From Wed Sep 5 04:29:48 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 23:29:48 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] reStructuredText tables are done Message-ID: At long last, the reStructuredText parser understands tables. Once I figured out how to get it to "see" the individual cells, it was pretty straightforward. (Basically, we have a queue of upper-left corners, starting with (0,0). We trace out one rectangular cell, remember it, and add its upper-right and lower-left corners to the queue of potential upper-left corners of further cells. Process the queue in top-to-bottom order, keeping track of how much of each text column has been seen. Elementary. ;-) CVS has the files, and tonight's snapshots will have them too: - reStructuredText code & spec: - DPS code & spec (required for the above): In other recent developments, Garth Kidd's test refactoring has been checked in. No more 6000-line test file. (Instead, scads of smaller test modules.) Except for a few details (such as an API for directives), all parser constructs are complete. It's ready for serious testing; please pound on it mercilessly. I received a bug report (along with support files & patch suggestions; great stuff!) from Remi Bertholet, which I'll check out shortly. Thanks Remi! Still lots of work to do, documenting the parser, cleaning parts of it up, working out the DPS APIs, figuring out what Tony's been up to, updating the DPS PEPs, etc. etc. Any and all contributions gratefully accepted! -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 5 10:00:25 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 10:00:25 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] reStructuredText tables are done In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <005e01c135e9$33cd01d0$> David Goodger wrote (wrt tables): > Elementary. ;-) Yes, like I believe you. Congrats - that's a seriously neat bit of work to have done. > Except for a few details (such as an API for directives), all parser > constructs are complete. Yeah! > figuring out what Tony's been up to, Nothing *too* complex, luckily (certainly not compared to parsing tables). Another task to add to the list (albeit at a low level) is updating the DTDs (but I'd appreciate waiting until I've done more of my work first, as that's a significant contribution to the Python specific DTD), and considering XMLSchema / TREX (or maybe RELAX NG) representations as well. Tibs (garish web pages `R` us) -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "Bounce with the bunny. Strut with the duck. Spin with the chickens now - CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK!" BARNYARD DANCE! by Sandra Boynton My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Thu Sep 6 20:34:38 2001 From: (Fred L. Drake) Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 15:34:38 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] Message-ID: <> The development version of the documentation has been updated: Documentation for 2.2 alpha 3. From Sat Sep 8 02:52:12 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 21:52:12 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Scoping for implicit link targets? (was Re: Query) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I repeat the original message in its entirety for the benefit of the Doc-SI= G members. How about joining us, R=E9mi? Bertholet R=E9mi wrote: > Hello, >=20 > I have a question. >=20 > If I write the follow text : >=20 > Title 1 > =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D >=20 > Introduction > ------------ >=20 > Title 2 > =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D >=20 > Introduction > ------------ >=20 > In this case I have an error "Duplicate implicit link name: "introduction= " " Actually, it's just a level-0 ("Information") system warning, which is not intended to be reported, except under some kind of "strict" mode. Level-0 warnings are intended to be removed from the final output. Unless you explicitly ask to see them, they won't bother you. > The title "introduction" appear twice but under title. Why the link name = is > not composed with all level of sections names. Example "title1_introducti= on" > and "title2_introduction", in this case the name will not be duplicated ?= . >=20 > Small proposal: > By default, the links names definitions are only composed by the title na= me > (or under title name) (compatibility with existing text), in this case yo= ur > tools search the right link name. If the tools detect an ambiguity for a > link, only in this case, the user must add the root title in his link. When the idea of "implicit link targets" came up, I considered some kind of scoping scheme like this, but decided it was too complex and error-prone. Most of the time, a title's implicit link will not be referenced, especiall= y not for repeating titles like this. When an implicit link name duplicates another link name (implicit or explicit), all duplicate implicit link names are disabled. If you *do* reference a disabled link name (example: ``See th= e Introduction_``), there will be no target, and this will generate a stronge= r (probably level-2 or "error") warning, which *will* show up in the output o= r in the processing. The level-2 warning will be generated by a later stage o= f the DPS processing, after the parser is finished its work. If you need a hyperlink reference in such a case, you must declare the link target explicitly, with something like ``.. Title 2 Introduction:`` before the title you want to reference, and ``See the `Title 2 Introduction`_`` fo= r the reference. I think requiring explicit targets is a small price to pay, compared to the complexity of the alternative. > Best regard >=20 > R=E9mi BERTHOLET ;-) Je vous remercie encore pour votre contribution. (Although I am a native of Montreal, my French is very rusty so that's all I'm going to attempt! ;-) --=20 David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Sat Sep 8 03:49:44 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 22:49:44 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS DTDs In-Reply-To: <001601c131fe$80f7eb30$> Message-ID: Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote in "RE: [Doc-SIG] DPS and DOM trees": > OK. Eventually we need to have direct documentation in there on how it > all hangs together - the DTD is not enough True. It needs semantic/usage documentation. I tried to be quite verbose and explicit with tag names (, , etc.), but that's not enough. Ask ten SGML/XML experts what a "paragraph" is and you'll probably get at least 3.14159265 different answers. > (indeed, is it still meant to be correct?). Yes, I do try to keep the DTDs up-to-date with the internal data structure. Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote in "RE: [Doc-SIG] reStructuredText tables are done": > Another task to add to the list (albeit at a low level) is updating the > DTDs How do you mean? > (but I'd appreciate waiting until I've done more of my work first, > as that's a significant contribution to the Python specific DTD) Could you explain the contribution to the DTD? (I haven't read your pydps modules yet, so maybe I'd best be quiet.) -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Mon Sep 10 10:35:29 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 10:35:29 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS DTDs In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <00a501c139db$edbe7e70$> David Goodger wrote (in reply to me): > > (but I'd appreciate waiting until I've done more of my work first, > > as that's a significant contribution to the Python specific DTD) > > Could you explain the contribution to the DTD? (I haven't > read your pydps modules yet, so maybe I'd best be quiet.) Heh, asking questions is a Good Thing! OK - pydps has three phases (broadly speaking): 1. Acquire a parse tree from a package/module and shove it into Jeremy's `compiler` tree structure. 2. Take the information from that tree and create a DPS nodes tree therefrom. 3. Take the information from *that* tree and produce HTML from it (currently in a rather naff manner for speed and to prove the principle). Obviously the structure of tree 1 is fixed (by the `compiler` module). The structure of tree 2 is fixed *for the docstrings*, so that bit is easy. The structure for the "Python" parts of the tree is not fixed - that is, you wrote a DTD for it, but I'm afraid I've strayed from it rather (erm, yes, well), and am building a new ad-hoc structure instead, that seems to fit three broad criteria (isn't "3" such a good number!): i. It vaguely builds outward from the DPS node tree structure. ii. Its XML representation seems to me to be vaguely reasonable (to the extent that I understand such things) - this isn't a *requirement* of the DPS system, but has obviously informed your design of the DPS node tree as well). iii. It's not too hard to generate HTML (and, of course, in the back of my mind, LaTeX, reST, and any other odd formats one might want). (i) is the vaguest of these, and you'll (eventually) have to be the ultimate judge on that. (ii) is based to some extent on my experiences in the GML world, and mainly comes down to [a] not being scared to have nested elements and [b] trying to decide when an attribute is sensible instead of an element. (iii) is mostly to do with when things are a list element containing "atomic" elements. They all sort of play in the same direction. What this means is that the schema is *not* written down anywhere except implicitly in the code (and in my head), and at some point I need to write the appropriate XML schema and generate a DTD from it. As a simple example, here is something that shows what I was working on last night. Given the Python:: a = 'b' class Fred: """A *silly* demonstration.""" def __init__(self, b=1, c='jim', d=None, f={'a':1,a:1}, g=[x for x in [1,2,3] if x > 2]): self.list = g we can produce the XML tree (using the normal methods of doing such from a DPS nodes tree):: A silly demonstration. self b=1 c='jim' d=None f={'a':1,a:1} g=[x for x in [1,2,3] if x > 2] Typically verbose (this *is* XML), but I think it makes sense. As you might guess, this weekend has been spent working on representation of the RHS of assignments (I made the mistake of trying to represent ``restructuredtext/``, which has a Getattr node in one of the argument lists). That work isn't finished yet (it copes with list comprehensions, but not with, for instance, multiplication!), but it's actually a good way of getting a better understanding of how the compiler module works. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) You said "run as root" and "securely" in the same sentence relating to CGI. You're funny! -- Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams, on the Python list My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Mon Sep 10 10:53:01 2001 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 10:53:01 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output Message-ID: <> This is probably documented somewhere, but I couldn't find it, so I wonder if I'm asking the wrong questions... I understand how to write re-structured text documents, or Python docstrings in that format. So far, so good - thanks to those who put so much work into the documentation (and particularly the quick reference card). So I want to use the format. I have two requirements, and I'm not sure how to proceed: 1. Given a text file in RST format, how do I produce nicely formatted output? Ideally, this question should reduce to the form "what command line should I type", but I'm willing to accept that this could be over-ambitions :-) Note that "nicely formatted" to me generally means something like PDF, or something (eg, (La-)TeX), which can be transformed into PDF. HTML is *not* what I have in mind (although if HTML is the only current output format available, I'd be willing to look at the output formatter, to see if I can help write the formatter for something better). 2. Given a Python module with RST docstrings, the same question. Maybe the answer in both cases is "you can't - we haven't got that far yet". Which is fine, but I'd say that getting some form of output formatter is a priority, so that you can start getting feedback from the unwashed masses like me, who are only looking for something they can use... So the question then becomes, how soon is such a thing likely to exist, so I can start helping instead of just posting nuisance E-Mails :-) Paul. From Mon Sep 10 14:37:25 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 14:37:25 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <00aa01c139fd$b9fb0730$> Moore, Paul (erm, Paul Moore) wrote: > This is probably documented somewhere, but I couldn't find > it, so I wonder if I'm asking the wrong questions... No, it's not documented anywhere yet... > 1. Given a text file in RST format, how do I produce nicely formatted > output? ... Note that "nicely formatted" to me > generally means something like PDF, or something (eg, (La-)TeX), > which can be transformed into PDF. HTML is *not* what I have in > mind... Does XML meet your requirements? `restructuredtext/tools/` will emit XML, and there are DTDs around (i.e., somewhere in the source tree) describing it. I'm not up-to-date enough with the TeX world to know if there are XML to TeX translators. Does ReportLabs PDF engine take XML as input? But also see below... > 2. Given a Python module with RST docstrings, the same question. > > Maybe the answer in both cases is "you can't - we haven't got > that far yet". Indeed, that is the case. > Which is fine, but I'd say that getting some form of output > formatter is a priority, so that you can start getting > feedback from the unwashed masses like me, who are only > looking for something they can use... Oh, we know, and we also want to be able to use the stuff! But time is only linear... At the moment, David is concentrating (I believe) on getting all of the DPS/reST engines working, to do what is in the specs. At the rate he's going, I don't know how much longer that will take him. Garth Kidd has done some work as well, I believe, but again on innards. Outside that effort (and unfortunately not in CVS), I've been working on some code that parses Python files, extracting useful information (using Tools/compiler) and producing an "extended" DPS nodes tree that includes Python source information as well as any docstrings. This is seriously unfinished (although also almost useful) and currently has output alternatives XML ('cos it's totally trivial) and HTML (being worked on). I've chosen HTML because (a) it's a quick fix (LaTeX or PDF would have a longer generate/consider/change cycle), (b) it's early on the list of wishes (*lots* of people can "read" HTML) and (c) it's viewable on all the machines I work on. pydps (for so it is called) can be found at: which is updated every day or so. It doesn't have a decent user interface (that's niggling at me enough it may change relatively soon), and still needs a scad more work just to present all of the information it should, but it's growing rapidly (well, sort of rapidly). In many ways, the HTML output phase is the least important - the derivation of a DPS node tree for Python, and the production of *an* example of an output formatter, is more important (than the specific format). Personally (check with David for a more informed opinion!) I'd say that it would not hurt to have an alternative effort looking at producing LaTeX or PDF output from a DPS document (I'd advise leaving the full-blown Python thing until what I'm working on is a bit more mature). Working from the DPS node tree is quite fun, and we should be able to stand two independent efforts! I have some ideas on the *form* that an output parser should take (I like a Writer class that has a __call__ method that does the work), but that's just *my* idea, and I haven't had feedback from David about what he thinks of this, or how he sees different formatters integrating into DPS in detail (I suspect he hasn't *got* detailed ideas yet). (NB: the *way* that my HTML writer works is *not* something I'd recommend - it is exceedingly dumb) It may be worth your joining the DPS and restructured text development lists (and CVS checking lists) - see (which are linked to off the DPS and reStructuredText home pages). Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Give a pedant an inch and they'll take 25.4mm (once they've established you're talking a post-1959 inch, of course) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 11 05:32:22 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 00:32:22 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <00aa01c139fd$b9fb0730$> Message-ID: Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > I'm not up-to-date enough with the TeX world to know if there are > XML to TeX translators. Does ReportLabs PDF engine take XML as > input? Of course, such a translator would need style sheets in order to understand the DPS XML output. (Forgive me if this is obvious; I think it isn't obvious to many people). XML is not a single data structure, it is a syntax for describing data structures. XML is like the Latin alphabet; necessary to understand written English, French, Spanish, Python, etc., but not sufficient. [Paul Moore] > > Maybe the answer in both cases is "you can't - we haven't got > > that far yet". > > Indeed, that is the case. > > > Which is fine, but I'd say that getting some form of output > > formatter is a priority, so that you can start getting > > feedback from the unwashed masses like me, who are only > > looking for something they can use... > > Oh, we know, and we also want to be able to use the stuff! But time > is only linear... Any and all help is appreciated! > At the moment, David is concentrating (I believe) on getting all of > the DPS/reST engines working, to do what is in the specs. Correct. > At the rate he's going, I don't know how much longer that will take > him. Is that an expression of confidence or of despair? ;-> Seriously, though, the parser code is almost finished (95%). The parser/DPS interface is also almost finished, at least until there's another parser besides reStructuredText (at which time its needs will be accommodated). Tibs is working on Python docstring mode code, from docstring extraction to final output, but I haven't examined it properly yet. It should prove a good source of code and inspiration. > In many ways, the HTML output phase is the least important - the > derivation of a DPS node tree for Python, and the production of *an* > example of an output formatter, is more important (than the specific > format). Indeed, that's the motivation for the entire DPS project. Each component is independent of the others, as much as possible. Once the interface between components is established, the addition of input or output formats, styles, or modes, becomes easy. > Personally (check with David for a more informed opinion!) I'd say > that it would not hurt to have an alternative effort looking at > producing LaTeX or PDF output from a DPS document Definitely. The more the merrier, and the better the end product will be. Each output format has its own requirements from its input, and without multiple implementations we can't generalize. > I have some ideas on the *form* that an output parser should take > ... [but] I haven't had feedback from David about what he thinks of > this, Yes, apologies. The parser itch is close to being completely scratched (code anyway), after which I'll turn my attention to other itches. I'll scratch the parser internal docs itch gradually, especially once the code has proven itself mature. > or how he sees different formatters integrating into DPS in > detail (I suspect he hasn't *got* detailed ideas yet). Your suspicions are once again well founded. We'll take what you've written, and I'll work on another output format myself, and we'll determine the API through what works in practice. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Tue Sep 11 05:32:43 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 00:32:43 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS DTDs In-Reply-To: <00a501c139db$edbe7e70$> Message-ID: Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > Heh, asking questions is a Good Thing! Yes, the answers often turn into good docs. They certainly help us to understand each other. > The structure for the "Python" parts of the tree > is not fixed - that is, you wrote a DTD for it, but I'm afraid I've > strayed from it rather (erm, yes, well), and am building a new > ad-hoc structure instead Looking at your example, I think I see what you've done. You've combined the parse tree with the docstring tree, into one unified structure. Correct? I think this is fine, for internal use, but I don't see the need to add all the 'py_*' elements to the DTD. I was envisioning a parse tree data structure carrying docstring 'leaves', each of which gets parsed into a DPS nodes tree and interpreted according to the namespace context of its part of the parse tree (e.g., interpreted text "`b`" in Fred.__init__'s docstring gets resolved to a 'parameter' node, because that's what 'b' is in Fred.__init__'s namespace). I think that the parse tree data should remain distinct from the docstring data. The parse tree deserves and requires a data structure of its own (and this one doesn't need to be anywhere near XML). The DTD is intended as the document tree, to be built up out of smaller trees grafted together using the knowledge gleaned from the parse tree. The two types of tree represent fundamentally different information. Forcing the parse tree to share a schema with the document tree is hypergeneralization. In dps/spec/ppdi.dtd you'll see the "Additional Structural Elements" provide the major *documentation* structures necessary for describing Python packages, modules, classes, methods, functions, and their attributes. They're not intended to hold the parse tree. I see the parse tree data distilling down to a tree of local namespace dictionaries, mapping names to objects in the parse tree. Combining the namespace dicts correctly results in the overall namespaces of each object in the parse tree. > (I made the mistake of trying to represent > ``restructuredtext/``, which has a Getattr node in one of the > argument lists) I don't follow. Can you point the way? -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Tue Sep 11 09:32:09 2001 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:32:09 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output Message-ID: <> From: David Goodger [] > Any and all help is appreciated! OK, looks like I accidentally volunteered myself :-) > > Personally (check with David for a more informed opinion!) I'd say > > that it would not hurt to have an alternative effort looking at > > producing LaTeX or PDF output from a DPS document > > Definitely. The more the merrier, and the better the end product will > be. Each output format has its own requirements from its input, and > without multiple implementations we can't generalize. OK. As my interest is with the output side of things, I guess I should work on that. So I need to grab the necessary bits of code to take a RST document and generate the intermediate bits, and look at writing an output backend onto that. Sounds fair enough. I grabbed the latest daily snapshot of the RST and DPS projects. Looks like that is enough to start with. Is there anything else I need? I just picked up Tibs' pydps stuff as well. I can't work out (yet) if that's also relevant. > > I have some ideas on the *form* that an output parser should take > > ... [but] I haven't had feedback from David about what he thinks of > > this, > > Yes, apologies. The parser itch is close to being completely scratched > (code anyway), after which I'll turn my attention to other itches. > I'll scratch the parser internal docs itch gradually, especially > once the code has proven itself mature. I'll do some scratching of the output itch, but my biggest itch at the moment is for documentation of the internal phases (parser, intermediate representation, output?) and the data structures used to communicate between them. Unfortunately, this feels like one of those itches in the small of your pack - really annoying, but needs someone else to scratch it for you :-) I'll go code-diving and see what I come up with, though. > > or how he sees different formatters integrating into DPS in > > detail (I suspect he hasn't *got* detailed ideas yet). > > Your suspicions are once again well founded. We'll take what you've > written, and I'll work on another output format myself, and we'll > determine the API through what works in practice. As I say, I'll look at something, too. Probably (La)TeX, as I can get PDF from that. But I'm low on tuits, so it may take a while before I get anything useful... Paul. From Tue Sep 11 09:33:26 2001 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:33:26 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output Message-ID: <> From: Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) [] > It may be worth your joining the DPS and restructured text development > lists (and CVS checking lists) - see > > > > > (which are linked to off the DPS and reStructuredText home pages). Oh, goody - more mailing lists. Are there downloadable archives (mbox format, or the like)? The SourceForge Geocrawler archives are hopeless for browsing to get a feel for what's been going on... Paul. From Tue Sep 11 10:07:33 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:07:33 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <00af01c13aa1$313bc1b0$> David Goodger wrote (partly in response to me): > Of course, such a translator [1]_ would need style sheets in order > to understand the DPS XML output. (Forgive me if this is obvious; I > think it isn't obvious to many people). XML is not a single data > structure, it is a syntax for describing data structures. XML is > like the Latin alphabet; necessary to understand written English, > French, Spanish, Python, etc., but not sufficient. .. [1] [La]TeX, PDF, etc. or, in my field, the UK national geographic transfer format - people often ask if we can read/write "NTF" when they *actually* are asking a much too broad question - they need to specify a format that *uses* NTF. > > At the rate he's going, I don't know how much longer that will take > > him. > > Is that an expression of confidence or of despair? ;-> Oh, amazement and confidence, don't worry! > Seriously, though, the parser code is almost finished (95%). That's what I suspected (well, not the exact percentage value!). > parser/DPS interface is also almost finished, at least until there's > another parser besides reStructuredText (at which time its needs > will be accommodated). Although I'm not sure how much demand there would be for such a thing... > Tibs is working on Python docstring mode > code, from docstring extraction to final output, but I haven't > examined it properly yet. It should prove a good source of code and > inspiration. That was my feeling - it's a prototype, from which the final will come (possibly from more refactoring). > > or how he sees different formatters integrating into DPS in > > detail (I suspect he hasn't *got* detailed ideas yet). > > Your suspicions are once again well founded. We'll take what you've > written, and I'll work on another output format myself, and we'll > determine the API through what works in practice. ooh - which one? reST itself, maybe? Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Give a pedant an inch and they'll take 25.4mm (once they've established you're talking a post-1959 inch, of course) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 11 10:09:24 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:09:24 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <00b001c13aa1$73a84dc0$> > Oh, goody - more mailing lists. Strangely enough, just what I said when David pointed me at them! However the traffic level isn't too great, and the checkin messages *are* worth getting (David's not bad at the summary text, and that normally lets me know if there's something I care about). > Are there downloadable archives (mbox format, or the like)? I'll leave David to answer that... Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "Bounce with the bunny. Strut with the duck. Spin with the chickens now - CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK!" BARNYARD DANCE! by Sandra Boynton My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 11 10:28:18 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:28:18 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <00b101c13aa4$173ee550$> Paul Moore wrote: > OK, looks like I accidentally volunteered myself :-) Welcome aboard (from someone hanging off the side on a raft at the moment!). > I grabbed the latest daily snapshot of the RST and DPS > projects. Looks like that is enough to start with. Probably. ``restructuredtext/tools/`` is an example of an initial "output command". Also, see below. I found studying dps/dps/ (is that right?) fairly instructive - that's the datastructure we're working with. > Is there anything else I need? Well, it's worth keeping up to date with dps and reST sources. If you've got CVS, no problem, but I don't and thus I just grab the snapshots, well, daily. It may or may not be relevant, but I'm working on Windows/NT at work, using Python 2.1, and on Debian at home, using Python 2.2a1 (soon to be a3). I know David is working on a Mac, and I know it's been agreed not to support Python 1.5.2 (so += and list comprehensions are OK, but better not to use generators yet!). As I said before, I'd recomment working on DPS documents until the Python parsing is done - that's useful enough! > I just picked up Tibs' pydps stuff as well. > I can't work out (yet) if that's also relevant. OK. Mostly not. is a fairly grotty user interface (!) - but the "text" argument leads to some code that (like quicktest) parses and presents a DPS text file. It *might* be worth looking at the *structure* (but not the code!) of - I think that the use of a baseclass that implements the formatting of a DPS, and can be subclassed for (e.g.) Python is a Good Thing (I don't particularly care what it's called). I like the meme of using a callable class - there are *so many* variables that one *might* want to change in a formatter, but normally don't, that I think using a class / class instance to hold them is useful. It means that the actual ``__call__`` can be kept fairly simple, and it also makes it easier to "reuse" a particular formatter instance for more than one document. The reason I say that the *code* of might not be relevant is that it is *very* quick and dirty - it doesn't assume direct knowledge of the DPS node tree (at the moment) but just, well, hopes that if ``write_html()`` is called on each node, then something good will happen. Of course, later on some propagation of information round the code will be needed (if only to get the page title established!), but quick and dirty gets me something I can work with now. > I'll do some scratching of the output itch, but my biggest itch at the > moment is for documentation of the internal phases (parser, > intermediate representation, output?) and the data structures used to > communicate between them. As I said, reading is useful. It's sufficiently close to XML/DOM that you can leverage off any knowledge of that to work out what is going on. The *advantage* is that David has some more useful methods in there that are not (necessarily) in DOM. > As I say, I'll look at something, too. Probably (La)TeX, as I > can get PDF from that. But I'm low on tuits, so it may take a > while before I get anything useful... LaTeX is good because it's another popular format, and we'd need to do it eventually. It's the one I would have probably gone for next (well, I prefer TeX to LaTeX for this sort of simple document, but whatever). On the other hand, this could be a really good opportunity to learn how to use the ReportLab ( stuff as well, and produce PDF directly. Mind you, someone will get round to that someday (maybe even ReportLab, I suppose, if DPS takes off). Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "Bounce with the bunny. Strut with the duck. Spin with the chickens now - CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK!" BARNYARD DANCE! by Sandra Boynton My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 11 10:34:52 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:34:52 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS file extensions In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <00b201c13aa5$02161120$> I've noticed that all of the text files in the DPS and reST distributions (that is, in the ``spec`` directories) have extension ``.txt``, regardless of whether they are PEPs, DPS/reST text, or (if there are any!) plain ordinary text. Whilst this is, of course, correct in a minimalist sense, it isn't very helpful - running current quicktest/pydps over a PEP doesn't work very well (well, I assume not), nor is a random text file likely to be usefully processed (hmm - luck may hold here). Could I suggest that we coin a standard extension for DPS/reST files? (I'm willing to cope with a file that is called ``pep-XXX.txt`` as being recognisably a PEP!). I *had* thought, initially, of ``.dps``, but of course we *actually* want to specify the particular format, not the organisational scheme, so I would thus prefer ``.rest`` (I think going for pseudo-arbitrary capitalisation in an extension might not be a good thing!). Thus (in ``dps/spec``, for instance), we'd have:: gpdi.dtd pep-0256.txt (and so on - and maybe one dat ... (we already know that I prefer ``.rest`` to ``.rst``...) Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "Bounce with the bunny. Strut with the duck. Spin with the chickens now - CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK!" BARNYARD DANCE! by Sandra Boynton My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 11 10:59:50 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:59:50 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS DTDs In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <00b301c13aa8$7ef5cfc0$> David Goodger wrote: > Looking at your example, I think I see what you've done. > You've combined the parse tree with the docstring tree, > into one unified structure. Correct? Yep. Or maybe no (I said 'yep' originally, but by the bottom of my reply I'm not sure). > I think this is fine, for internal use, but I don't see the > need to add all the 'py_*' elements to the DTD. <> I'll try to explain my point of view, since I'm not sure I see yours(!). I see that we are producing a "document" (in some sense - normally actually a *real* document, suitable for printing, or if one must, viewing with a browser). Thus for a Python package or module, that document should provide the information about that module. Some of the components of that information (tree) are indeed docstrings, and some of those docstrings will be DPS/reST structured. To me it doesn't make sense to have an artificial boundary at any level - so a docstring that is not parsed would be text (is that the right tag?), and one that is parsed will be full of DPS nodes, and both will occur within a . Yes, we *could* say there is a special watermark between the Python-esque stuff and the docstring innards, but I don't see the point. Now, in ``dps/specs`` you have ``ppdi.dtd``, which certainly *looks* to me as if it is doing the same job as I am doing with my tags - that is, extending the DPS nodes tree "outwards" from the docstring into the Python code. Of course, given my predilections, I may be misinterpreting your original intent. My point was simply that I am not, particularly, following that DTD - but I obviouslY (trivially, since I can output XML!) am following *some* (virtual) DTD. And it would be nice to write that down (be it as DTD or XML Schema or whatever) at some point. > I was envisioning a parse tree data structure carrying docstring > 'leaves', each of which gets parsed into a DPS nodes tree I think that's what I've been doing... > and interpreted according to the namespace context > of its part of the parse tree ...and that's obviously on my ToDo list! (i.e., putting in all those nice links we want to have throughout the document. Note that the fact that the DPS/reST (gosh, I feel like someone insisting on saying GNU/Linux!) will *contain* references out to the Python is another reason I feel that this is all one continuous datastructure - I don't want to distinguish (in my mind) between links intra-docstring and links between the docstring elements and the Python code. > The parse tree deserves and requires a data structure of its own which it has, in that produced by Jeremy's compiler tool, but in fact it's quite advantageous to turn that into a DPS node tree fragment as well. (hmm - and I just realised *why* - if the two components (inner and outer, for want of better term) are *discontinuous* in structure, then it makes it harder to write a Formatter/Writer - it would need to know about the Python bits and the docstring bits independently - it's *much* easier (conceptually and implementationally (?yuck)) to have a baseclass that understands DPS and a subclass that *adds in* how to understand the "surrounding" Python. > The DTD is intended as the document tree, to be built up out > of smaller trees grafted together using the knowledge gleaned > from the parse tree. That's the DPS DTD. But there's no reason that the Python DTD shouldn't reference the DPS DTD - indeed, that's how things are *meant* to work (at least in the XML Schema world - and that's why I wittered for a bit about namespaces earlier as well). Remember, of course, we are *not* producing XML except when we ask the DPS node tree to do so! > The two types of tree represent fundamentally different > information. I see we disagree - it's all document (erm - serialisation of information). > Forcing the parse tree to share a schema with the document > tree is hypergeneralization. I really think we might be talking past each other, because what I'm doing is so simple and obvious that I find it hard to call it hypergeneralisation - I'm not losing anything, and I'm gaining quite a lot. I'm using the compiler parse tree to hold the parse tree, and generating documenation (as part of a DPS node tree) from it. That's obvious to me. Are we just confusing each other with words? > In dps/spec/ppdi.dtd you'll see the "Additional Structural > Elements" provide the major *documentation* structures necessary > for describing Python packages, modules, classes, methods, functions, > and their attributes. They're not intended to hold the parse tree. They are clearly a start on holding the information one needs to report on in a document. They didn't do enough for me, which is why I'm not using them. However, do note that, at the moment, I am performing a simple serial "dump" of information (well, it's a tree walk, of course, but you know what I mean) to produce the HTML (that's why I call it quick-and-dirty), so I don't see that I'm putting any extraneous information into the DPS nodes tree. As to dictionaries and namespaces - that's for the future - at the moment I'm still trying to represent the fundamentals of the Python information that we want to output in a helpful document (such as function signatures). (ooh, ooh, another argument - if we get Grouch integrated at some future stage, then it is *quite* likely that tools *will* want to use the "innards" of a docstring and the "outers" of a function definition in a coherent manner) > > (I made the mistake of trying to represent > > ``restructuredtext/``, which has a Getattr node in > > one of the argument lists) > > I don't follow. Can you point the way? Oh - sorry, implementation wittering. If one has a function/method defines as:: def fun( a = x.y.z): ... then one needs to know how to represent the right hand side of the assignment, to be able to describe the function signature. And you had some, erm, interesting function definitions. Tibs (who must stop hacking on this message and do some paid work) -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks." - Dorothy L. Sayers, "Gaudy Night" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 11 11:07:55 2001 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:07:55 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output Message-ID: <> From: Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) [] > On the other hand, this could be a really good opportunity to > learn how to use the ReportLab ( stuff > as well, and produce PDF directly. Mind you, someone will get > round to that someday (maybe even ReportLab, I suppose, if DPS > takes off). I thought about that, but I wasn't sure if the extra dependency was the sort of thing which might go against it. I suppose that for an output formatter, extra dependencies aren't so bad (if you don't have the ReportLab stuff, you can't produce PDF directly, so use HTML, or go via TeX, or whatever...) Paul. From Tue Sep 11 11:24:17 2001 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:24:17 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output Message-ID: <> From: David Goodger [] > Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > > I'm not up-to-date enough with the TeX world to know if there are > > XML to TeX translators. Does ReportLabs PDF engine take XML as > > input? > > Of course, such a translator would need style sheets in order to > understand the DPS XML output. (Forgive me if this is obvious; I > think it isn't obvious to many people). XML is not a single data > structure, it is a syntax for describing data structures. XML is > like the Latin alphabet; necessary to understand written English, > French, Spanish, Python, etc., but not sufficient. Um. It wasn't obvious to me. And it still isn't. What are we talking about here? I know very little about XML, and I didn't see XML as of particular relevance for writing an output formatter. I'm expecting to just be tree-walking a data structure (which may be a DOM, but who cares?). Style sheets, namespaces and the like don't fit into my picture at all. Have I missed something fundamental? (*Must* get round to reading the code!) Paul. From Tue Sep 11 11:47:39 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:47:39 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <00b601c13aaf$2d6e5da0$> With respect to XML style sheets and other gumph, Paul Moore wrote: > Um. It wasn't obvious to me. And it still isn't. What are we > talking about here? I know very little about XML, and I didn't > see XML as of particular relevance for writing an output formatter. Ah, there's history in here. At one stage, I envisaged that a DOM tree (and thus, XML) would be used as the "glue" between different phases of things - so the parser would emit a DOM tree, and the formatter would eat it. Guido (and others) pointed out that DOM trees can be a bit awkward to use, and that Python has a perfectly good object model, so why transform the "internal" tree (for you *would* have to be mad to be constructing the internal tree in DOM - I know, I tried it) into something else rather than using it directly. So that's the route being taken (whether David was ever listening to what I was saying, and would have gone the XML/DOM route, I don't know. He's quite sensible, you know...) *However*, the DPS nodes tree (for such I am talking about) is clearly heavily influenced by XML/DOM - this gives the significant advantage that it is trivial to transform it *into* a DOM tree, and thence into XML (which is itself a useful output format, so we're actually up one format already). And in an XML world, DTDs or other schema describing pedagogies are a useful thing to have around - it's another angle on the documentation of things. (indeed, having that similarity also gives one good leverage in *understanding* what the DPS nodes tree is about - simple things like the use of tagnames, children, attributes, etc. - terminology, I guess - what it *misleads* me about I haven't yet found!) Furthermore, I still think that output of DOM/XML will be useful *some* of the time - for instance the PyPaSax people may be able to make direct use of at least the DPS stuff (they have their own equivalent of my compiler->Python stuff, using the basic AST and SAX - scary stuff!). > I'm expecting to just be tree-walking a data structure Exactly. > (which may be a DOM, but who cares?). Well, if it were DOM your life would be more complex, but that's about it. > Style sheets, namespaces and the like don't fit into my > picture at all. > > Have I missed something fundamental? No, but I have a tendency to borrow (often inaccurately, I'm afraid) terminology - and if I were writing an XML schema for our stuff, I would want to use namespaces to localise stuff, 'cos that's what they're for. But it's not something to worry about. (personally, I *like* XML, but not entirely for its ... stuff - more for the way it and the related standards give interesting ways of thinking about a document - both as a tree structure and as a linear structure, both at the same time. That's why I liked SGML as well, but I've never *used* SGML, and XML is much simpler, and more accessible (hmm - can I really claim to have *used* XML?). After all, XML per-se is just one serialisation of the infoset [1]_) .. [1] yes, please picture a tongue-in-cheek there. Pretty please. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "Bounce with the bunny. Strut with the duck. Spin with the chickens now - CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK!" BARNYARD DANCE! by Sandra Boynton My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Wed Sep 12 03:13:42 2001 From: (Fred L. Drake) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 22:13:42 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] Message-ID: <> The development version of the documentation has been updated: Miscellaneous updates, plus documentation for the new "hmac" module (located in the crypto chapter of the Library Reference). From Wed Sep 12 03:59:27 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 22:59:27 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Moore, Paul wrote: > OK, looks like I accidentally volunteered myself :-) Glad to have you. > I'll do some scratching of the output itch, but my biggest itch at > the moment is for documentation of the internal phases (parser, > intermediate representation, output?) and the data structures used > to communicate between them. Understood. My documentation itch is getting stronger. Are itches contagious? "The itches of the many out-itch the itches of the few -- or the one." > Unfortunately, this feels like one of those itches in the small of > your back - really annoying, but needs someone else to scratch it > for you Good analogy :-) -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 12 03:59:30 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 22:59:30 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Moore, Paul wrote: > Oh, goody - more mailing lists. Are there downloadable archives > (mbox format, or the like)? The SourceForge Geocrawler archives are > hopeless for browsing to get a feel for what's been going on... I don't know of any decent archives. How about petitioning SourceForge *and* Geocrawler to add them? I will too. I'm sure they've been asked before, but if everybody pesters them, maybe we'll see results. I'd be happy to keep archives on the project web sites, if anybody is willing to create & maintain them. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 12 03:59:31 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 22:59:31 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <00af01c13aa1$313bc1b0$> Message-ID: Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: [David] > > Your suspicions are once again well founded. We'll take what > > you've written, and I'll work on another output format myself, and > > we'll determine the API through what works in practice. [Tony] > ooh - which one? reST itself, maybe? That's a good question. My answer would have to be a definite "I dunno." -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 12 03:59:31 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 22:59:31 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: DPS file extensions In-Reply-To: <00b201c13aa5$02161120$> Message-ID: Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > I've noticed that all of the text files in the DPS and reST > distributions (that is, in the ``spec`` directories) have extension > ``.txt``, regardless of whether they are PEPs, DPS/reST text, or (if > there are any!) plain ordinary text. ... > Could I suggest that we coin a standard extension for DPS/reST files? ... > (we already know that I prefer ``.rest`` to ``.rst``...) I suppose that's possible, but I'd rather not. The reason I gave the files .txt extensions in the first place was for cross-platform compatibility. I don't need extensions on my home machine at all. The Mac treats metadata sensibly; metadata embedded in the filename is a crude hack that MacOS avoids (or avoided; reportedly, MacOS X seems to have caved in to peer pressure). But I work on different platforms and I'd much rather I (and you!) get a nice text file icon than a blank one. We'd all have to teach our systems that '.rest' means '.txt'. Most people won't, and I don't want to add Windows registry fiddling to the distutils scripts. reStructuredText is a *form* of plaintext, so the .txt extension is appropriate. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 12 03:59:31 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 22:59:31 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <00b601c13aaf$2d6e5da0$> Message-ID: Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > Guido (and others) pointed out that DOM trees can be a bit awkward > to use, and that Python has a perfectly good object model, so why > transform the "internal" tree (for you *would* have to be mad to be > constructing the internal tree in DOM - I know, I tried it) into > something else rather than using it directly. > > So that's the route being taken (whether David was ever listening to > what I was saying, and would have gone the XML/DOM route, I don't > know. Yes, I was listening to both sides os the discussion. Not having used DOM before, but seeing that it seemed to fit the bill, I started off using it. Gave up after about 5 minutes though. It's fine for data coming in from outside, but not for building document trees programmatically. > He's quite sensible, you know...) Why, thank you! > (indeed, having that similarity also gives one good leverage in > *understanding* what the DPS nodes tree is about - simple things > like the use of tagnames, children, attributes, etc. - terminology, > I guess - what it *misleads* me about I haven't yet found!) My background includes 2.5 years of intense SGML work, analyzing documents, writing DTDs, implementing processing systems, etc. So the terminology comes naturally to me too. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 12 03:59:31 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 22:59:31 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: [Paul, referring to my explanation that XML isn't just one format] > Um. It wasn't obvious to me. And it still isn't. What are we talking > about here? Tony was talking about XML to TeX translators, and ReportLabs PDF engine taking XML input. I thought people might get the impression that there is such a thing as a simple "XML to TeX translator", when there isn't (not without specific support files, anyway). XML itself provides only the basic building blocks; each application defines its own set of tags, their grammar and their meaning. When somebody says "XML" it's not sufficient. They have to specify their schema or tagset and its grammar, and the semantics too. The grammar part is done via a DTD (Document Type Definition), which defines the tags being used and how they relate. The DPS DTD is provided in the spec directory, in gpdi.dtd, ppdi.dtd, and soextblx.dtd. We might have a "DPS XML to TeX translator" someday, or it may be a direct TeX output formatter component for the DPS. > I know very little about XML, and I didn't see XML as of particular > relevance for writing an output formatter. It's not necessarily relevant, you're correct. > I'm expecting to just be tree-walking a data structure (which may be > a DOM, but who cares?). Correct. And when required (or patches submitted), the dps/ classes will grow appropriate methods to make this easier. > Style sheets, namespaces and the like don't fit into my picture at > all. Style sheets (XSLT files) are one means of doing translations from XML. I'm not familiar with XSLT, but the Python standard library has no XSLT engine yet, so they're not really an option (yet). > (*Must* get round to reading the code!) (*Must* get round to writing more docs!) -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 12 04:31:07 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 23:31:07 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: "docutils" In-Reply-To: <00b401c13aaa$08e7b9e0$> Message-ID: [David, in private correspondence] >> By the way, would you mind if the DPS (or some superset >> thereof) were to use the name "docutils"? [Tony, replying] > By all means. Great. > I don't actually think I came up with the name, anyway Checking the complete Doc-SIG archive... The earliest reference to "docutils" was by Fred Drake on 2 Dec 1999. The next was indeed the one you referenced, 27 Nov 2000, from Fred in reply to your "What do we want to *call* this thing?". It was just after I posted the first draft of reStructuredText. The earliest reference to "docutil" is in a filename from the gendoc package, on 23 Jan 1997. >> I think it's a much more memorable name than "DPS", a mere >> acronym, and it matches "distutils" nicely. Perhaps >> "docutils" would be an umbrella package, subsuming the DPS >> as a backend engine, and exposing a user-friendly collection >> of tools. > > I think that's a good idea. Perhaps it's time for a new SourceForge project? (Only half-joking here.) > But it does mean I now don't know what to call "pydps" (since "pydoc" > is already taken). How about "dps.modes.pythondocstring" or just "dps.modes.docstring" (do you think anyone will ever implement an Emacs-lisp docstring mode? :-). I think dps.modes is where much of it will go. Parts may go into a "styles" subpackage (the one that determines how the raw input gets transformed stylistically). -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 12 08:58:50 2001 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:58:50 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: "docutils" Message-ID: <> From: David Goodger [] > How about "dps.modes.pythondocstring" or just > "dps.modes.docstring" One point - while I'm in favour of descriptive names, I'd avoid making them too long. dps.modes.pythondocstring is a bit too long for my taste. For that matter, I find dps.parsers.restructuredtext too long, as well (if you use from...import it's OK, but if you prefer fully qualified names it's a pain). I'd prefer (or rst, I'll keep out of that fight...) But it's possibly too late for that. Paul. From Wed Sep 12 10:22:45 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:22:45 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <00c201c13b6c$7b816970$> David Goodger wrote: > > He's quite sensible, you know...) > > Why, thank you! It's nothing. It was even meant as a compliment (we need some sense around here sometimes!) > My background includes 2.5 years of intense SGML work, analyzing > documents, writing DTDs, implementing processing systems, etc. So the > terminology comes naturally to me too. Whilst understanding that that may have been hard graft, and not necessarily pleasurable at times, *envy* - I've been "watching" SGML and related technologies for many years (I remember being told about GML at university) and never had a chance to play with any of it properly. XML is now becoming important in our field, but its still not *document* processing (except in a very meta sense). Mind you, now we *are* working with XML, I haven't had any time to play with it in Python (or much at all programatically). Humph. I just spend time referring other people to potentially useful things, and trying to help create/criticise schemas. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks." - Dorothy L. Sayers, "Gaudy Night" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Wed Sep 12 10:22:53 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:22:53 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: "docutils" In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <00c301c13b6c$800dcf60$> Me: > > But it does mean I now don't know what to call "pydps" > > (since "pydoc" is already taken). David: > How about "dps.modes.pythondocstring" or just > "dps.modes.docstring" But that doesn't address what to call the command line tool, and it also doesn't take account of the fact that it's handling much more than the docstrings... > (do you think anyone will ever implement an Emacs-lisp > docstring mode? :-). I sincerely hope so. (no smiley at all!) > I think dps.modes is where much of it will go. I'll probably (!) defer to yourself on packaging, later on - although it *might* be that the "suck in a Python package/module and report on it" stuff should actually be a different module than docutils (was DPS) itself. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "Bounce with the bunny. Strut with the duck. Spin with the chickens now - CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK!" BARNYARD DANCE! by Sandra Boynton My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Wed Sep 12 10:26:36 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:26:36 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: DPS file extensions In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <00c401c13b6d$05160dd0$> I said: > > Could I suggest that we coin a standard extension for > > DPS/reST files? David replied: > I suppose that's possible, but I'd rather not. The reason I gave the > files .txt extensions in the first place was for cross-platform > compatibility. I don't need extensions on my home machine at all. I assume on a Mac one doesn't use extensions, and adds them when transferring to other systems (or interfacing with them). But I wasn't addressing files on Macs - I was thinking about the systems *I* use, since that's what I'm familiar with. > The Mac treats metadata sensibly; I've never used Mac (well, not to count), but have used RiscOS, VMS and NeXTStep, as well as Unixes and (early on) a mainframe operating system at Cambridge which didn't *really* have a directory structure as such - files and libraries. So I have to be agnostic on how one should treat metadata (there are obvious problems in having two "files" for every file, but then VMS had problems with having many files not actually start at the start of file, so to speak - but then, I *liked* the VMS approach (about many things, in fact)). On the other hand, I (me, speaking for myself) would indeed want a different icon for reST text files on a Mac - and I *do* want such on my other systems, which means that a different extension is a useful tool. > metadata embedded in the filename is a crude hack that MacOS > avoids (or avoided; reportedly, MacOS X seems to have caved in > to peer pressure). Hmm - as I understand it it's following on from NeXT in many ways (which means that applications are rather neat - a whole directory to stuff things in!), which means that it's (in some sense) a "Unix". So it presumably either has to use extensions, or "guess" the file type by looking inside it. Having owned a NeXTStation (the Bang and Olufsen approach to computers - seriously neat - it was also *very* impressive how it assembled out of the box and, well, just worked when switched on!) I must admit to hankering after MacOS X a bit. > But I work on different platforms and I'd much rather I > (and you!) get a nice text file icon than a blank one. I thought that nowadays this was seriously not a problem. On Debian the installer can introduce something, but Unixes are dodgy on this sort of thing (it's very dependent on how one is *looking* at the desktop and icons - with KDE, fvwm2, TkDesk, whatever). On Windows it's a simple (well, ish) matter of telling the system to use an icon and an application - so yes, that may involve the registry, but so does everything else! > We'd all have to teach our systems that '.rest' means '.txt'. Most > people won't, and I don't want to add Windows registry fiddling to the > distutils scripts. Hmm - I bet it happens for some purpose at some time. Anyway, I would actually hope that docutils will become part of the standard library, and then the Python installer can do it... > reStructuredText is a *form* of plaintext, so the .txt extension is > appropriate. XML is a form of plaintext, config files are a form of plaintext, *lots* of things are forms of plaintext. OK, I know I'm being awkward there, but I seriously *do* want a way of telling, from outside the text file, that the author intended that it be processable with DPS. And the standard (as in "historical, on many platforms, over much time" - yes, I know Macs and RiscOS are different) way of doing that is with an extension. Of course, I'm also used to working with various different transfer formats, many of which are "sort of" text files - so I don't particularly expect that I will always have icons or registered applications for .sif, .iff, .ntf, .citf, and so on and so on - but the use of an extension to indicate what the file *is* is still of absolute priority. On extension-using filesystems like VMS and Unix (and relatives) the extensions are for the *users* convenience in discriminating amongst files. Who cares if the system knows what they mean - it's another bit of convenience for the user. I think that's the gist of what I'm trying to convey - on a Unix or NT system, the extension conveys truly useful information, whether the *system* recognises it or not. Discriminations like .latex, .tex, .log, .toc, .config, .notes, .xml, .xsd, .dat, .err, .faq (some of those may be familiar!). It's quite clear that *some* of those may be just text files with a slightly special content. Some of them are also variations on each other. But the extension lets you *know* that. Otherwise one is reduced to putting that information in the filename itself, and that's naff and also fails to establish a convention (it has to be something as strictly regimented as a PEP for it to work). I also think that if (although I doubt it) we ever have alternatives to reST, it would be very awkward if you couldn't tell which file was done with which system from outside (imagine if someone is maintaining STNG, STClassic and reST documents! They're close enough at a quick glance at the text to cause confusion.) Sorry - this has gone on long enough. And I've probably overstated my case. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Give a pedant an inch and they'll take 25.4mm (once they've established you're talking a post-1959 inch, of course) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Wed Sep 12 10:38:56 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:38:56 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: "docutils" In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <00c501c13b6e$be038e70$> Moore, Paul wrote: > One point - while I'm in favour of descriptive names, I'd > avoid making them too long. ... > For that matter, I find dps.parsers.restructuredtext too > long, as well (if you use from...import it's OK, but if > you prefer fully qualified names it's a pain). I agree with Paul that "restructuredtext" is too long - I *do* tend to like fully qualified names. And it's a pain at the NT command line (less of a pain on *most* of the Unix systems I use, with file name completion). > I'd prefer (or rst, I'll keep out of that > fight...) Erm, amiable amusement rather than fight? .. _fig Actually, in the context of a module (particularly if DPS and reST become subpackages of a docutils package) I couldn't give a fig whether it is "rest" or "rst" - I like to describe the format *itself* as "reST", but that's a different issue (I can cope with two different abbreviations!). (well, tell a lie, I'd *prefer* "rest", but I'd not fight for it.) Could I respectfully suggest a radical restructuring, sooner rather than later (since at the moment we have the number of users under close control!): * overall package "docutils" * subpackage "docutils.dps" * subpackage "" or "docutils.rst" (see fig_ above) This *may* answer the question of where to put the "Python source code" parsing stuff later on - it would naturally go into (for instance) "" (pyreport? pyinfo? pyman? pysillywalk?) Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) .. "equal" really means "in some sense the same, but maybe not .. the sense you were hoping for", or, more succinctly, "is .. confused with". (Gordon McMillan, Python list, Apr 1998) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) But > it's possibly too late for that. > > Paul. > From Thu Sep 13 03:00:36 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:00:36 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: "docutils" In-Reply-To: <00c501c13b6e$be038e70$> Message-ID: [David] > How about "dps.modes.pythondocstring" or just "dps.modes.docstring" [Paul] > One point - while I'm in favour of descriptive names, I'd avoid > making them too long. The end-user will never see these names, of course. > I'd prefer (or rst, I'll keep out of that fight...) No fight, just a discussion with a certain amound of hyperbole and emphasis thrown in for good measure. We're all quite civil here! I usually read a message, mull it over for a while, and reread it before drafting my reply. That tends to stop emotions from clouding the issues. > But it's possibly too late for that. Not too late. Better now than once it's in the standard library. ("In my mind, I use the power of positive visualization...") [Tony] > But that doesn't address what to call the command line tool Who knows... If we're successful, we might even subsume pydoc! At least, pydoc could be made to utilize the DPS to process its docstrings. > and it also doesn't take account of the fact that it's handling much > more than the docstrings... How about 'pysource' for the 'extracting from Python source code and manipulating into useful documentation' mode? > although it *might* be that the 'suck in a Python package/module and > report on it' stuff should actually be a different module than > docutils (was DPS) itself. A middleman module between and DPS would be just fine by me. But there's still the DPS end of the 'Python source code' mode to be considered. [Tony] > Could I respectfully suggest a radical restructuring, sooner rather > than later (since at the moment we have the number of users under > close control!): > > * overall package "docutils" > * subpackage "docutils.dps" > * subpackage "" or "docutils.rst" You're after a flatter package structure. That loses some context information though; 'dps.parsers.restructuredtext', 'dps.modes.pysource', and 'dps.formatters.html' are obviously different things. We don't really need the namespace space provided by nested packages; it would be easy enough to avoid duplicate names. The advantage of nested packages is that they might obviate the need for registering modules/subpackages. The 'languages' subpackage of restructuredtext allows the import of a language module using a string argument, like 'en'. There is no lookup table; just drop the code in place and go. But if we flatten out the structure and ask for a 'WXYZ' formatter, either it has to be registered or we run the risk of importing the wrong type of code. Definitely time for a new SourceForge project! At least we can reserve the name and have it point to DPS & reStructuredText. Eventually, reStructuredText will be subsumed into DPS (or distutils) anyway. Once we have more of the pieces in place it will be easier to decide how to arrange them. > This *may* answer the question of where to put the "Python source > code" parsing stuff later on - it would naturally go into (for > instance) "" (pyreport? pyinfo? pyman? > pysillywalk?) I like 'pysource'. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Thu Sep 13 03:03:13 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:03:13 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: DPS file extensions In-Reply-To: <00c401c13b6d$05160dd0$> Message-ID: After reconsidering Tony's original question and the ensuing discussion: > Could I suggest that we coin a standard extension for DPS/reST files? I withdraw my objections to using a filename extension for reStructuredText files (be it .rst, .rest, .restxt, .rstxt, .rtxt, .rst.txt, .rest.txt, whatever), but I am loathe to *require* such an extension. As an individual preference, sure, go ahead, but I think I'll adopt wait-and-see. I'd rather not change the extensions of the files in */spec/, because people won't know what to make of them, whereas with .txt its obvious on first sight. In Python-source mode (see? more than just docstrings ;-), __docformat__ contains the name of the markup language. Filename extensions don't apply here. When processing standalone plaintext files, the user ought to know what s/he's got. A specific filename extension would be useful here, but a pain to the casual Windows and Mac user (no double-clicking to edit). -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Thu Sep 13 06:00:52 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 01:00:52 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS DTDs In-Reply-To: <00b301c13aa8$7ef5cfc0$> Message-ID: Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > I'll try to explain my point of view, since I'm not sure I > see yours(!). Thanks, and 'back atcha'. Writing this intro after writing the bulk below, I think we may simply be looking at this stuff from different angles, seeing different silhouettes of the same thing. Distilled, what I'm saying is: I see a fundamental difference between an object representing 'a module' and an object representing 'a module's documentation'. The trees of the different types of objects may resemble each other in shape at first, but the nature of the nodes is very different. The tree resulting from the analysis of Python source (the 'parse tree') is specific to the 'Python source' input mode of the DPS, and will not be seen outside of this context. Therefore there's no reason to codify the schema in the generic DTD; outside of the PySource input mode, it isn't useful. This parse tree's schema certainly should be documented, possibly as a DTD, but separately from the document tree DTD. Please relax and enjoy this message, safe in the knowledge that it's just idle discussion. Please don't let me stop you from doing your thing in your own way. I'm sure it will be useful no matter how things end up. > To me it doesn't make sense to have an artificial boundary at any > level - so a docstring that is not parsed would be text > (is that the right tag?), 'literal_block' actually. 'literal' is the inline element. If you represent docstrings this way, how will you distinguish real literal_blocks from unparsed raw docstrings? > Now, in ``dps/specs`` you have ``ppdi.dtd``, which certainly > *looks* to me as if it is doing the same job as I am doing with my > tags - that is, extending the DPS nodes tree "outwards" > from the docstring into the Python code. ppdi.dtd is not meant to extend the DPS nodes tree outwards into the Python code, but to provide specialized elements useful for *documenting* Python code. It's a subtle distinction but important IMO. Let's take a simple example:: # module '' a = 1 """alphas""" b = 2 """betas""" def f(n): """Return the f of `n`.""" return some_expression_involving(n) class A: """A classy class.""" def __init__(self): """Set up instance attributes.""" self.count = 0 """Keep track of things.""" The parse tree might end up looking like this (using indentation to show structure):: [module] [name 'example'] [attribute] [name 'a'] [value 1] [docstring """alphas"""] [attribute] [name 'b'] [value 2] [docstring """betas"""] [function] [name 'f'] [parameters] [parameter] [name 'n'] [docstring """Return the f of `n`."""] [class] [name 'A'] [docstring """A classy class."""] [method] [name '__init__'] [parameters] [self-parameter] [name 'self'] [docstring """Set up instance attributes."""] [attribute] [name 'count'] [value 0] [docstring """Keep track of things."""] This parse tree gets transformed into the following document tree (again using indentation, so we can omit many end-tags):: Module <module></> <section> <title>Module Attributes <module_attribute_section> <module_attribute>a <initial_value>1 <paragraph>alphas <module_attribute_section> <module_attribute>b <initial_value>2 <paragraph>betas <section> <title>Functions <function_section> <function>f <parameter_list> <parameter_item> <parameter>n <paragraph>Return the f of <parameter>n</>. etc. None of the parse tree objects survive intact to the document tree. The parse tree objects allow us to group together the appropriate docstrings, and give us further Python-specific information. That information is then transformed into a DPS nodes tree. If you think of the original docstrings on the parse tree as 'fruit', then the collation process is like the fruit growing into trees of their own, getting nutrients (stuff like attribute names and default values) from the 'roots'. Think of the roots as the parse tree upside-down. The trunk of the doc tree meets the top of the parse tree; the parse tree nourishes and generates the doc tree. Kinda cool analogy! (The tree above is just my preliminary idea of what the final DPS tree should look like for a Python module. For instance, the '<section><title>Module <module>xxx' could easily become '<module_section><module>xxx'. In the end, these specialized elements may disappear, leaving generic sections and titles in their wake.) (Hmm. Since the .pformat() of DPS trees uses indentation also, we could omit the end-tags. Would shorten the test data considerably, and reduce confusion with XML, which is good. I like this. Implementing it... now.) > My point was simply that I am not, particularly, following that DTD - > but I obviouslY (trivially, since I can output XML!) am following > *some* (virtual) DTD. And it would be nice to write that down (be it > as DTD or XML Schema or whatever) at some point. Any tree-shaped data structure (among others) can be represented in XML and therefore be indicated by a DTD. Sure, write it down, even as a DTD if you like, but I don't see it going into the existing DTD in dps/spec/, because it's not general enough. It's internal documentation for the pysource mode. *That's* the point I was trying to make that started this discussion. Perhaps it's just a question of degree. I'm seeing the tree closer to the final generic document representation, you're seeing it closer to the original parse tree. Sound about right? > (hmm - and I just realised *why* - if the two components (inner and > outer, for want of better term) are *discontinuous* in structure, > then it makes it harder to write a Formatter/Writer - it would need > to know about the Python bits and the docstring bits independently I don't think the output formatter should ever see any evidence of the parse tree. (I must explain that I'm seriously considering a fourth component, the 'style' for lack of a better term, that takes the output of the input mode and parser and transforms it into the final doc tree. The input mode and output style may require more than what dps.nodes provides. The output styles for an input mode may be so tightly coupled as to be specific to that input mode.) By the time the doc tree gets to the formatter, it's a simple 'take this dps.nodes doc tree structure and change it to your native format'. No serious transformations involved. Not having even *begun* to implement any of this, I don't know if this idea is reasonable or feasible. > > The two types of tree represent fundamentally different > > information. > > I see we disagree - it's all document (erm - serialisation of > information). Yeah, but serialisation of Python code vs. serialisation of *document* of Python code. > I really think we might be talking past each other, Probably :-) > because what I'm doing is so simple and obvious that I find it > hard to call it hypergeneralisation - I'm not losing anything, and > I'm gaining quite a lot. > > I'm using the compiler parse tree to hold the parse tree, and > generating documenation (as part of a DPS node tree) from it. That's > obvious to me. Are we just confusing each other with words? Could be! > > In dps/spec/ppdi.dtd you'll see the "Additional Structural > > Elements"... > > They are clearly a start on holding the information one needs > to report on in a document. They didn't do enough for me, which is > why I'm not using them. Fair enough. It seems to me you're representing an intermediate between the parse tree and the final document tree. I just don't see the need. > And you had some, erm, interesting function definitions. Oh, I see what you mean, ones like this? :: def standalone_uri(self, text, lineno, pattern=inline.patterns.uri, whole=inline.groups.uri.whole, I was using the 'Stuff' class to hierarchically group related constants without polluting the namespace. This 'Stuff' dotted-attribute collection idiom is useful and, I think, successful. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Thu Sep 13 11:01:44 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:01:44 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: DPS file extensions In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <00d601c13c3b$1828ab20$> David Goodger wrote: > After reconsidering Tony's original question and the ensuing > discussion: > > > Could I suggest that we coin a standard extension for > > DPS/reST files? > > I withdraw my objections to using a filename extension for > reStructuredText files (be it .rst, .rest, .restxt, .rstxt, > .rtxt, .rst.txt, .rest.txt, whatever), but I am loathe to > *require* such an extension. I agree that we shouldn't *require* an extension - sorry if it came over as if I was being *that* awkward. I would rather like to have an "extension you use by convention if you're going to use it" in the documentation - but your list has several interesting possibilities (although not the ones with two dots, please). Of those given, I think the ones I lean towards most would be: .rtxt -- short, looks like .txt a bit .restxt -- a little long, but explicit .rest -- probably too unobvious Hmm - so maybe the first with a side-option of the second... > I'd rather not change the extensions of the files in */spec/, > because people won't know what to make of them, whereas with > .txt its obvious on first sight. It's your directory, so (by the decision above) your decision. I (myself, me) would still err on the side of introducing an extension by example (since the directory is called "docs", etc., etc.), but this is the sort of discussion to have over a drink (tea, coffee, cider, spatlese, whatever) and we're on different sides of an ocean, so it's probably better left for now! > In Python-source mode (see? more than just docstrings ;-), > __docformat__ contains the name of the markup language. Filename > extensions don't apply here. Sorry, me leaving out "obvious" stuff again - one of my "supporting issues" was that in Python source code we already have established a way of doing this job - but I didn't mention it since I'd already written enough stuff, and I wasn't sure I could make it make sense. > When processing standalone plaintext files, the user ought to know > what s/he's got. A specific filename extension would be useful here, > but a pain to the casual Windows and Mac user (no double-clicking > to edit). Extensions, as we've said, don't apply on Macs, so don't use them (but isn't it a norm to register new filetypes on Macs so the correct icon comes up?) Windows actually makes it very easy to associate a file extension and an icon - it can be done via the file Explorer Options/File Types interface. And choosing how to *edit* an unknown extension is a matter of telling the system once, and asking it to remember it, *if* it hasn't been set up by the installer (difficult, as what one person uses to edit text files may not be another person's preference). And the same concerns *do* apply to a "modern" Unix-oid system, as well, in these days of Gnome, KDE and other such things. Anyway, too much text written by me on too little issue... Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Give a pedant an inch and they'll take 25.4mm (once they've established you're talking a post-1959 inch, of course) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Thu Sep 13 11:01:40 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:01:40 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS DTDs In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <00d501c13c3b$15f4db30$> David Goodger wrote: > Writing this intro after writing the bulk below, I think we may > simply be looking at this stuff from different angles, seeing > different silhouettes of the same thing. I thought so before, and I'm fairly sure so now! > I see a fundamental difference between an object representing 'a > module' and an object representing 'a module's documentation'. The > trees of the different types of objects may resemble each other in > shape at first, but the nature of the nodes is very different. Yes, definitely - that's a good paragraph. > The tree resulting from the analysis of Python source (the 'parse > tree') is specific to the 'Python source' input mode of the DPS, > and will not be seen outside of this context. Definitely. At which point, and having read the rest of the email, I *think* I see what's going on... Since I'm developing in small chunks of time, and also because I'm designing as I go along (easy in Python), the tree structure that I create using DPS nodes is being evolved over time. Because I'm not always very elegant at naming, all of the elements I'm introducing are being called "py_xxx" (that is, those are their tagnames - not the same as their class names). I haven't considered whether *some* of the "py_xxx" elements are actually identical (or sufficiently close with modification on one side or the other) to elements that the DPS nodes module already defines. To an extent, I don't care - that (for me) would be hypergeneralisation *at this stage*, particularly since I'm still prepared to readically change the "outer" tree structure if necessary. To an extent, I'd address the difference between parse tree and document tree as that the parse tree allows one to reconstruct the Python code (more or less!), and this is *not* a need of the documentation tree - indeed, one may alter the order or structure of the latter to facilitate documentation purposes and obscure things that the parse tree would consider important. Because the requirement is that the a DPS node tree be emitted so that different Formatters (Writers) can use it, one *does* want a DPS node tree (trivial point, but worth saying). Because one is dealing with documenting Python, there is *likely* to be Python-specific stuff in the "outer" parts of the tree (i.e., those bits that are not inside docstrings). The alternative would, of course, be to produce a DPS/reST document *describing* the Python from scratch, and that's an alternative I hadn't (directly) thought of - for instance:: <section> <title>Python module Fred <section> <title>Globals <ordered_list> <item>fred instead of:: <py_module name="Fred"> <py_globals> <py_global name="fred> (the tagnames for both are wrong, but you get the point), but on the whole I prefer the latter *at this stage* (it's easier to postprocess as well, if one wants to (for instance) remove methods that start with an underscore, and want to postpone that decision as late as possible - it makes sense to me that this might be the sort of thing one wants to customise in the document tree). The structure above is what I'm talking about when I talk about extending DTDs - it *isn't* the parse tree, although I guess it's close in some ways. > Please relax and enjoy this message, safe in the knowledge that it's > just idle discussion. Please don't let me stop you from doing your > thing in your own way. I'm sure it will be useful no matter how things > end up. !!! I see what I'm doing as prototyping. It would be nice (very nice) if elements of it (even large chunks of it!) end up in the final product, but that's not the main point - the main point is to demonstrate that one *can* do things (always more satisfactory than handwaving), and to have a reference point to push against (for instance, "ugh, that's horrible, I can improve on that" - a valuable response). > If you represent docstrings this way, how will you distinguish real > literal_blocks from unparsed raw docstrings? Damn - I hadn't thought of that. Actually, a simple answer would be:: <py_docstring parsed="1"> <literal_block> but it's undoubtedly better to do:: <py_docstring format="reST"> <literal_block> since we *have* the dosctring format "name" around (even if implicitly) in the Python code. Actually, that last is probably an essential thing to do. > ppdi.dtd is not meant to extend the DPS nodes tree outwards into the > Python code, but to provide specialized elements useful for > *documenting* Python code. It's a subtle distinction but important > IMO. Actually, I think it shows exactly the point I've been misexplaining - what I *want* to say is what you're suggesting I should, I think. > Let's take a simple example:: ...OK... > The parse tree might end up looking like this (using indentation to > show structure):: ...OK... > This parse tree gets transformed into the following document tree > (again using indentation, so we can omit many end-tags):: > > <document> > <title>Module <module></> > <section> > <title>Module Attributes > <module_attribute_section> > <module_attribute>a ..etc.. Not entirely dissimilar to what I'm actually doing, although details differ quite a lot. > None of the parse tree objects survive intact to the document tree. No, I never wanted to suggest that. Much of the *information* does, though! ..analogy snipped.. > (The tree above is just my preliminary idea of what the final DPS > tree should look like for a Python module. For instance, the > '<section><title>Module <module>xxx' could easily become > '<module_section><module>xxx'. In the end, these specialized elements > may disappear, leaving generic sections and titles in their wake.) Which is sort of what I realised earlier in this reply, > (Hmm. Since the .pformat() of DPS trees uses indentation also, we > could omit the end-tags. Would shorten the test data considerably, and > reduce confusion with XML, which is good. I like this. Implementing > it... now.) Indentation is good, end tags are verbose - I agree! > Perhaps it's just a question of degree. I'm seeing the tree closer to > the final generic document representation, you're seeing it closer to > the original parse tree. Sound about right? Sort of - I think I would say that, at the moment, I'm seeing value in document elements that represent Python elements more directly (the same sort of value as having a <booktitle> term (e.g., <booktitle>Jim</>) in a document about libraries, instead of turning it into the "standardised" representation 'JIM') - it's *useful* to be able to talk about a Python module or class *in the document space*. (ah - that's the insight/comparison I've been striving for - in the same way that in TeX I prefer to define \book{title} rather than use (e.g.) {\sc title}, even though in the final output they may *look* the same) > I must explain that I'm seriously considering a fourth > component, the 'style' for lack of a better term, that takes the > output of the input mode and parser and transforms it into the final > doc tree. The input mode and output style may require more than what > dps.nodes provides. The output styles for an input mode may be so > tightly coupled as to be specific to that input mode. Hmm - so that sounds like the interface that changes my <py_module> based tree into a "standardised" <section><title> tree - is that right? (xslt for DPS nodes!) > > And you had some, erm, interesting function definitions. > > Oh, I see what you mean, ones like this? :: > > def standalone_uri(self, text, lineno, > pattern=inline.patterns.uri, > whole=inline.groups.uri.whole, > Yep. Perfectly good Python code (if a bit confusing on first sight!), but it showed me some representation I wasn't handling. Tibs (trying to agree furiously) -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks." - Dorothy L. Sayers, "Gaudy Night" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Thu Sep 13 11:01:58 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:01:58 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: "docutils" In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <00d701c13c3b$206d1000$> David Goodger wrote: > Who knows... If we're successful, we might even subsume pydoc! At > least, pydoc could be made to utilize the DPS to process its > docstrings. I was carefully not thinking/saying that! Also, pydoc is a much "lighter weight" solution (at least as it stood last time I looked), and thus is valuable for that alone (by "lighter weight" I simply mean that it doesn't have as many dependencies, it's much smaller/more self-contained). > > * overall package "docutils" > > * subpackage "docutils.dps" > > * subpackage "" or "docutils.rst" > > You're after a flatter package structure. That loses some context > information though; 'dps.parsers.restructuredtext', > 'dps.modes.pysource', and 'dps.formatters.html' are obviously > different things. We don't really need the namespace space provided > by nested packages; it would be easy enough to avoid duplicate names. Hmm - I *meant* to be advocating simply taking what is now "dps" and renaming it to "docutils.dps", and similarly for "restructuredtext" - which to my mind gives us a *deeper* package structure (albeit by one level!). So one would refer to "" (for instance) if one is only doing minimal change (well, the external user might not - but that's why we have files). (I'd assumed a Grand Plan for the current package structures, so didn't want to contemplate changing them!) Extra parsers (and I agree it's good to keep that door open, even if we never use it) could then either slot into docutils directly - so we might (!) have "docutils.pod" - or would be entirely separate and require "conscious" registration. > Definitely time for a new SourceForge project! Oh, I can tell you're enjoying this! > At least we can reserve the name and have it point to DPS > & reStructuredText. Yes, I think that's sensible. > Once we have more of the pieces in place it will be easier to > decide how to arrange them. Yes - I wasn't expecting instant answers to the suggestion... > > (pyreport? pyinfo? pyman? pysillywalk?) > > I like 'pysource'. OK - let's tentatively go for that. I *may* hold off on renaming what I'm working on for the moment, though, until it's a bit mature (not that I've worked on it this week, ho hum). Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Well we're safe now....thank God we're in a bowling alley. - Big Bob (J.T. Walsh) in "Pleasantville" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Thu Sep 13 22:58:31 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 17:58:31 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: DPS file extensions In-Reply-To: <00d601c13c3b$1828ab20$> Message-ID: <> Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > Extensions, as we've said, don't apply on Macs, so don't use them > (but isn't it a norm to register new filetypes on Macs so the > correct icon comes up?) There actually is a mechanism on MacOS for cross-platform compatibility. You associate a filename extension with an existing application & filetype. It's similar to what you do on Windows. The default set includes .txt, .html, and a few dozen others. The point is, though, that dealing with this automatically is a royal pain, and asking people to do it manually won't fly (*I* wouldn't do it if asked!). So I'd rather not. Maybe later, but not now. If somebody were to cook up bulletproof multi-platform (means Win/Mac/*n*x, not just Win/*n*x) code for this, I would be happy to add it to the project(s). Maybe there's already support for it in distutils? But the code would have to be *really* bulletproof. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Fri Sep 14 10:01:29 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 10:01:29 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: DPS file extensions In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <001c01c13cfb$d7ae8080$> David Goodger wrote: > There actually is a mechanism on MacOS for cross-platform > compatibility. You associate a filename extension with an existing > application & filetype. It's similar to what you do on Windows. Well, on Windows its much more optional, since there *are* file types, and they do still matter (since that's what the registration, if any, keys off). > The point is, though, that dealing with this automatically is a royal > pain, and asking people to do it manually won't fly (*I* wouldn't do > it if asked!). So I'd rather not. Maybe later, but not now. Sounds like it should indeed be a definite "leave until later". > If somebody were to cook up bulletproof multi-platform (means > Win/Mac/*n*x, not just Win/*n*x) code for this, I would be happy to > add it to the project(s). Maybe there's already support for it in > distutils? But the code would have to be *really* bulletproof. [and that will mean Mac "classic" OS and the new Mac OS as well - I bet they'll do things differently - and I'd want to hold some support out to Linux window managers as well - so it *is* a biggish task.] I half-watch the distutils list, and I don't remember anything there about registering file types at all. However, it *does* sound like the sort of thing that distutils *should* be able to do (at least to me). Of course, in the classic way, volunteers need to be around to do it, and this actually sounds like it may be something to address after docutils is finished (!) if noone else has done it. I agree it is *not* urgent! [in fact, so not urgent that I haven't even bothered to mention it on the distutils SIG, mainly since we're not volunteering said effort...] Interestingly, today's message on the distutils SIG is about compiling on Macs... Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Give a pedant an inch and they'll take 25.4mm (once they've established you're talking a post-1959 inch, of course) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Mon Sep 17 23:28:21 2001 From: (Ueli Schl�pfer) Date: 18 Sep 2001 00:28:21 +0200 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: "Tony J Ibbs's message of "Mon, 10 Sep 2001 14:37:25 +0100" References: <00aa01c139fd$b9fb0730$> Message-ID: <> Tibs, Paul, Recently, I started writing short notes in the reST format because I wanted to get a feeling for how well it works and what it's good for. Excellent job -- thanks (this obviously includes David Goodger!!) Up to now, all that was missing was the processing. Now I've got some time to spare and started playing around with the DPS. I found that I had to make the following modifications to the latest DPS snapshot from CVS in order to get html output from plain text files: - `dps2html` wants an `Errorist` class, whoch I found nowhere and assumed that David's `Reporter` would do fine. - David has used `bibliographic_labels` in his language files, whereas, in restructuredtext/restructuredtext/, it's `bibliographic_fields`. In pydps/, there are several references to `element.tagName` which should probably read `element.tagname`. The diffs_ are included below. Ueli .. _diffs: ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ Index: dps/dps/ =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/docstring/dps/dps/,v retrieving revision 1.6 diff -u -r1.6 --- dps/dps/ 2001/09/17 03:54:29 1.6 +++ dps/dps/ 2001/09/17 21:57:10 @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + #! /usr/bin/env python """ @@ -66,3 +67,5 @@ if sourcetext: children.append(nodes.literal_block('', sourcetext)) return self.system_warning(3, children=children) + +class Errorist(Reporter): pass ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ Index: restructuredtext/restructuredtext/ =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/structuredtext/restructuredtext/restructuredtext/,v retrieving revision 1.20 diff -u -r1.20 --- restructuredtext/restructuredtext/ 2001/09/17 04:24:20 1.20 +++ restructuredtext/restructuredtext/ 2001/09/17 21:57:19 @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ def extractbibliographic(self, field_list, title): nodelist = [] remainder = [] - bibliofields = self.language.bibliographic_fields + bibliofields = self.language.bibliographic_labels abstract = None for field in field_list: try: ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ --- pydps/ Mon Sep 17 22:57:43 2001 +++ pydps.orig/ Sun Sep 9 20:32:50 2001 @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ # Hmm - have we been handed a "document" rooted tree, # or a DOM-like tree that has "document" as its single child? - if document.tagname == "document": + if document.tagName == "document": self.write_html(document,stream) else: for element in document: @@ -187,10 +187,10 @@ """Write out the HTML representation of `element` on `stream`. """ - if element.tagname == "#text": + if element.tagName == "#text": stream.write(self.escape(element.astext())) - elif self.indirect.has_key(element.tagname): - value = self.indirect[element.tagname] + elif self.indirect.has_key(element.tagName): + value = self.indirect[element.tagName] if value is None: # Nothing to do with this element - but check its children for node in element: @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ """Write out an element which we don't recognise. """ - stream.write("\n<p><font color='red'><%s"%element.tagname) + stream.write("\n<p><font color='red'><%s"%element.tagName) for name,value in element.attlist(): stream.write(" %s='%s'"%(name,self.escape(value))) stream.write("></font>\n") @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ self.write_html(node,stream) stream.write("\n<font color='red'>" - "</%s></font>\n"%element.tagname) + "</%s></font>\n"%element.tagName) def write_section(self,element,stream): """Write a section - i.e., something with a title @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ "system_warning" : write_warning, } """Entries in this dictionary are all keyed by a DPS element's - tagname. The values are either: + tagName. The values are either: * a simple string, representing the HTML tag to use for this element @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ stream.write("<li><samp>%s</samp>\n"%element["name"]) if len(element) > 0: for node in element: - if node.tagname == "py_docstring": + if node.tagName == "py_docstring": self.write_docstring(node,stream) else: self.write_html(node,stream) ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ From Tue Sep 18 01:31:06 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 20:31:06 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Hi Ueli, > Excellent job -- thanks (this obviously includes David Goodger!!) You're welcome! > - `dps2html` wants an `Errorist` class, whoch I found nowhere and > assumed that David's `Reporter` would do fine. You're the victim of rapid change. I just checked this change in yesterday; `Reporter` is the new name. Tony hasn't had a chance to update his code yet. What is `dps2html`? I haven't seen that one. Perhaps an old copy? > - David has used `bibliographic_labels` in his language files, > whereas, in restructuredtext/restructuredtext/, it's > `bibliographic_fields`. `bibliographic_fields` in dps/parsers/restructuredtext/languages/ is for parsing bibliographic field lists. `bibliographic_labels` in dps/languages/ is not used yet, and may move; it was intended for output writers to generate labels appropriate for tags. Basically the two have opposite meanings and uses. `bibliographic_fields` is for converting ``:Author: Kilgore Trout`` to ``<author>Kilgore Trout</author>``. `bibliographic_labels` is for converting ``<author>Kilgore Trout</author>`` back to ``Author: Kilgore Trout`` or ``Kilgore Trout, Author`` or something like that. Inadequately documented, yes. > In pydps/, there are several references to `element.tagName` > which should probably read `element.tagname`. You must be looking at an old version. Tony's latest has been updated to this particular change. You must realize that these projects are being updated almost daily. Many aspects of the APIs have not settled yet and are subject to change. If you're interested (and I hope you are!), please consider subscribing to the specific mailing lists: - reStructuredText development: - reStructuredText CVS checkins: - DPS development: - DPS CVS checkins: -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Tue Sep 18 10:15:04 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 10:15:04 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Producing output In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <002e01c14022$675c1c00$> David Goodger replied to Ueli Schl�pfer: > > - `dps2html` wants an `Errorist` class, whoch I found nowhere and > > assumed that David's `Reporter` would do fine. > > You're the victim of rapid change. I just checked this change > in yesterday; `Reporter` is the new name. Tony hasn't had a > chance to update his code yet. Well, actually I changed it, but I hadn't announced it. > What is `dps2html`? I haven't seen that one. Perhaps an old copy? I think he's just using it as a generic term. Certainly the diffs are with respect to an old version of pydps/ Anyway, a status report on this for Doc-SIG might not be a bad thing... I've been working on a package to read Python modules/packages and produce HTML therefrom. It uses Tools/compilers and dps/reST to do the hard work. It is in a *very* alpha stage (it doesn't render lots of things as HTML, just outputs tags in red for them, for instance, and it definitely doesn't know everything it should about the Python code yet - especially, it doesn't check the presence or value of ``__docformat__``, which is naughty of it! Oh, and it has a very garish colour scheme for the HTML(!)). Copies are periodically uploaded as: but see the DPS/reST "table of links" on for a reliable pointer, as a name change is possible in the reasonably near future (it may be becoming "pysource"). The latest version (yesterday's) does indeed now know about Reporter rather than Errorist. Despite being aimed at Python code, it can process a text DPS file - for instance:: python pydps/ --text textfile.rst textfile.html (for those following these things, significant changes are that the command line interface now uses getopt (yuck), and I think I've now got it representing all expression nodes, so it should be able to cope with any function arguments that get thrown at it.) If you're trying to learn about what DPS/reST *does*, then the command:: python pydps/ --text textfile.rtxt produces rather nice output (although "" can produce the same), and if you want to add in the structure of the (current) Python information (subject to vast change at zero notice, though - I'm afraid on a project like this, the ability to refactor (gosh, I used to just call that "change"!) Python code quickly and safely is very useful), try:: python pydps/ --pretty There's zero documentation (well, there's a bit if you run it on itself!) other than the ``--help`` command. It requires one to have installed the latest versions of dps and restructuredtext, and the Tools/compiler for your Python (trying to use the wrong one may lead to odd effects) - all neat things to have around anyway (!). It is not expected to work on Python before 2.0. > > In pydps/, there are several references to `element.tagName` > > which should probably read `element.tagname`. > > You must be looking at an old version. Tony's latest has been > updated to this particular change. Yes, days ago (maybe even a week or more). > If you're interested (and I hope you are!), I'll second that - the more people playing (and *using* counts as playing for this game!) the better. Note that I've been announcing significant changes in pydps over on the docstring-develop list: rather than on the main Doc-SIG (when I remember), partly because the changes are too frequent (and unfortunately I'm not integrated with the CVS tree). Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks." - Dorothy L. Sayers, "Gaudy Night" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 18 22:44:19 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 17:44:19 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS components Message-ID: <> I like Tony's name for the outputter: "writer". Generalizing, it fits my idea of separation of components (see "Modes and Styles" in We can have "readers" (what I'd called "input modes") that understand the data source (e.g. "pysource" for Python source files, "pep" for PEPs, one or more for standalone .rtxt files, "email" is possible, etc.). Readers understand where the data is coming from, send discrete "chunks" to the parser, and provide the context to bind the chunks together into a cohesive whole. Readers also resolve all hyperlinks, footnote numbers and links, interpreted text links, and anything else that requires context-sensitive computation. We have "parsers" for the syntax itself (just "reStructuredText" a.k.a. "rst" a.k.a. "reST" a.k.a. "rtxt" for now). Parsers don't know or care anything about the source or destination of the data; they just analyze their input and produce conformant output. I'm calling the next set of components "designers" (previously called "syles"; "designers" is OK until a better term is found; "stylists"? [#]_). Designers take the output from a reader and transform it. Content transformations (moving stuff around, grouping, separating) as well as cosmetic transformations (?) happen here. The output from a designer is the input of the writer. "Writers" (formerly "formatters") produce the final output (HTML, XML, TeX, etc.). Writers merely do translations from one data format to another; they don't do any content transformations. Their input may be an augmented form of the current schema, with color and layout information added. It appears to me that there will be strong links between readers and designers, whereas parsers and writers are more independent and interchangeable. Opinions? Comments? .. [#] You may be able to tell that names for things are very important to me when designing a system. When all the pieces of the system have the right names, it feels right, and everything falls into place. I spend a lot of time searching for the right names. My thesaurus and dictionary are prominent in my technical library. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 19 10:32:06 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 10:32:06 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS components In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <004b01c140ed$f2805cd0$> David Goodger coined the terms: > "readers" (what I'd called "input modes") that understand > the data source Of course, the "reader" for plain .rst files is *ever so* simple! By the way, the duality "input mode" -> "reader" is still a natural one, I think, since I think the user would think about setting an input mode more than choosing a reader, in many cases. > "parsers" understand the syntax itself (just "reStructuredText" > for now). Hmm - *maybe* we need to be careful to say "reST parser" here, since there may be other parsers hanging around as part of the "reader". > "designers" take the output from a reader and transform it. > Content transformations (moving stuff around, grouping, > separating) as well as cosmetic transformations (?) happen > here. Actually, I think this is the interesting stage to have identified. I agree it's difficult to think of a name for it. > "Writers" (formerly "formatters") produce the final output (HTML, XML, > TeX, etc.). Writers merely do translations from one data format to > another; they don't do any content transformations. Their input may be > an augmented form of the current schema, with color and layout > information added. Yes, I like these terms (well, the *particular* names aren't as important to me, but the existence of the terms/concepts is a good pedagogy, I think). So I have a *reader* that uses Tools/compiler, I use the *parser* on the docstrings I find, my *designer* phase takes all of that and produces something I can pass to the HTML *writer*. I assume that you are thus hinting that the output of the designer should be "pure" DPS nodes - that is, using only DPS tree nodes that are defined in dps/, so that *any* DPS writer can be slotted in. At the moment, my code doesn't work like that - the designer is producing "extended" nodes, and the writer understands what to do with them. I *think* that the "pure" approach is probably better, but am a *little* concerned about how I would convey some of the distinctions that DPS doesn't discern (and no, I don't have concrete examples yet), but that are useful in a writer (e.g., I use lots of colours in my current HTML output, but if I were printing it I would need to move back to monochrome (it's not fair to assume access to colour printers!)). > It appears to me that there will be strong links between readers and > designers, whereas parsers and writers are more independent and > interchangeable. Yes, that sounds like an advantage. The example I would use to think about the flow through the system would be that of a simple table in the quick reference, which could use a directive:: .. quickreftable:: Directives :link: http://link-to-text :: For instance: .. graphic:: images/ball1.gif We would need a plugin for the DPS parser (to understand the content). The "example" literal text would need to be fed back to the parser (presumably by the designer phase - neat) to generate the right hand column of the table. Now, given I want the table header to be in pale blue, with the word "Directives" in strong italics, and I want the table body to be split 50/50 between the two columns, with a pale yellow background, *if* I'm outputting to HTML - how do I do that? Bearing in mind that if I'm outputting to PDF, I want an entirely different set of details. My *suspicion* is that we have three sets of plugins for a directive (and maybe for other things, but directives are nice and obvious): 1. a plugin for the parser - this just enables it to be read "properly", and would be optional for simple directives (indeed, I think it's not needed for the above example). 2. a plugin for the designer - this, in my example, does the reparsing of the example, and again would be optional. 3. a plugin for the writer - again, only needed in *some* cases, but this would allow the user to set a "style" for the table or whatever. Now, in the HTML world, case 3 might merely mean that we set the "name" for a table, and have appropriate CSS defined to say how to display it. In TeX we would assume that the name indicated a particular macro. It *may* be that such a "style name" is all that we *do* need, and that the writer just needs to be given a lookup table of style names versus styles. Hmm... Despite the witterings above, I'm not too concerned about this as yet - I have the feeling that it will all come clear in the attempt to implement a "clean" system[1]_. Tibs .. [1] Having done a little bit of Tai Chi, including some "pushing hands", I tend to think of trying to solve this sort of problem as akin to finding one's partner's balance point, the point where one pushes gently and they go flying off into the distance. And in pushing hands, that often involved "feeling" around their centre until one found it (or they found yours!). So if one keeps being flexible and feeling around for the centre of the problem, one will eventually cause it to "fall over" in the natural and, in hindsight, obvious manner. -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) .. "equal" really means "in some sense the same, but maybe not .. the sense you were hoping for", or, more succinctly, "is .. confused with". (Gordon McMillan, Python list, Apr 1998) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Wed Sep 19 11:56:06 2001 From: (Garth Kidd) Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 20:56:06 +1000 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS components References: <004b01c140ed$f2805cd0$> Message-ID: <00ca01c140f9$b0289ad0$8301010a@beast2k> Is there any problem I've missed that prevents us from spitting out plain XML and using transforms to convert it to XHTML? :) :: Reader-parser-[optional transformer]-writer Transformers take a DPS tree and spit out another DPS tree, right? Is the intent something along the lines of the following? :: Writer.write(Transformer.transform(Parser.parse(Reader()))) From Wed Sep 19 13:50:10 2001 From: (Fred L. Drake) Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 08:50:10 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] Message-ID: <> The development version of the documentation has been updated: Miscellaneous minor updates, including docs for the new codec interfaces. From Wed Sep 19 13:55:55 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 13:55:55 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS components In-Reply-To: <00ca01c140f9$b0289ad0$8301010a@beast2k> Message-ID: <005001c1410a$6b83e950$> Garth Kidd wrote: > Is there any problem I've missed that prevents us from > spitting out plain XML and using transforms to convert > it to XHTML? :) :: I would certainly imagine that would be possible, assuming (as I do) that all of the DPS node tree information gets dumped as XML elements/attributes. Of course, for most people it might not be a very user-friendly mechanism... > Reader-parser-[optional transformer]-writer > > Transformers take a DPS tree and spit out another DPS > tree, right? Hmm - essentially (although I think we need to discriminate between "pure" DPS tree (or "simple"?) which just uses the DPS defined nodes, and "extended" DPS tree, which also uses application-specific nodes. I *think* that the parser may be emitting an "extended" tree, but that David's intent is that the input to the *writer* should be a "standard" or "pure" tree. So one could define a transformer as the entity that renders an extended DPS tree into a standard DPS tree - this makes it clear that it is *very* optional if one *has* a standard tree already. Of course, the other reason one might want a transformer is to amend the tree in some manner - for instance, it seems to me that the transformer is what would sort out intra-document references... > Is the intent something along the lines of the following? :: > > Writer.write(Transformer.transform(Parser.parse(Reader()))) Yuck! But yes, I would imagine that if one is willing to accept all the defaults, one might want to do that. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) .. "equal" really means "in some sense the same, but maybe not .. the sense you were hoping for", or, more succinctly, "is .. confused with". (Gordon McMillan, Python list, Apr 1998) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Thu Sep 20 05:12:53 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 00:12:53 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS components In-Reply-To: <005001c1410a$6b83e950$> Message-ID: <> I forgot all about the fifth component: "filers" (formerly "output management"). Filers exist for each method of storing the results of processing: - In a single file on disk. - In a tree of directories and files on disk. - In a single tree-shaped data structure in memory. - In a tree of data structures in memory. (Maybe.) As opposed to readers, parsers, designers, and writers, I see only a small number of filers; namely, those listed above. [Tony] > Of course, the "reader" for plain .rst files is *ever so* simple! It is the simplest reader, but it still has to do some work, like hyperlink resolution & footnote numbering. On my to-do-soon list. [Tony re "designer"] > Actually, I think this is the interesting stage to have identified. > I agree it's difficult to think of a name for it. Rummaging through my dusty brain, I've come up with several alternatives to "designer" and "transformer": collator, integrator, interpreter, synthesist. I think "synthesist" is most apt. However, the point may be moot; because... Having just scribbled a diagram (ascii art below), I think the "synthesist" (transformer/designer) is so tightly coupled to the reader that it becomes an internal implementation detail:: +--------+ +-------+ | reader | -------------> | filer | +--------+ +-------+ / \\ | / \\ | / \\ | +--------+ +------------+ +--------+ | parser | | synthesist | | writer | +--------+ +------------+ +--------+ (Double lines denote tight coupling, single are loose.) I can see a variety of synthesists for Python source readers, but other input types (.rtxt file, PEP, email, etc.) won't need them. [Tony] > I assume that you are thus hinting that the output of the designer > should be "pure" DPS nodes - that is, using only DPS tree nodes that > are defined in dps/, so that *any* DPS writer can be slotted > in. Yes, exactly. A generic document is produced and handed over to the filer & writer. > At the moment, my code doesn't work like that - the designer is > producing "extended" nodes, and the writer understands what to do > with them. If we follow the diagram above, this goes away. The "pure" document tree is used between reader, parser, filer, and writer; but the synthesist is local to the reader and they can share any private structure they like. Of course, it would be useful for that structure to be comprehensive and well-documented. > The example I would use to think about the flow through the system > would be that of a simple table in the quick reference, which could > use a directive:: > > .. quickreftable:: Directives > :link: http://link-to-text > :: > > For instance: > > .. graphic:: images/ball1.gif I would rewrite that as:: .. quickreftable:: Directives (http://link-to-text) For instance: .. image:: images/ball1.gif Decide on a structure for the ``quickreftable`` directive. It can do with its contents what it likes, including duplicating, parsing, whatever. Be creative! Check out the directives I've built for admonitions and images (image [not graphic] and figure). > Now, given I want the table header to be in pale blue, with the word > "Directives" in strong italics, and I want the table body to be > split 50/50 between the two columns, with a pale yellow background, > *if* I'm outputting to HTML - how do I do that? Bearing in mind that > if I'm outputting to PDF, I want an entirely different set of > details. Style sheets would be useful for that. HTML has them, and a PDF generator might too. Or writers might have their own collections of style modules. > My *suspicion* is that we have three sets of plugins for a directive Whoa -- too complex. Remember, directives are a parser construct. They're used to get around the limited syntax. But what comes out of the parser should have proper structure, not just 'directives'. The duplication and re-parsing should be done by the directive code being run by the original parser. If anything else needs to be done, it should be triggered by the specific element(s) produced by the parser. > Despite the witterings above, I'm not too concerned about this as > yet - I have the feeling that it will all come clear in the attempt > to implement a "clean" system[1]_. Agreed. But it does help to bash ideas around. [Garth] > Is there any problem I've missed that prevents us from spitting out > plain XML and using transforms to convert it to XHTML? :) [Tony] > I would certainly imagine that would be possible, assuming (as I do) > that all of the DPS node tree information gets dumped as XML > elements/attributes. Correct assumption Nothing prevents XML->XHTML as Garth describes. Simply use the XML writer and XSLT style sheets for the transformations. (Remi Bertholet sent me .xsl and .css files; I'll make them available soon). The problem with that approach is that you need software that understands the style sheets. Certain versions of certain browsers do, but that's not good enough for the general case. If there was an XSLT module in the standard library, we could use it. Until then, we have to be able to produce real HTML. [Garth] > Transformers take a DPS tree and spit out another DPS tree, right? Correct, modulus the discussion above. [Garth] > Is the intent something along the lines of the following? :: > > Writer.write(Transformer.transform(Parser.parse(Reader()))) Perhaps more like:: Filer.file(, Parser, Synthesist), Writer) IOW we pass a parser class (or instance) in to the reader because the parser might be called repeatedly for each doclet (actually, the reader might auto-detect the markup format & load the parser itself). The presence of a Synthesist class/instance would depend on the reader. Same for filers: we pass the writer class/instance/ in since it may be used for multiple document fragments. [Tony] > Of course, the other reason one might want a transformer is to amend > the tree in some manner - for instance, it seems to me that the > transformer is what would sort out intra-document references... Good point. Something to consider when we actually tackle such beasts. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Thu Sep 20 05:22:32 2001 From: (Garth T Kidd) Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:22:32 +1000 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS components In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> > I forgot all about the fifth component: "filers" (formerly "output > management"). Filers exist for each method of storing the results of > processing: > > - In a single file on disk. > - In a tree of directories and files on disk. > - In a single tree-shaped data structure in memory. > - In a tree of data structures in memory. (Maybe.) > > As opposed to readers, parsers, designers, and writers, I see only a > small number of filers; namely, those listed above. Could another word for 'designer' be 'filter'? > [Tony] > > Of course, the "reader" for plain .rst files is *ever so* simple! > > It is the simplest reader, but it still has to do some work, like > hyperlink resolution & footnote numbering. On my to-do-soon list. Oh, hang on. I thought the reader just passed the document to the parser and the designer did the hyperlink resolution and footnote numbering? > Nothing prevents XML->XHTML as Garth describes. Simply use the XML > writer and XSLT style sheets for the transformations. (Remi Bertholet > sent me .xsl and .css files; I'll make them available soon). Ooh! Just what I've been waiting for! <jumps around eagerly> > Perhaps more like:: > > Filer.file(, Parser, Synthesist), Writer) I'm getting completely lost there, I have to admit. I'm sure you have excellent reasons for making it that complex, but you should be prepared to write an IBG Dummy's Guide to Using the RST Parser in Your Simple Python Applications to explain it to the rest of us. :) > IOW we pass a parser class (or instance) in to the reader because the > parser might be called repeatedly for each doclet ... such as when the contents of a directive are re-parsed so that we have a directive containing marked up ReST? Regards, Garth. From Thu Sep 20 10:28:01 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 10:28:01 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS components In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <005a01c141b6$8af0ba50$> David Goodger wrote: > I forgot all about the fifth component: "filers" (formerly "output > management"). Hmm - I don't think I'd bother to separate them out at all, personally. > [Tony] > > Of course, the "reader" for plain .rst files is *ever so* simple! > > It is the simplest reader, but it still has to do some work, like > hyperlink resolution & footnote numbering. On my to-do-soon list. As obviously Garth also did, I was assuming that the "reader" simply read in the data and then passed (the DPS bits of it) on to the parser to make sense of - i.e.:: +--------+ +------------+ +--------+ | reader | ------> | synthesist | ---> | writer | +--------+ \ > +------------+ +--------+ \ / v / +--------+ | parser | +--------+ That's why I said the reader was so simple for plain DPS texts - it has nothing to do but actually read in the data and pass it to the parser - nothing goes along that top route in that model. Your diagram:: > > +--------+ +-------+ > | reader | -------------> | filer | > +--------+ +-------+ > / \\ | > / \\ | > / \\ | > +--------+ +------------+ +--------+ > | parser | | synthesist | | writer | > +--------+ +------------+ +--------+ is a bit different in form, of course - the "reader" is more powerful. On the whole, apart from the fact I'd elide the "filer", I think your diagram is better. > Having just scribbled a diagram [now above], I think the > "synthesist" (transformer/designer) is so tightly coupled to the > reader that it becomes an internal implementation detail:: Hmm. Maybe. But (unless your parser is going to do it all for me) don't forget that there are still transforms to be done on the DPS node tree for "pure" reST texts - handling references, for instance. So either we need to be able to pass down multiple synthesisers, or (more likely) one synthesiser needs to be able to invoke others. > I can see a variety of synthesists for Python source readers, but > other input types (.rtxt file, PEP, email, etc.) won't need them. OK - maybe you are doing all the work. *But* what about a synthesist component to (for instance) generate a contents list? In some cases that would be done via a directive (i.e., the author decides to "provide" it), but in other cases the person transforming the document may decide that they want a contents inserting. That sounds like a synthesis job to me, not a writer job... > [Tony] > > I assume that you are thus hinting that the output of the designer > > should be "pure" DPS nodes - that is, using only DPS tree nodes that > > are defined in dps/, so that *any* DPS writer can be slotted > > in. > > Yes, exactly. A generic document is produced and handed over to the > filer & writer. I've got the refactoring bug now, I'm afraid, 'cos that idea is becoming increasingly attractive. I may give in and make the next thing I work on a refactoring of pydps so that it *does* generate a "pure" DPS node tree as the input to the writer. It would be a useful clarification of concept, I think. And interesting to see how easy it is for me to still generate my, erm, colourful HTML. > > The example I would use to think about the flow through the system > > would be that of a simple table in the quick reference, which could > > use a directive:: > > > > .. quickreftable:: Directives > > :link: http://link-to-text > > :: > > > > For instance: > > > > .. graphic:: images/ball1.gif > > I would rewrite that as:: > > .. quickreftable:: Directives (http://link-to-text) > > For instance: > > .. image:: images/ball1.gif Ah - but the above doesn't fail as gracefully (imagine if I want to be able to have invalid constructs in my example, and the poor person trying to format my text doesn't have the right plugin). Also, whilst I thought about folding the link in as you've done, I didn't, to allow for a link in parentheses to appear in the title, if I so wished (yep, being awkward again). (in fact, my *first* writing of the directive was essentially identical to yours) > > Now, given I want the table header to be in pale blue, with the word > > "Directives" in strong italics, and I want the table body to be > > split 50/50 between the two columns, with a pale yellow background, > > *if* I'm outputting to HTML - how do I do that? Bearing in mind that > > if I'm outputting to PDF, I want an entirely different set of > > details. > > Style sheets would be useful for that. HTML has them, and a PDF > generator might too. Or writers might have their own collections of > style modules. I thought I mentioned CSS. Although there is still a serious requirement to be able to cope with older browsers that don't support such. I had imagined that one might have writers having a variety of options on how to treat styles - some producing CSS directives, others embedded HTML, others being very simple for use by the visually impaired, etc. > [Garth] > > Is the intent something along the lines of the following? :: > > > > Writer.write(Transformer.transform(Parser.parse(Reader()))) > > Perhaps more like:: > > Filer.file(, Parser, Synthesist), Writer) You're both *way* too concise! What's wrong with some well named intermediate variables, and some comments! Given I still don't see the need for a seperate filer (so I'll ignore it for now), I would see that as being shown to the masses as more like:: # Reader takes an input stream. An alternative # might be FileReader, which takes a filename... reader = docutils.pysource.Reader() parser = docutils.parser.reST() # As you say above, the synthesiser might be # "assumed" by the reader in the default case... synthesiser = docutils.pysource.Synthesiser() reader.language = "en" = "fancy" synthesiser.use_tables = 0 instream = open("c:/reST/example.rtxt") try: document = reader(instream,parser,synthesiser) finally: instream.close() writer = docutils.writer.HTML() # Output as a single file. writer(document,file="c:/HTML/example.html") # Output as a directory structure. # Split out pages at header level 2. # (a similar facility in a TeX writer would # allow us to do slides...) writer(document,directory="c:/HTML/example/", index="index.htm",splitlevel=2) Ah - I've worked out why I don't see the need for Filer now. Looking at your four examples, the first two (single file or multi-file) are likely candidates for HTML output (for instance) - but if so, the HTML writer needs to know what it is doing, it can't be left up to an external "body" to do it (since the HTML writer needs to insert appropriate links, generate an index file, etc., in the multiple file case). Similarly, it seems to me that the production of tree structures in memory would be the result of a specific writer (for instance, a DOM writer - hmm, odd concept). In fact, I'm not even sure I'd call that a "Writer" - I think I'd think of it as an output synthesiser(!). Anyway, regardless of details, I still think we're making Big Steps in understanding the problem (and you might convince me about Filers yet, I suppose!). Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Give a pedant an inch and they'll take 25.4mm (once they've established you're talking a post-1959 inch, of course) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Fri Sep 21 04:29:59 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 23:29:59 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS components In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Garth T Kidd wrote: > Could another word for 'designer' be 'filter'? It does transformations and augmentations to the data, not just filtering as in reduction. What I originally meant by the 'designer' was literally something that took the parsed document trees and did something almost artistic. > Oh, hang on. I thought the reader just passed the document to the > parser and the designer did the hyperlink resolution and footnote > numbering? Trying to rationalize away the need for a designer/synthesist in contexts other than Python source, I lumped those functions into the reader. Maybe there should be a universal 'linker' between the input side (reader & parser) and the output side (filer & writer):: +--------+ +--------+ +-------+ | reader | ---> | linker | ---> | filer | +--------+ +--------+ +-------+ | | | | | | +--------+ +--------+ | parser | | writer | +--------+ +--------+ Or just a bunch of functions available for the reader to use if it so desires. > I'm getting completely lost there, I have to admit. I'm sure you > have excellent reasons for making it that complex, but you should be > prepared to write an IBG Dummy's Guide to Using the RST Parser in > Your Simple Python Applications to explain it to the rest of us. :) Fear not, this is just brainstorming, not final decisions. My own brain is too puny to deal with complex issues for long so the end product cannot be that mind-warping. I can deal with at most one complex issue at a time, which is why I'll continue to do a lot of refactoring of the reStructuredText parser: I'd like to be able to understand what it's doing once its complexities have fled these cramped confines. I'm trying to form a good model of how this thing will work in a generic and flexible way. Following the XP way, though, I won't be coding for the general case before it's necessary. > > IOW we pass a parser class (or instance) in to the reader because > > the parser might be called repeatedly for each doclet > > ... such as when the contents of a directive are re-parsed so that > we have a directive containing marked up ReST? No, what I meant was that the parser will be used multiple times, called once for each docstring in a module or package, instead of just once overall (which is what ``Parser.parse(Reader())`` implies). The integration of documents happens after they're all parsed individually. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Fri Sep 21 04:31:17 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 23:31:17 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS components In-Reply-To: <005a01c141b6$8af0ba50$> Message-ID: <> Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > *But* what about a synthesist component to (for instance) generate > a contents list? In some cases that would be done via a directive > (i.e., the author decides to "provide" it), but in other cases the > person transforming the document may decide that they want a > contents inserting. That sounds like a synthesis job to me, not a > writer job... Good point. TOC generation itself is an example of what I'd call a filter. Index generation too. I don't know where to put those types of document augmentation steps (putting the TOC or index back into the document). > I've got the refactoring bug now, I'm afraid Glad to hear it. > I may give in and make the next thing I work on a refactoring of > pydps so that it *does* generate a "pure" DPS node tree as the input > to the writer. Please note that the tree described by dps.nodes & gpdi.dtd is probably not sufficient for the writer to do a proper job. Extensions to the elements (layout and formatting attributes) may be needed. (Maybe we need 'stylists' after all! ;-) > > I would rewrite that as:: > > > > .. quickreftable:: Directives (http://link-to-text) > > > > For instance: > > > > .. image:: images/ball1.gif > > Ah - but the above doesn't fail as gracefully (imagine if I want to > be able to have invalid constructs in my example, and the poor > person trying to format my text doesn't have the right plugin). It's up to the directive to parse its contents. No parsing is done automatically. If the 'quickreftable' directive isn't there, a warning will be generated with the directive source as a literal block. If the directive parses part of its contents normally, and *that* contains an unknown directive, then the parsed result will contain a system warning. I don't see the problem. > Also, whilst I thought about folding the link in as you've done, I > didn't, to allow for a link in parentheses to appear in the title, > if I so wished (yep, being awkward again). The directive can be made to extract only the *last* parenthesized link as the "details" link. > Ah - I've worked out why I don't see the need for Filer now. > > Looking at your four examples, the first two (single file or > multi-file) are likely candidates for HTML output (for instance) - > but if so, the HTML writer needs to know what it is doing, it can't > be left up to an external "body" to do it (since the HTML writer > needs to insert appropriate links, generate an index file, etc., in > the multiple file case). OK, so the 'filer' is just an option to the writer. That's cool too. Implementation details. ;-) So now the diagram looks something like this:: +--------+ +--------+ +------------+ +--------+ | READER | ---> | linker | ---> | transforms | ---> | WRITER | +--------+ +--------+ +------------+ +--------+ | TOC, index, | | etc. | | (optional) | +--------+ +-------+ | PARSER | | filer | +--------+ +-------+ UPPERCASE names are major DPS components, and lowercase names are groups of common services used as required. If synthesists and/or stylists are also needed, I'll have to rotate the diagram. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Fri Sep 21 05:27:59 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 00:27:59 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] rtxt2html style sheets in the sandbox Message-ID: <> I've put Remi Bertholet's style sheets in reStructuredText's new sandbox: Although I do not endorse all aspects of the layout & formatting choices Remi made, I do think this is very, *very* cool. Thanks Remi! An example reStructuredText file (by Remi, slightly edited by me), processed to XML and containing a link to the style sheets (using the new ``--styledxml`` option to tools/ is at: You'll need a browser compatible with .xsl and .css; I know M$ IE5 works. The style sheets are not complete. Several constructs were not ready when Remi sent me the files (tables, image directive, document with a title, auto-numbered footnotes). Remi, it would be great if you could add these to the style sheets (however you'd like them to look!). A snapshot of the entire sandbox is available at: Also available from CVS of course. If you use `` --styledxml`` on other files, the style sheets have to be in the same directory as the output for it to work. Enjoy! -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Fri Sep 21 10:02:20 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 10:02:20 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] DPS components In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <006401c1427c$1ebf3570$> David Goodger wrote: > Good point. TOC generation itself is an example of what I'd call a > filter. Index generation too. I don't know where to put those types > of document augmentation steps (putting the TOC or index back into > the document). It may be as simple as allowing a later stage to "call" an earlier stage to "refine" an aspect of the document. But it's the sort of thing that normally becomes clear when you write it once, then look at it for a while and go "no, that's wrong, the *obvious* way is to do it like this...". > > I've got the refactoring bug now, I'm afraid > > Glad to hear it. Oh, wanting to rewrite code to make it better isn't new - I've liked working that way since I started! What's new is that there is now some respectability to the idea - it isn't (necessarily) just seen as programmer's wasting time by either wanting to refine something that's "good enough" (by someone else's criteria, which don't take into account things like maintenance), or even (!) by "not writing it right in the first place". In this instance, though, your ideas have tipped me over from being a little bit unsure that the tack I had taken for output was right into thinking that it is definitely inelegant, and I can see a more elegant route (with other benefits as well - but then, that's one of the definitions of "elegance" in programming). > Please note that the tree described by dps.nodes & gpdi.dtd is > probably not sufficient for the writer to do a proper job. Extensions > to the elements (layout and formatting attributes) may be needed. Oh, for sure - but the easiest way to find out is to try! I know for a start that I will likely want to able to add a "style" attribute to most things (optionally, of course), and also that we will need a ``Span`` Element node - c.f. the <span> tag in HTML, etc. - this allows one to identify a segment of the tree (I'll settle for a subtree!) as being linked for stylistic purposes. > (Maybe we need 'stylists' after all! ;-) The Hairdresser class may still be in front of us. More seriously, I'm still unsure of *how* one chooses a particular style and implements its details - but again, this sort of thing comes clear in the wash... > > > .. quickreftable:: Directives (http://link-to-text) > > > > > > For instance: > > > > > > .. image:: images/ball1.gif > > It's up to the directive to parse its contents. No parsing is done > automatically. If the 'quickreftable' directive isn't there, a warning > will be generated with the directive source as a literal block. If the > directive parses part of its contents normally, and *that* contains an > unknown directive, then the parsed result will contain a system > warning. I don't see the problem. Ah - all is clear. You're right - no problem. > OK, so the 'filer' is just an option to the writer. That's cool too. > Implementation details. ;-) > > So now the diagram looks something like this:: > > +--------+ +--------+ +------------+ +--------+ > | READER | ---> | linker | ---> | transforms | ---> | WRITER | > +--------+ +--------+ +------------+ +--------+ > | TOC, index, | > | etc. | > | (optional) | > +--------+ +-------+ > | PARSER | | filer | > +--------+ +-------+ > > UPPERCASE names are major DPS components, and lowercase names are > groups of common services used as required. If synthesists and/or > stylists are also needed, I'll have to rotate the diagram. "linker" stitches together references and such? "transforms" should, of course, be "transformers", to be the same part of speech. I'm still unhappy with the *name* "filer", especially since your game plan for it involves generating memory structures "half" the time - "output manager" is slightly more accurate, if too verbose. But it doesn't matter enough to worry about, I think. Tibs (today's "drat" moment - work has IE4 and Netscape4.07 (don't ask), so there's no easy way I can look at the transformed XML output. Humph. I'll have to wait until tonight at home...) -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) .. Haskell is the most Pythonic of all the languages that are entirely .. unlike Python <0.9 wink> (Tim Peters) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Fri Sep 21 22:19:58 2001 From: (Fred L. Drake) Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 17:19:58 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] Message-ID: <> The development version of the documentation has been updated: Added more discussion of user-defined exceptions, more descriptions for the xml.parsers.expat module. From Mon Sep 24 15:04:46 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 15:04:46 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Grump about field lists In-Reply-To: <006401c1427c$1ebf3570$> Message-ID: <007a01c14501$de437050$> Warning - I may be disagreeing with opinions of my own that I've pushed in the past. But then, you should all be used to that by now... A "normal" field list:: :first: something :second: something else :third: and again produces a (sub)tree structure something like the following:: <field_list> <field> <field_name> first <field_body> something <field> <field_name> second and so on. However, some field names are treated specially:: :author: Me :Date: 29th February 200 gives:: <author> David Goodger <date> 29th February 200 I believe that this special treatment is (a) because some fields are felt to be "special" and should thus be easy to extract from the tree, and (b) because when what evolved into field lists was being proposed on Doc-SIG, this was the sort of thing that was expected to happen for *all* field names (I gloss over history greatly, of course). Note that I realise that this special casing is only done in the block at the *start* of the document (foreshadow_)... However, I now find that I don't like this division of fields into "normal" and "special", for two broad reasons. Broad reason 1: implementation ------------------------------ When trying to output HTML from a DPS tree, it is useful if I can produce a decent result without any pre-processing of the tree. The only place that I can't currently see this as being possible (subject to a *little* bit of special casing when it comes to folding in indirect hyperlinks) is for the "special" fields above. For "normal" field lists, I have a *list* - that is, a grouping of adjacent field list items - which facilitates treating them *as* a group. For the "special" fields, there is no such linkage. This could, of course, be solved to *some*extent by insisting that these field list items *also* become children of a <field_list> node - obviously one would then allow mixing, so one could do:: :Author: Me :Cat: in a hat to obtain:: <field_list> <author> Me <field> <field_name> Cat <field_body> in a hat although that seems messy in a different way... (Hmm - and surely there *is* a Good Thing about being able to point to the Bibliographic Data *as* a subtree of the document. I think that's actually a very important point. So, whatever else is done, can these things please be shifted into a <field_list> subtree.) Broad reason 2: theory ---------------------- Having had my mind drawn to this, I think I have some general objections to the idea, anyway. The first is simply that I don't think it is necessary. I think that it should be possible to handle any action that can be done with an ``<author>`` tag as easily with a ``<field>`` that has the correct subtree. And if it isn't, then transfer the field name to be an attribute, so that:: <field> <field_name> Fred ... becomes:: <field name="Fred"> ... The second is that I'm a bit unhappy with the ad-hoc nature of adding names - let us say that I have a document with a field name "History" (not unreasonable). What happens if reST introduces this as a standard tag at some time - suddenly, my customised Writer code will get *very* confused at the new parsing. Speaking of which, I especially don't like the out-reference to RCS/CVS keywords. The `RCS keyword recognition` section says that any RCS keyword shall be a bibliographic keyword. This is unfriendly to the poor user, because it *requires* them to study a different document before they can figure out unused keywords (even if they're using DPS/reST to write a discourse on cats, or something inherently non-programming), and also because it nails us to a moving target over which we have no control (we can't stop CVS adding a new keyword to its list, unlikely as we may hope that to be). Also, in that section, "status" and "date" are named, but these are already mentioned in the previous section (and do you *really* think you can automatically convert all dates into ISO 8601 format? what about 10/12/01? (which is the month? and the day? and what century? (not that I'd guarantee that that *is* the year, if I were you!)) If we're going to support RCS/CVS keywords directly, can we please prefix them with RCS (or CVS) - e.g., "CVSDate" or "cvsdate" - to make it clear what we mean? .. _foreshadow:: Hmm, that's another problem with the "special treatment" - it only happens in one place. So I probably have to be able to cope with the same "quantity" represented by either of two means, anyway, if I want to go data-mining. Tibs (Hmm - having said I thought that :title: was unlikely to happen, there it is for all to see. Oh well, I never was much good at channeling. Or remembering.) -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Give a pedant an inch and they'll take 25.4mm (once they've established you're talking a post-1959 inch, of course) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Mon Sep 24 22:16:35 2001 From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.) Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 17:16:35 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] request for assistance with library reference Message-ID: <> The schedule for Python 2.2 has it being released mid-December, and the documentation tasks are piling up. If anyone would like to help, I'd certainly appreciate it! The things that would be easiest for someone to pick up would be reference documentation for modules; the docs for a module are highly self-contained and very formulaic in presentation. The Python bug tracker specifically tells me that people are interested in seeing the pydoc and httplib modules documented. pydoc has never been documented, and the httplib documentation is for an old version of the interface. I'm sure there are other modules that need to be documented as well. Any takers? ;-) -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at> PythonLabs at Zope Corporation From Mon Sep 24 22:22:50 2001 From: (Fred L. Drake) Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 17:22:50 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] Message-ID: <> The development version of the documentation has been updated: Added documentation for several of the new C functions added for Python 2.2 in the Python/C API reference manual. From Tue Sep 25 03:37:28 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 22:37:28 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: Document titles (was RE: [Docstring-develop] DPS - possible bugs/features) In-Reply-To: <007701c144db$7b029d20$> Message-ID: <> [As it may be of more widespread interest, I'm moving this discussion over to Doc-SIG.] Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > Ueli Schl=E4pfer gave a good explanation of why David Goodger had chosen > to do something I didn't understand - namely make a document with a > title at the start have no section within it (except it was subtler than > that). For those new to this discussion, please see Tony's original post at (Ueli's followup is . To begin, let me reiterate what I wrote on Friday (21 Sept): ... Perhaps this parser-specific transformation should be made optional [#]_. Then you can treat everything as generic sections until integration is complete. .. [#] Along with bibliographic field list interpretation, RCS keyword filtering, and whatever other conveniences we dream up. I will make these transformations optional, or remove them altogether and relocate them to a separate module. The only problem with this separation is that these transformations are markup-specific; they may not be necessary with another markup syntax. I don't know the best way to handle this situation yet; suggestions are welcome. [Tony] > By the way, I did check the documentation, and it seemed to me that > the current documentation indicated that a title would cause a > section to be started - so David, if you want to perform this > promotion, then it needs to be documented (unless I've missed it > *again*). No, you haven't missed anything. It wasn't documented; I guess it was just so obvious to me that I never thought to write it down. I'll work on an explanation for the spec (taking into account this discussion, of course). > On the other hand, I don't actually see why the DPS system should > have to do the promotion for the user, when it's not clear that it > is always wanted (in other words, why is it up to the DPS system to > decide that the case of a single section is special, and then have a > sudden disjunction in its behaviour for two sections - that's my > inner pedant objecting!). True, there's some ambiguity here. But the user needs some way to indicate the document title. > Regardless, an immediate solution to resolve the docstring case (and > possibly a useful thing to do anyway) would be to have an argument > to the Parser that states upfront that we are working on a document > *fragment* That's one possibility, yes. > Broadly, HTML common practise treats a document as having a single > title at the top, which is used for both <title> and <h1>, and the > "section hierarchy" (if any) starts with an <h2>. That's a transformation the HTML writer will want to do to the document: convert the document title to both <HEAD><TITLE> and <H1>. > Maybe (horrors) we should reserve one specific markup form to mean > "overall title":: That won't fly. > Or perhaps we'll have to resort to:: >=20 > :Title: Document title PEPs use this, but I wouldn't want to use it in my documents. > Somehow, I don't see David liking either of those... You know me so well! > My problem is that I'm trying to write formatters for *any* document > that might come in (yes, I know I'm writing pydps/pysource, but I > want the Writer to work for any document) The "Writer" being an "HTML Writer"? > so we have to be able to cope with: >=20 > 1. Document with no titles at all > 2. Document with one title (OK - David does that) > 3. Document with more than one title (at the same level) > - which in essence *really* resolves back to case 1. 1 & 3 merge to become "Document without exactly one title". I'd say that warrants an error from the HTML writer since a title is a prerequisite. Or the HTML writer can call that document "Untitled". Or both. The TeX writer need not complain. > I'm afraid that the only "perfect" solution I can see for that (in > the sense of *predictable*) is to require the user to indicate that > they *do* have a document title, and that it is *this* thing, here. > That then makes them aware of the problem, also, which I think is a > necessary thing (otherwise, surprise will eventuate). I think, documented, the promotion of a single section to document status is natural and predictable. However, it's not the parser's job. Is there an alternative? > David Goodger wrote: > > It is actually intended that by the time the document tree gets to > > the writer, it must have a title. The parser can't always > > determine the title by itself, such as in PySource mode. The > > PySource reader is expected to supply all the titles as > > appropriate. >=20 > Hmm. In PySource mode, the parser should not be trying to introduce > titles - it is, after all, handling arbitrary document fragments, > and can't know anything about their global scope (unless it is > told!). We'll turn off the transformations for PySource mode. The parser will no longer introduce titles; that's the reader's job. > *If* the final tree shall always have a title, where does it come > from if the document author didn't provide one? Surely in that case > it is not up to the *parser* to decide on what a title should be - > that is up to the application. So one has three options: >=20 > 1. The parser makes one up (yuck) > 2. The application makes one up (yuck) > 3. An error is generated (yuck) >=20 > I'd vote for 3 ... Probably me too, in those cases where it's necessary. If the writer doesn't need a document title, it need not complain. [Ueli] > The source filename isn't known to the writer, is it? [Tony] > I think that the sourcefile as an optional attribute on the document > is probably a useful thing, as well. I've added an optional attribute 'source' (not just files!) to 'basic.atts', so all elements will get it. That way, each fragment of a document can record its origin. --=20 David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Tue Sep 25 03:43:38 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 22:43:38 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] URI schemes (was Re: [Docstring-develop] DPS - possible bugs/features) In-Reply-To: <007801c144dc$5ca6e560$> Message-ID: <> [Again, of general interest. Especially: Does anyone know of a URI scheme registry or official list? (URI schemes are "http", "ftp", "mailto", etc.; the part of a URI before the ":".)] [Tony] > Hmm. Will `a:b` be treated as a URI? (I haven't tested it). Yes, it will, and in fact you *have* tested it! ``[a:b]`` turned into ``[<link refuri="a:b">a:b</link>]`` in the example from your original message. (The square brackets are not significant.) > Is ``a:b`` *really* likely to be a sensible URI, given that ``a`` is > entirely "local"? What do you mean by "local"? > Should we be treating with the whole possible gamut of URIs, or > restricting ourselves to those most likely? There are two approaches: 1. Recognize all possible URI schemes, based on the grammar from RFC2396. This has the unwanted side effect that ``a:b`` is accidentally recognized as a URI. The workaround is to use inline literals (not always correct: "the signal:noise ratio") or escape the colon (ugly). 2, Recognize only "registered" URI schemes. Accidents like ``a:b`` won't happen. The disadvantage is that new URI schemes need to be added to the parser. I have yet to find a definitive registry of URI schemes (anybody know of one?), and I don't want to spend the rest of my life adding new schemes as they pop up. Currently the reStructuredText parser takes approach #1. I wouldn't want to attempt #2 without an official & complete URI scheme reference. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Tue Sep 25 04:01:33 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 23:01:33 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: Grump about field lists In-Reply-To: <007a01c14501$de437050$> Message-ID: <> Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > However, some field names are treated specially:: > > :author: Me > :Date: 29th February 200 > > gives:: > > <author> David Goodger > <date> 29th February 200 Please note, there is *no* automatic conversion of "Me" into "David Goodger"! !!! (I'm sure it was a typo. But could you imagine the arrogance of a programmer adding such a "feature" to his code?) > Note that I realise that this special casing is only done in the > block at the *start* of the document (foreshadow_)... That's important to the discussion. > I believe that this special treatment is (a) because some fields are > felt to be "special" and should thus be easy to extract from the > tree, and (b) because when what evolved into field lists was being > proposed on Doc-SIG, this was the sort of thing that was expected to > happen for *all* field names (I gloss over history greatly, of > course). It's not that some fields are "special". "Bibliographic Field List Context" is just a way of getting some extra functionality out of the limited syntax. I felt that the bibliographic elements (author, date, version, etc.) were useful to a generic document, so added them to the DTD. Naturally, I wanted to provide some mechanism to the reStructuredText authors to include those elements in their doucments. The past Doc-SIG discussions and PEP syntax suggested that field lists were the way to go. It's a bit of syntax overloading, but practical. > However, I now find that I don't like this division of fields into > "normal" and "special", for two broad reasons. > > Broad reason 1: implementation > ------------------------------ > When trying to output HTML from a DPS tree, it is useful if I can > produce a decent result without any pre-processing of the tree. So you don't want to deal with the bibliographic elements at all? In order to deal with a richly structured document, you're going to have to do some pre-processing, tree transformations, and addition of boilerplate text here and there. > For "normal" field lists, I have a *list* - that is, a grouping of > adjacent field list items - which facilitates treating them *as* a > group. For the "special" fields, there is no such linkage. The bibliographic elements do not constitute a list. They do constitute a group of elements; we could group them together in a 'docinfo' (or 'bibliographic' or 'metadata') element if that would help. (But then we face the question: what goes inside 'docinfo', and what doesn't? I think most people would agree 'title' is too generic to go inside 'docinfo'. What about 'subtitle'? See the Docbook DTD for a cautionary example: its 'bookinfo' etc. elements contain 'title', as does the 'book' itself.) I envisage these bibliographic elements being laid out in various ways: like a title page of a book, like the first page of the Python Library Reference, etc. I do *not* see them being laid out as a field list, at least not exclusively, and not for anything but experimental output (e.g., verbatim output of the raw input for verification purposes). For a typical bibliographic field list:: Sand-Nymphs of Mars =================== :Author: Kilgore Trout :Contact: :Date: 24 September, 2001 I see this being laid out something like this:: SAND-NYMPHS OF MARS Kilgore Trout ( 24 September, 2001 > This could, of course, be solved to *some* extent by insisting that > these field list items *also* become children of a <field_list> node I don't think this is a good idea. 'field_list' is just used as a syntax vehicle; it's not the end result. > (Hmm - and surely there *is* a Good Thing about being able to point to > the Bibliographic Data *as* a subtree of the document. Why? If you just need an element around them for ease of processing, a 'docinfo' would be easy to add. > Broad reason 2: theory > ---------------------- > Having had my mind drawn to this, I think I have some general > objections to the idea, anyway. > > The first is simply that I don't think it is necessary. I think that > it should be possible to handle any action that can be done with an > ``<author>`` tag as easily with a ``<field>`` that has the correct > subtree. Yes, by identifying the field name and doing a tree transformation. That's what's being done. > And if it isn't, then transfer the field name to be an attribute Same thing. > The second is that I'm a bit unhappy with the ad-hoc nature of adding > names - let us say that I have a document with a field name "History" > (not unreasonable). What happens if reST introduces this as a standard > tag at some time - suddenly, my customised Writer code will get *very* > confused at the new parsing. That's a backwards incompatibility issue, same as what happens in Python when a new keyword is added (like 'yield'). Say we do add a new bibliographic field at some point in the future. Some code would break. Since we're following good XP practise, we'd write a unit test and see the problem right away. At this point the TibsWriter software is part of the DPS/docutils package in Python's standard library. If we don't fix TibsWriter before checking the changes in to the Python codebase, the Python regression tests fail and we get hell from Guido. We fix the problem, either by backing out the changes or adapting TibsWriter to the changes. For any 3rd party 'writers' out there not part of the core, they face the same issues as a Python syntax change. Hopefully there's sufficient warning. If not, there's a small amount of maintenance to be done. Hopefully we learn from any backlash that adequate warning is not optional. > Speaking of which, I especially don't like the out-reference to > RCS/CVS keywords. The `RCS keyword recognition` section says that > any RCS keyword shall be a bibliographic keyword. No, it doesn't say that. It says "In the context of bibliographic field lists". Perhaps that could use some explanation (below). > This is unfriendly to the poor user, because it *requires* them to > study a different document before they can figure out unused > keywords At first I was exasperated, thinking you were being exceedingly pedantic ;-), but I'll assume that it's just the terseness of that part of the spec that's to blame. Here's an expanded explanation (and this is how the parser actually works): The RCS keyword processing only kicks in when all of these conditions hold: 1. The field list is in bibliographic context (first non-comment contstruct in the document, after a document title if there is one). 2. The field name is a registered bibliographic field name. 3. The sole contents of the field is an expanded RCS keyword, of the form '$Keyword: data $'. The only people who are going to be putting RCS keywords in their documents already know about RCS keywords, so there's (almost) no danger of an accident. I can't see someone putting dollar-signs around a word by accident. And for an RCS keyword to be expanded, the file has to be *stored* under RCS or CVS, so if a keyword accident does happen, the user has a greater problem than we need address. > (even if they're using DPS/reST to write a discourse on cats, or > something inherently non-programming) Then the .rtxt file wouldn't be stored under RCS/CVS. > also because it nails us to a moving target over which we have no > control (we can't stop CVS adding a new keyword to its list, > unlikely as we may hope that to be). An acceptable risk, I think. > Also, in that section, "status" and "date" are named, but these are > already mentioned in the previous section Maybe the spec is misleading. '$Date: ... $' is not only processed in the 'date' field. Any RCS keyword can be processed in any bibliographic field. I was just using 'status' and 'date' as examples. If this is too loose, we *could* define that '$Date$' is only recognized in 'date' fields, '$Revision$' only in 'version' or 'revision' fields, etc. But then we limit the possibilities; I'm sure there would be a complaint eventually. > (and do you *really* think you can automatically convert all dates > into ISO 8601 format? Yes, I do. The RCS date field is defined as expanding to 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss' (in UTC). (I just looked up the RCS manpage. It doesn't actually specify the date expansion format, but from experience I know the above format to be correct. If it is ever different, the date-specific pattern in the parser won't match, and only the '$'s and 'Date:' would be removed and the raw data left behind; no harm done.) > If we're going to support RCS/CVS keywords directly, can we please > prefix them with RCS (or CVS) - e.g., "CVSDate" or "cvsdate" - to > make it clear what we mean? That would defeat the purpose. We have bibliographic elements, like 'date'. People will use RCS keywords in their source files, because they're automatically updated. The RCS keyword processing is merely a cosmetic convenience, tossing the cruft. > .. _foreshadow:: Hmm, that's another problem with the "special > treatment" - it only happens in one place. So I probably have > to be able to cope with the same "quantity" represented by > either of two means, anyway, if I want to go data-mining. I don't follow; please explain. > (Hmm - having said I thought that :title: was unlikely to happen, > there it is for all to see. You're referring to your docstring-develop message? The reason for 'title' being recognized as a bibliographic field name was for generality, and specifically to support the PEP header syntax as an alternate reader/"input mode". For the PEP Reader, the bibliographic elements should be extended to include all of the PEP header fields. If the redundant inclusion of 'title' in the standard set of bibliographic fields is painful, it would be easy to remove it and only put it back for the PEP Reader. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Tue Sep 25 10:07:43 2001 From: (Kalle Svensson) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:07:43 +0200 Subject: [Doc-SIG] request for assistance with library reference In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> [Fred L. Drake, Jr.] > > The schedule for Python 2.2 has it being released mid-December, and > the documentation tasks are piling up. If anyone would like to help, > I'd certainly appreciate it! Well, after lurking on this list for a while, I guess I should do something too. <wink> I'll try to update the httplib docs. I'm not a native english speaker, but I'll do my best. Peace, Kalle -- [ Thought control, brought to you by the WIPO! ] [ ] From Tue Sep 25 10:54:11 2001 From: (Kalle Svensson) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:54:11 +0200 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Latest version of doc sources? Message-ID: <> Hi. The httplib documentation in CVS seems older than Is the source of this newer version available somewhere? Sorry if I've missed something obvious. Peace, Kalle -- [ Thought control, brought to you by the WIPO! ] [ ] From Tue Sep 25 11:11:25 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:11:25 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: Grump about field lists In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <008401c145aa$6f12e270$> David Goodger wrote: > Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > > However, some field names are treated specially:: > > :author: Me > > gives:: > > <author> David Goodger > > Please note, there is *no* automatic conversion of "Me" into "David > Goodger"! !!! Aaagh! Yes, it was a typo (well, a cut-and-paste-o). Sorry. > I felt that the bibliographic elements (author, date, version, etc.) > were useful to a generic document, so added them to the DTD. > Naturally, I wanted to provide some mechanism to the reStructuredText > authors to include those elements in their doucments. The past Doc-SIG > discussions and PEP syntax suggested that field lists were the way to > go. It's a bit of syntax overloading, but practical. Well, the good news is that your explanation (mostly omitted) made lots of sense to me, and I'm withdrawing much of my worry (which is a relief to *me*, at least). I would be happiest, though, if the bibliographic items were grouped together under a single DPS tree node - I don't care about the name, and don't particularly worry whether the term "list" is in it or not (the tree requires things to be ordered by being a tree, so *all* collections are going to be instantiated as "lists" regardless, whether one conceptualises them as list or group!). I'm happy with any of the tags you came up with - "docinfo" is OK by me. > (But then we face the question: what goes inside 'docinfo', and > what doesn't? I think most people would agree 'title' is too generic > to go inside 'docinfo'. What about 'subtitle'? See the Docbook DTD for > a cautionary example: its 'bookinfo' etc. elements contain 'title', as > does the 'book' itself.) Hmm - I *like* the idea of placing them together *because* it makes them easy to find - and if we are saying that they must "come together as the first thing in the document or the second thing after a title" then we are *making* them all come together. That, to me, encourages me to represent that fact. I don't know the Docbook DTD, and don't *quite* see why it is obviously bad to have "title" in two places... > I envisage these bibliographic elements being laid out in various > ways: like a title page of a book, like the first page of the Python > Library Reference, etc. I do *not* see them being laid out as a field > list, at least not exclusively, and not for anything but experimental > output (e.g., verbatim output of the raw input for verification > purposes). This was (probably) the crucial point I was missing. I think your example would sit well in the document, as an explanation (of one of the reasons) for doing this. Of course, to me, it's also another reason to group them together under one node of the tree... > > (Hmm - and surely there *is* a Good Thing about being able > > to point to the Bibliographic Data *as* a subtree of the > > document. > > Why? Erm - "because"... It's difficult for me to articulate - we've *said* they belong together. We want to *use* them together (in your example, to produce title page info). It makes it slightly easier to tell if we have a particular item or not. We don't want to lose them (!) - it just feels neater to keep them in one package so they don't "fall out". It makes the tree tidier. Maybe I'm just compulsive... > If you just need an element around them for ease of processing, a > 'docinfo' would be easy to add. > At first I was exasperated, thinking you were being exceedingly > pedantic ;-), No, I really hadn't understood, as your further explanation makes clear to me. Specifically: > 3. The sole contents of the field is an expanded RCS keyword, of > the form '$Keyword: data $'. I was assuming that "RCS keyword" meant the field list name - i.e., that when you said "RCS date" you meant something that looked like:: :date: <some text> I hadn't realised that you actually meant:: :name: <RCS keyword>: <appropriate text> Looking back at the document, it still wouldn't be obvious to me (whereas your new explanation does make it obvious), despite your use of the words "The 'RCSfile' keyword" in the explanation - that use of "keyword" didn't trigger strongly enough for me, I guess, probably because you then go on to say "the 'Date' keyword" when I was thinking about the "Date" field name). As you've put it now, it's plainly a good idea (which makes me sigh with relief, as I *know* you have a good sense of design). > > .. _foreshadow:: Hmm, that's another problem with the "special > > treatment" - it only happens in one place. So I probably have > > to be able to cope with the same "quantity" represented by > > either of two means, anyway, if I want to go data-mining. > > I don't follow; please explain. Just that if I have:: :something: text at the start of the document, it will produce a different representation in the tree structure than if it occurs elsewhere. In my original worries, that was much more significant (because (a) I hadn't gotten the "title page" scenario, and (b) I was worried about random "RCS" field names). > > (Hmm - having said I thought that :title: was unlikely to happen, > > there it is for all to see. > > You're referring to your docstring-develop message? > > The reason for 'title' being recognized as a bibliographic field name > was for generality, and specifically to support the PEP header syntax > as an alternate reader/"input mode". For the PEP Reader, the > bibliographic elements should be extended to include all of the PEP > header fields. If the redundant inclusion of 'title' in the standard > set of bibliographic fields is painful, it would be easy to remove it > and only put it back for the PEP Reader. I'm actually not worried about it - but I think that some guidance could be given to usage (when we figure out what that guidance is!). I wonder if we're going to end up with things like the LaTeX document styles, where one declares what "bibliographic elements" one wants according to the function of the document. Hmm - does that mean that we should add "Mode" or "Style" as an extra such bibliographic field name - I suspect we should (I'm sure this was discussed earlier). Examples:: :Mode: Article :Mode: Book :Mode: PEP :Mode: HTML (that last one is being a bit naughty, of course - maybe it should be "HTML page"). Or perhaps one even has:: :Mode: HTML :Style: Article where the "mode" indicates that we are enabling HTML specific things (support for <hr>, etc.) Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Well we're safe now....thank God we're in a bowling alley. - Big Bob (J.T. Walsh) in "Pleasantville" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 25 11:11:28 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:11:28 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] URI schemes (was Re: [Docstring-develop] DPS - possible bugs/features) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <008501c145aa$70fed3f0$> David Goodger wrote: > [Again, of general interest. Especially: Does anyone know > of a URI scheme registry or official list? (URI schemes > are "http", "ftp", "mailto", etc.; the part of a URI before > the ":".)] Hmm. The best references I found for URIs were (taken from comments in the stpy version of docutils/ * "An index of WWW addressing schemes", - note that this is an evolving document! * "Regex for URLs",, which shows rather well both how to do it and also why just about noone does The first is probably about as official as you're going to get, and shows why I gave up on the idea of being all inclusive! > [Tony] > > Is ``a:b`` *really* likely to be a sensible URI, given that ``a`` is > > entirely "local"? > > What do you mean by "local"? Sorry - "relative" rather than "absolute". And I should have said ``b``, not ``a``. And it doesn't make sense to say that for some schemes. Oh well. > > Should we be treating with the whole possible gamut of URIs, or > > restricting ourselves to those most likely? > > There are two approaches: > > 1. Recognize all possible URI schemes, based on the grammar from > RFC2396. This has the unwanted side effect that ``a:b`` is > accidentally recognized as a URI. The workaround is to use inline > literals (not always correct: "the signal:noise ratio") or escape > the colon (ugly). > > 2, Recognize only "registered" URI schemes. Accidents like ``a:b`` > won't happen. The disadvantage is that new URI schemes need to be > added to the parser. I have yet to find a definitive registry of > URI schemes (anybody know of one?), and I don't want to spend the > rest of my life adding new schemes as they pop up. > > Currently the reStructuredText parser takes approach #1. I wouldn't > want to attempt #2 without an official & complete URI scheme > reference. It sounds, from reading the first reference above, as if it is not possible to have an inclusive and final list of all URIs (note the example of registering "note:" with IE so that one can browse files using Notepad - I could instead have called it "supercalifradgilisticexpealidocious" (?spelling) for all anyone else can tell). So that kills proposal 2. The third way (not that I'm recommending *it*, either), is to identify a "common subset" of schemes that we recognise. That appears to be what other people normally do - of course, I'm exactly the sort of person who then comes along and wants my uncommon scheme to be added to said "common" subset... A fourth way (again, not necessarily one I'm advocating - but it's only moderately yucky) would be to say "these 'common' schemes are recognised as-is/inline, but if you want an 'odd' scheme, you need to delimit your uri" - in the context of reST, I guess that would mean something like:: :uri:`strange-scheme:hum-ti-hum` (a role seems natural here, and *looks* a bit like one of the common ways of inidicating URIs in plaintext). Then we get to play with "which schemes are 'common'" (the "obvious" answer is [http,ftp,file,mailto,news], but that's only for my value of obvious). I *do* think that there might be some objection (as you say) to having to escape colons within text in a Python context - slices are just so important (it might not be as bad as Guido's objection to reserving "<" and ">" as delimiters, but still pretty bad). So it *may* be that the fourth option is our simplest bet... Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "Bounce with the bunny. Strut with the duck. Spin with the chickens now - CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK!" BARNYARD DANCE! by Sandra Boynton My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 25 11:11:34 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:11:34 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: Document titles (was RE: [Docstring-develop] DPS - possible bugs/features) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <008601c145aa$74af31c0$> David Goodger wrote: > [As it may be of more widespread interest, I'm moving this > discussion over to Doc-SIG.] Sensible - I'd forgotten that it wasn't already! > To begin, let me reiterate what I wrote on Friday (21 Sept): > > ... Perhaps this parser-specific transformation should be made > optional [#]_. Then you can treat everything as generic sections > until integration is complete. > > .. [#] Along with bibliographic field list interpretation, RCS > keyword filtering, and whatever other conveniences we dream up. > > I will make these transformations optional, or remove them altogether > and relocate them to a separate module. The only problem with this > separation is that these transformations are markup-specific; they may > not be necessary with another markup syntax. I think that the proposals that David makes are sensible, and for what it's worth are OK by me... I actually think there are a series of "standard" processes that may want to be run on the DPS tree, between its construction and its final use. Some of them are optional, and most, if not all, have optional components. Examples are: * Generating a document title from a title within the document (my HTML stuff actually looks first for a title on the "top" element of the tree, then for a title in the first child - I imagine that's a sensible algorithm if you *must* have a title) * Sorting out automatic footnotes (since the footnote numbers are determined by the order of the footnotes, and references to them may come both before and after, this has to be done as a separate pass) * Finding indirect hyperlinks, and either: + folding them into the document + grouping them together at the end of the "section" they occur in + grouping them together at the end of the document depending on what the user wants. I think of these as "combing" the tree (think of what combing long hair to get the tangles out!) - one does each comb until the tree is in the state one wants it to be in. > I've added an optional attribute 'source' (not just files!) to > 'basic.atts', so all elements will get it. That way, each fragment of > a document can record its origin. Hmm - I'm already thinking of how I can use it... Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks." - Dorothy L. Sayers, "Gaudy Night" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 25 11:38:31 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:38:31 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] URI schemes (was Re: [Docstring-develop] DPS - possible bugs/features) In-Reply-To: <008501c145aa$70fed3f0$> Message-ID: <008801c145ae$381ff8d0$> I wrote: > * "An index of WWW addressing schemes", > - note > that this is an evolving document! I've just found the announcement of: in the latest "W3C weekly news" posting (there is also a pointer to which is the "parent" for my link above). Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "I'm a little monster, short and stout Here's my horns and here's my snout When you come a calling, hear me shout I will ROAR and chase you out" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Tue Sep 25 17:09:23 2001 From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:09:23 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] request for assistance with library reference In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Kalle Svensson writes: > Well, after lurking on this list for a while, I guess I should do > something too. <wink> I'll try to update the httplib docs. > I'm not a native english speaker, but I'll do my best. Thanks! Don't worry about not being a native speaker; many of our non-native speakers do a better jobs than us lazy Americans! I'll certainly review it and edit as necessary. Kalle Svensson writes: > The httplib documentation in CVS seems older than > > > Is the source of this newer version available somewhere? Sorry if > I've missed something obvious. Oops; I have a few minor changes in my working copy. I'll get those checked in in a few minutes. Thanks for checking! -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at> PythonLabs at Zope Corporation From Wed Sep 26 00:19:37 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 19:19:37 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: Grump about field lists In-Reply-To: <008401c145aa$6f12e270$> Message-ID: <> Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > I would be happiest, though, if the bibliographic items were grouped > together under a single DPS tree node OK, done. The element is 'docinfo'. It satisfies the desire for an explicit element hierarchy (encapsulation). The relevant bits of dps/spec/gpdi.dtd are:: <!ELEMENT document ((title, subtitle?)?, docinfo?, %structure.model;)> <!-- Container for bibliographic elements. May not be empty. --> <!ELEMENT docinfo (((%bibliographic.elements;)+, abstract?) | abstract)> > I don't know the Docbook DTD, and don't *quite* see why it is > obviously bad to have "title" in two places... Docbook allows duplicate titles (& subtitles):: <book> <title> Title text #1 <bookinfo> <title> Title text #2 Makes one ask, "What's the difference between the titles? Which one do you render?" Being a multipurpose DTD, Docbook is very loose. And big. Sometimes too loose. And too big. The users of Docbook have to limit themselves to a strict subset otherwise it soon becomes unmanageable. > Hmm - does that mean that we should add "Mode" or "Style" as an > extra such bibliographic field name No. Please, no! "Mode" or "Style" should not be set from within the document. Rather, they should be chosen when processing the document, either statically (set by "pysource2html" script), as command-line options ("--mode book --output html"), or understood from context somehow. > :Mode: HTML > :Style: Article If something like this ever really becomes necessary, the way to do it would be with a directive, not a field list. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 26 00:20:49 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 19:20:49 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] URI schemes (was Re: [Docstring-develop] DPS - possible bugs/features) In-Reply-To: <008501c145aa$70fed3f0$> Message-ID: <> Thanks for the references. Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > The third way (not that I'm recommending *it*, either), is to > identify a "common subset" of schemes that we recognise. ... > > A fourth way (again, not necessarily one I'm advocating - but it's > only moderately yucky) would be to say "these 'common' schemes are > recognised as-is/inline, but if you want an 'odd' scheme, you need > to delimit your uri" - in the context of reST, I guess that would > mean something like:: > > :uri:`strange-scheme:hum-ti-hum` These are certainly worth further consideration. Although it's easy for me to glibly say, "If you want something like 'a:b' in your text, use inline literals as in ``a:b``", it would be better to avoid such accidents in the first place. The "signal:noise" example always comes to mind. An explicit "uri" role would be useful to have as an example, as well. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 26 00:22:27 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 19:22:27 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: Document titles (was RE: [Docstring-develop] DPS - possible bugs/features) In-Reply-To: <008601c145aa$74af31c0$> Message-ID: <> Your examples of post-parse transformations are good. I've begun writing them up in the spec. Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > * Generating a document title from a title within the > document > > (my HTML stuff actually looks first for a title on > the "top" element of the tree, then for a title in > the first child - I imagine that's a sensible > algorithm if you *must* have a title) But what if there's a second child with a title (i.e. multiple sibling top-level sections)? The first section's title may not be a good or appropriate choice for the document title, especially if it's "Introduction". -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Wed Sep 26 10:20:14 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 10:20:14 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: Document titles (was RE: [Docstring-develop] DPS - possible bugs/features) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <008e01c1466c$735afe40$> David Goodger wrote: > Your examples of post-parse transformations are good. > I've begun writing them up in the spec. <fx: blush> > Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > > (my HTML stuff actually looks first for a title on > > the "top" element of the tree, then for a title in > > the first child - I imagine that's a sensible > > algorithm if you *must* have a title) > > But what if there's a second child with a title (i.e. multiple sibling > top-level sections)? The first section's title may not be a good or > appropriate choice for the document title, especially if it's > "Introduction". Oh, indeed - it's not meant to be a *perfect* scheme, just one that works for most documents (since *most* documents should have a title, anyway), in the absence of my knowing anything better. My thinking, *for HTML*, was that it was better to get a title than not (and for once I'm assuming the author might look at what they've produced and amend it if needs be!). Also, whilst it is *conventional* to only have one <h1> within a document, it is not a requirement, so one *does* get documents that have multiple <h1> elements. We have no direct way (with my code) of specifying that, and I don't aim to worry about it... Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Well we're safe now....thank God we're in a bowling alley. - Big Bob (J.T. Walsh) in "Pleasantville" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Wed Sep 26 10:20:18 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 10:20:18 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: Grump about field lists In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <008f01c1466c$756721f0$> David Goodger wrote: > OK, done. The element is 'docinfo'. It satisfies > the desire for an explicit element hierarchy > (encapsulation). Thanks. > > Hmm - does that mean that we should add "Mode" or "Style" as an > > extra such bibliographic field name > > No. Please, no! .. _above. That's OK - there's a reason I'm happy to not be designing this myself! > If something like this ever really becomes necessary, the way to do it > would be with a directive, not a field list. A good point. See above_. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Well we're safe now....thank God we're in a bowling alley. - Big Bob (J.T. Walsh) in "Pleasantville" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Wed Sep 26 10:21:36 2001 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 10:21:36 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: Document titles (was RE: [Docstring-develop] D PS - possible bugs/features) Message-ID: <> From: David Goodger [] > > 1. The parser makes one up (yuck) > > 2. The application makes one up (yuck) > > 3. An error is generated (yuck) > > > > I'd vote for 3 ... > > Probably me too, in those cases where it's necessary. If the writer > doesn't need a document title, it need not complain. As an alternative, let's take a higher level view. Someone, somewhere, is going to be running this stuff via command-line wrapper applications. In that context, the obvious approach would be to have a command-line option which specifies the document title, with "the only" section header being the default, and with an error generated if there are no or too many sections. So you have rest2html --title "My Document" >doc.html That seems logical to me. How it gets propogated down to the guts is for you guys to work out :-) Paul. From Thu Sep 27 03:01:13 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 22:01:13 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: [Docstring-develop] pydps futures (was RE: Document titles) In-Reply-To: <009001c14671$2cd3eea0$> Message-ID: <> Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > Combs > ----- > The metaphor of combing through hair to remove tangles is a bit > iffy, but I like the term (I think David calls them Filters, which > is less obvious to me) Strictly speaking, a filter reduces the amount of information. Rather than "combs", I'd use the common term: "transforms". Tony's made a good start listing the transforms we'll need. Looking at them and thinking of others, we will need to identify which transforms are parser-specific and which are generic. The "bibliographic field list" transform is obviously parser-specific, but must be run after the "section promotion" transform (what Tony calls "TitleComb"). > David - a question or two on this. Each autonumbered > footnote/footnote reference has the attribute 'auto' > set to "1". I want to *insert* actual footnote numbers > into the tree. Auto-numbered footnotes have attribute ``auto=1`` and no label. Auto-numbered footnote_references have no reference text (they're empty elements). If you resolve the numbering, just add a label element to the beginning of the footnote, and reference text to the footnote_reference. Take this input:: References to the first ([A]_), third ([#spam]_), and second ([#]_) footnotes. .. [A] This footnote is labeled with "A". .. [#] This footnote is auto-numbered. .. [#spam] This footnote has autonumber name "spam". Parsed (watch for empty footnote_reference elements: indentation):: <document> <paragraph> References to the first ( <footnote_reference refname="a"> A ), third ( <footnote_reference auto="1" refname="spam"> ), and second ( <footnote_reference auto="1"> ) footnotes. <footnote name="a"> <label> A <paragraph> This footnote is labeled with "A". <footnote auto="1"> <paragraph> This footnote is auto-numbered. <footnote auto="1" name="spam"> <paragraph> This footnote has autonumber name "spam". Only the first footnote_reference contains reference text. After auto-numbering resolution, the tree should become:: <document> <paragraph> References to the first ( <footnote_reference refname="a"> A ), third ( <footnote_reference auto="1" refname="spam"> 2 ), and second ( <footnote_reference auto="1" refname="_footnote 1"> 1 ) footnotes. <footnote name="a"> <label> A <paragraph> This footnote is labeled with "A". <footnote auto="1" name="_footnote 1"> <label> 1 <paragraph> This footnote is auto-numbered. <footnote auto="1" name="spam"> <label> 2 <paragraph> This footnote has autonumber name "spam". The labels and reference text are added to the two auto-numbered footnotes & footnote_references. The unnamed auto-numbered footnote & reference need name & refname attributes. Let's use "_footnote " + footnote number for those attributes (a name-mangling unlikely to occur in the real world; note that this hasn't been documented yet). Of course (!), the implicitlinks and refnames instance attributes of the dps.nodes.document instance must be updated. (It will soon be my pleasure to document the dps/ data structure, since I'm gradually forgetting its details.) After adding labels and reference text, the "auto" attributes can be ignored. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Thu Sep 27 03:03:02 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 22:03:02 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: [Docstring-develop] pydps - new version uploaded In-Reply-To: <009201c14679$2fef8ce0$> Message-ID: <> Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > ... > The package now contains a README.txt file at David's request Thanks! > (yes, it's a text file written in reST, despite my grumbles at David > the other day about file extensions). I think ".rtxt" is the winner, by the way. > All this means I can now turn > restructuredtext/spec/reStructuredText.txt into HTML and produce > something that I find easier to read. Yeh. I ran on reStructuredText.txt and took a look. Wow! Very cool to see the text come to life. I had some trouble running it over some Python modules though (tracebacks sent separately). I didn't see any unit test code in the distro... -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Thu Sep 27 10:09:02 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 10:09:02 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: [Docstring-develop] pydps - new version uploaded In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <009b01c14734$0d290c70$> David Goodger wrote (in response to me, earlier): > > (yes, it's a text file written in reST, despite my grumbles at David > > the other day about file extensions). > > I think ".rtxt" is the winner, by the way. Yes, I think so - it *looks* enough like ".txt", and is short enough. > I ran on reStructuredText.txt and took a look. Wow! Very cool > to see the text come to life. I get a thrill from it too! And I know how little it's doing... (it makes it a lot easier to *read* the documentation, as well, I find). > I had some trouble running it over some Python modules though > (tracebacks sent separately). Thanks. All such are good grist for the mill. > I didn't see any unit test code in the distro... I know. I still need to get to grips with such matters - I *like* it when I can test stuff before writing it (so to speak) - but unfortunately the tests to write are rather scary, since I find it hard to think of *small* things that need testing. It's a bullet that shall have to be bitten, though, at some stage, because I assume that code won't be allowed into docutils (as will be) until it can test itself. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) .. "equal" really means "in some sense the same, but maybe not .. the sense you were hoping for", or, more succinctly, "is .. confused with". (Gordon McMillan, Python list, Apr 1998) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Thu Sep 27 10:09:04 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 10:09:04 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: [Docstring-develop] pydps futures (was RE: Document titles) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <009c01c14734$0e592800$> David Goodger wrote: > Strictly speaking, a filter reduces the amount of information. Rather > than "combs", I'd use the common term: "transforms". I suspected that "comb" wouldn't last (well, except maybe in code). But then, I never managed to get the term "thing" accepted in the geographic information standards community (which has too many meanings for each of the terms entity, feature and object, and desparately needs something else!). > Tony's made a good start listing the transforms we'll need. And, as I discovered reading the latest version of the reStructuredText.txt document last night, David has already documented some as well. > Auto-numbered footnotes have attribute ``auto=1`` and no label. Yes. > Auto-numbered footnote_references have no reference text (they're > empty elements). If you resolve the numbering, just add a label > element to the beginning of the footnote, and reference text to the > footnote_reference. ...example snipped... Hah - yes, in the context of a tree transformation, the obvious thing to do *is* a tree transformation - I'll hope I'd have realised that when going from the HTML producing code to a tree manipulation algorithm. Hah. > Let's use "_footnote " + footnote number for those attributes > (a name-mangling unlikely to occur in the real world; note that > this hasn't been documented yet). Hmm - I wasn't assuming that unnamed autonumbered footnotes would have any name other than the number (since you're following the XML tradition and storing such things as strings anyway). >(It will soon be my pleasure to document the dps/ data > structure, since I'm gradually forgetting its details.) Whereas I'm gradually discovering them - good, that will save me a job (I shall, however, read the documentation as you produce it and comment). > After adding labels and reference text, the "auto" attributes can be > ignored. Or even removed? or no, that wouldn't allow you to backtransform into reST again... Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Well we're safe now....thank God we're in a bowling alley. - Big Bob (J.T. Walsh) in "Pleasantville" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Thu Sep 27 22:09:33 2001 From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.) Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 17:09:33 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Python 2.2a4 docs frozen Message-ID: <> The documentation for Python 2.2a4 is now frozen; the HTML packages have been pushed to the server and the online version is available on from the Python 2.2 pages. SourceForge will be updated momentarily. The trunk is *not* frozen; updates can continue there. -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at> PythonLabs at Zope Corporation From Thu Sep 27 22:18:17 2001 From: (Fred L. Drake) Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 17:18:17 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] Message-ID: <> The development version of the documentation has been updated: Documentation as released for Python 2.2 alpha 4. From Fri Sep 28 04:45:25 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 23:45:25 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] examples in reStructuredText spec Message-ID: <> Call for opinions re: - Are the "syntax diagrams" useful? - Would "before & after" examples be useful (also/instead)? For example:: Example input:: A Title ======= Paragraph. Parsed:: <document> <section name="a title"> A Title <paragraph> Paragraph. Examples such as this would extend the spec's length quite a bit (they could be put into another file, examples.txt). However, I think they would help to document the DPS document tree structure. I would include a section explaining the indented pseudo-XML notation used to represent the parsed document tree. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Fri Sep 28 04:55:49 2001 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 23:55:49 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] auto-numbered footnote resolution In-Reply-To: <009c01c14734$0e592800$> Message-ID: <> [David] > Let's use "_footnote " + footnote number for those attributes > (a name-mangling unlikely to occur in the real world; note that > this hasn't been documented yet). [Tony] > Hmm - I wasn't assuming that unnamed autonumbered footnotes would have any > name other than the number (since you're following the XML tradition and > storing such things as strings anyway). I suppose we could go either way. I'm re-examining (for validity) what I wrote in the spec: Automatic footnote numbering may not be mixed with manual footnote numbering; it would cause numbering and referencing conflicts. Would such mixing inevitably cause conflicts? We could probably work around potential conflicts with a decent algorithm. Should we? Requires thought. Opinions? -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docstring Processing System: - reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Fri Sep 28 10:24:27 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 10:24:27 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] auto-numbered footnote resolution In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <00aa01c147ff$5e92b4f0$> David Goodger wrote: > I'm re-examining (for validity) what I wrote in the spec: > > Automatic footnote numbering may not be mixed with manual footnote > numbering; it would cause numbering and referencing conflicts. > > Would such mixing inevitably cause conflicts? We could > probably work around potential conflicts with a decent > algorithm. Should we? Well, I read that paragraph in the documentation, and decided that it was in the category of "don't, in practice, care" so far as I was concerned. This is the same category I put the forbidding of nested inline markup - quite clearly one *can* do it, but equally clearly it's a pain to implement, and not a terribly great gain, all things considered. It's a category with the subtext "examine for correctness after we've had some experience of people *using* reST in the wild". Thus, given there are lots of other things to do, I would tend to leave it as-is (especially if you are able to *warn* people about it if they do it by mistake). To my mind, being able to do ``[#thing]_`` probably give people enough precision over footnotes whils still allowing autonumbering - the *only* potential problem is when referring to a footnote in a different document (and that, again, is something I would leave fallow for the moment, although we know I tend to want to use roles as annotation for that sort of thing). Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) 2 wheels good + 2 wheels good = 4 wheels good? 3 wheels good + 2 wheels good = 5 wheels better? My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Fri Sep 28 10:24:28 2001 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 10:24:28 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] examples in reStructuredText spec In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <00ab01c147ff$5f68a290$> David Goodger wrote: > Call for opinions re: > > > > - Are the "syntax diagrams" useful? I don't think I use them particularly (and, of course, I find the first, big, one to be rather confusing) - but I also am probably not the best authority on the usefulness of such things (I've been accused in the past of a, well, odd take on how language works). > - Would "before & after" examples be useful (also/instead)? > Examples such as this would extend the spec's length quite > a bit (they could be put into another file, examples.txt). Ah, well, as to that. As yet, pydps has nothing in the way of selftest. By preference, I like doctest as a means of testing stuff. But, aha, reST documents can *embed* doctest blocks, just like docstrings can. So I was intending to produce a "semi-literate error testing" ability to, allowing it to read in a .rtxt file and run doctest over it (either over the whole thing, allowing doctest to detect the blocks of interest, or more likely just over the doctest blocks themselves). *Now*, if we have a reStructuredTextExamples.rtxt file (well, called something shorter!) containing examples of text and result, I don't see why we shouldn't leverage off the same sort of thing. This would also allow us to discuss abstruse corners of the parser, things to avoid or know about, whilst testing that they do indeed work as "intended". Howevever, if this is intended as examples for human use, it *might* be better to have a directive defined that simply takes two parts (David, you already know I'm bad at directive design, so please feel free to read the *intent*, not the words!), or perhaps better two (paired) directives - for instance:: .. Example:: This is some *emphasised* text. .. Gives:: <paragraph> This is some <emphasis> emphasised text. I think *this* could be a very valuable thing. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Give a pedant an inch and they'll take 25.4mm (once they've established you're talking a post-1959 inch, of course) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Fri Sep 28 23:03:18 2001 From: (Fred L. Drake) Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 18:03:18 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] Message-ID: <> The development version of the documentation has been updated: Various small adjustments and bug fixes. Added preliminary docs for the SimpleXMLRPCServer module.