[Doc-SIG] Auto-Numbered Enumerated Lists (reStructuredText)
David Goodger
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 21:40:33 -0400
[The following is an excerpt from
http://docutils.sf.net/spec/rst/alternatives.html (working version, not
checked in yet). It was prompted by a suggestion by Fred Bremmer, which
became alternative 3. I'm looking for comments, pro or con, on all
aspects. Should this be implemented? (The implementation itself is
trivial.) Which syntax is best? Which behavior? Any other suggestions?
The advantage of auto-numbered enumerated lists would be similar to
that of auto-numbered footnotes: lists could be written and rearranged
without having to manually renumber them. The disadvantages are also
the same: input and output wouldn't match exactly; the markup may be
ugly or confusing (depending on which alternative is chosen).
1. Use the "#" symbol. Example::
#. Item 1.
#. Item 2.
#. Item 3.
Advantage: simple, explicit. Disadvantage: enumeration sequence
cannot be specified (limited to arabic numerals); ugly.
2. As a variation on #1, first initialize the enumeration sequence?
For example::
a) Item a.
#) Item b.
#) Item c.
Advantages: simple, explicit, any enumeration sequence possible.
Disadvantages: ugly; perhaps confusing with mixed concrete/abstract
3. Alternative suggested by Fred Bremmer, from experience with MoinMoin::
1. Item 1.
1. Item 2.
1. Item 3.
Advantages: enumeration sequence is explicit (could be multiple
"a." or "(I)" tokens). Disadvantages: perhaps confusing; otherwise
erroneous input (e.g., a duplicate item "1.") would pass silently,
either causing a problem later in the list (if no blank lines
between items) or creating two lists (with blanks).
Take this input for example::
1. Item 1.
1. Unintentional duplicate of item 1.
2. Item 2.
Currently the parser will produce two list, "1" and "1,2" (no
warnings, because of the presence of blank lines). Using Fred's
notation, the current behavior is "1,1,2 -> 1 1,2" (without blank
lines between items, it would be "1,1,2 -> 1 [WARNING] 1,2"). What
should the behavior be with auto-numbering?
Fred has produced a patch__, whose initial behavior is as follows::
1,1,1 -> 1,2,3
1,2,2 -> 1,2,3
3,3,3 -> 3,4,5
1,2,2,3 -> 1,2,3 [WARNING] 3
1,1,2 -> 1,2 [WARNING] 2
(After the "[WARNING]", the "3" would begin a new list.)
I have mixed feelings about adding this functionality to the spec &
parser. It would certainly be useful to some users (myself
included; I often have to renumber lists). Perhaps it's too
clever, asking the parser to guess too much. What if you *do* want
three one-item lists in a row, each beginning with "1."? You'd
have to use empty comments to force breaks. Also, I question
whether "1,2,2 -> 1,2,3" is optimal behavior.
In response, Fred came up with "a stricter and more explicit rule
[which] would be to only auto-number silently if *all* the
enumerators of a list were identical". In that case:
1,1,1 -> 1,2,3
1,2,2 -> 1,2 [WARNING] 2
3,3,3 -> 3,4,5
1,2,2,3 -> 1,2 [WARNING] 2,3
1,1,2 -> 1,2 [WARNING] 2
Should any start-value be allowed ("3,3,3"), or should
auto-numbered lists be limited to begin with ordinal-1 ("1", "A",
"a", "I", or "i")?
__ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=548802
David Goodger <goodger@users.sourceforge.net> Open-source projects:
- Python Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/
- The Go Tools Project: http://gotools.sourceforge.net/