[Doc-SIG] Re: Email Reader (was Re: reST block quotes)
Beni Cherniavsky
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 19:01:08 +0200 (IST)
On 2002-12-17, David Goodger wrote:
> Beni Cherniavsky wrote:
> > I do think that some indentation demands could be relaxed, in
> > particular literal blocks should be allowed in column 0 (i.e. even
> > with negative indent!).
> How would you know when they end?
Forgot to say, until the first blank line. Crude but can simplify typing
in many cases of short literal fragments...
> > The second goal opens a can of worms -- free text is too free to
> > parse automatically and needs corrections.
> I suspect that an actual application for an Email Reader must present
> itself before we can makethese decisions.IOW, what's the use case?
> I don't know that there's much value in supporting email in general,
> but I do know there would be much pain.
:) Interesting that I didn't think of it before. I have no good
application in my head :). THe only one is taking interesting half-rST
emails I write and easily converting them to standalone valid rST
articles. This could be done with a sloppy/bendable rST reader fed to an
rST writer, to normilize the text...
> > BTW, maybe a generic syntax diagram parser [generator] would be
> > useful to rapidly experiment with rST syntax variations.
> Sounds cool, and non-trivial :)
True. I do have a scheme for only inline markup and bullets, which would
define the markup->xml mappings on the spot (one-time or scoped, with
attribute merging). Something like::
<section :: ====heading==== `a href=`__ {|p|} {-ul-} {.ol.} - li>
==== Heading ====
{| A paragraph. |}
- List item with *emphasized* text.
:: *em*
- Another item
containing `a link`_.
:: `"http://target/url"`_
This is largely inspired by rST's style of putting long markup data
outside of the text (e.g. link targets, substitions). I already think I
know how to interpret this, I just need to find time and write it :).
Than I will have a very handy xml typing notation.
> > Getting automatic "indent/reduce conflict" reporting would be very
> > cool :-).
> Again, not following you.Not enough words!
That was suppossed to be a joking reference to Yacc's "shift/reduce
conflict" messages...
Beni Cherniavsky <cben@tx.technion.ac.il>