffray wrote:
> Not sure how many Zopistas are on the list...
> Let me emphasize that this is not a general release. I want to get
> feedback from people on this list before going further.
> reStructuredText Document
> =========================
> The RSTDocument_ product provides a document class for reStructuredText_
> documents. It is in *very* preliminary form. It depends on Xalan_,
> it can't be customized from ZMI, there's no help, no error handling, etc.
> There's also the minor issue that rST itself hasn't yet been finalized.
> But hey, it's better than nothing. You can create an RSTDocument_,
> then call it (or the index_html or html methods) to get HTML output,
> or call the xml or rst or text methods to get output in those formats.
> It works. Or at least it works for me.
> Known Issues
> ------------
> It sucks.
> To Do
> -----
> Everything.
> Credits
> -------
> The code has been blatantly ripped off from philiKON_'s STXDocument_
> class, and modified using the latest sophisticated find-and-replace
> coding techniques. STXDocument_ is in turn derived largely from the
> built-in DTMLDocument class.
> Blame
> -----
> The author of this mess is `Alan Jaffray`_. Send comments, patches,
> or other feedback to him; any suggestions are welcome, since I'm a
> Zope newbie and need all the help I can get. Alternately, disregard
> this code entirely, take a couple of hours and write something better.
> .. _RSTDocument: http://pobox.com/~jaffray/rst/RSTDocument.tgz
> .. _reStructuredText: http://structuredtext.sourceforge.net
> .. _Xalan: http://xml.apache.org/xalan-c/
> .. _philiKON: http://www.philikon.de
> .. _STXDocument: http://www.zope.org/Members/philikon/STXDocument
> .. _Alan Jaffray: http://pobox.com/~jaffray/
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