From Wed May 1 10:03:28 2002 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 10:03:28 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] ANN: pysource v0.1 Message-ID: <015801c1f0ef$0f36bca0$> With thanks to David Goodger, I'd like to announce that version 0.1 of pysource is now available. .. note: "pysource" used to be called "pydps", but the old name makes less sense now we have Docutils. (If anyone can think of a better name, it would be welcome - of course, pydoc is already taken.) pysource is able to parse Python files and produce documentation therefrom. It attempts to follow the dictats of the Docutils and restructured text PEPs - specifically, if a module contains a top-level assignment of:: __docformat__ = "restructuredtext" (or one of several variationss on that theme), then it will also parse docstrings in that module *as* reStructuredText, and integrate the results of said parsing into the resulting document. That includes a first stab at generating references from interpreted text (e.g., "class `Fred`"). This is really a "proof of concept" implementation - it has lots of raw edges, and the HTML it produces (by default) is, shall we say, rather garish. I believe that it is actually useful at this stage, however. The software is available from the Docutils sandbox: or as part of the daily sandbox snapshot: More information can be obtained by: * Looking at the readme.rtxt file in the "doc" directory. * Typing " --help". * Running pysource on the pysource module and looking at the resultant HTML. Any comments will be mightily welcome. Now I've got to learn to use CVS... Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Give a pedant an inch and they'll take 25.4mm (once they've established you're talking a post-1959 inch, of course) My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Wed May 1 20:09:22 2002 From: (Aahz) Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 15:09:22 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Moving HOW-TOs Message-ID: <> [moving to doc-sig] [previous discussion was on new Unicde HOW-TO written by Skip] On Wed, May 01, 2002, Andrew Kuchling wrote: > On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 09:32:08AM -0400, Guido van Rossum wrote: >> >>Cool. Maybe this should be added to the standard docs, or at least to >>Andrew Kuchling's how-to collection? > > I'd like to make the py-howto collection evaporate, eventually; the > documents would get more proofreading and visibility if they were in > the main CVS tree, though perhaps in nondist/, but I haven't yet > talked with Fred about this. I've been doing a little bit of preparatory work to help with this, then I hit a little stonewall at It's not clear to me how the HOW-TO collection should be integrated into the CVS and publishing system, given the non-HTML nature of much of it. I'm not competent to say anything, so I'm punting to doc-sig as the appropriate place to discuss it. If this is the wrong list, I'd suggest pydotorg as the appropriate spot. -- Aahz ( <*> "I used to have a .sig but I found it impossible to please everyone..." --SFJ From Wed May 1 21:30:51 2002 From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.) Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 16:30:51 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Moving HOW-TOs In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Aahz writes: > It's not clear to me how the HOW-TO collection should be integrated into > the CVS and publishing system, given the non-HTML nature of > much of it. I'm not competent to say anything, so I'm punting to > doc-sig as the appropriate place to discuss it. If this is the wrong > list, I'd suggest pydotorg as the appropriate spot. I think this is the right place. I don't think it was ever suggested to move the maintenance location of the HOWTO collection to the the repository, nor would that make sense. I'm actually quite happy to leave the CVS repository where it is. Content that makes sense as part of the standard documentation can be migrated into that collection somehow; each document should be reviewed independently for appropriateness. Regarding publication, it should be made easier to incorporate these documents. I'm sure we can come up with something push-style process to deal with this, but I'm afraid the authentication issues may avoid removing pydotorg "staff" intervention. But I'll start thinking about it. -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. PythonLabs at Zope Corporation From Mon May 6 19:10:33 2002 From: (Immer frischer Kaffee) Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 18:10:33 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Betreff Message-ID: This is a multipart MIME message. --= Multipart Boundary 0506021810 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --= Multipart Boundary 0506021810 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="index.htm" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="index.htm" PGh0bWw+DQo8aGVhZD4NCjx0aXRsZT5ORVRNQGlsLUtVUklFUi0gSW1tZXIg ZnJpc2NoZXIgS2FmZmVlITwvdGl0bGU+DQo8bWV0YSBodHRwLWVxdWl2PSJD b250ZW50LVR5cGUiIGNvbnRlbnQ9InRleHQvaHRtbDsgY2hhcnNldD1pc28t ODg1OS0xIj4NCjxzY3JpcHQgbGFuZ3VhZ2U9IkphdmFTY3JpcHQiPg0KPCEt LQ0KZnVuY3Rpb24gTU1fcmVsb2FkUGFnZShpbml0KSB7ICAvL3JlbG9hZHMg dGhlIHdpbmRvdyBpZiBOYXY0IHJlc2l6ZWQNCiAgaWYgKGluaXQ9PXRydWUp IHdpdGggKG5hdmlnYXRvcikge2lmICgoYXBwTmFtZT09Ik5ldHNjYXBlIikm JihwYXJzZUludChhcHBWZXJzaW9uKT09NCkpIHsNCiAgICBkb2N1bWVudC5N 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05ZoXXm0tePLl/8AS47zOPtkLVm2e8Erjnu7IRHa1sT3GnEK0UHvTu1by92k juLa1kcSx8sp6oSONMrQGgjzphmeTr1nwpztRmfbRRAZJIy7NO1zg94Oxrsd jeBIGaZ3rSPdyuJ+tFzazWdzLa3Dcs0Lix4rXEeVchR0egft2+01bVuT4Ke3 l51i5+Zb7TfqWz7j+CHt5edX0FjQhCgFgGpbZO2ct/WA6ltl8kzvrQMG8a8X WWgafvCv0p6zTJHtDhICDxCqlsnLWnj23uNZnCPyPd6rSeRXvdC+kmsO6SVE tocAdpidsPmOCq3dpbZpY1pe5+OamwbNg2qQ0e7h0+4NyHPEpaWO61ji1wPB Ruxa1s5yx5fHtM63W5jRo+sc3i8gVT3m1Pd2SW3fPK69msi7LZRfhOeT+bJw YjEBOHb2sMRbE+KIkUz0eXDgqA4UVPfBZQukIm66riQQ12I5KJ8OWmlz1m3w ZXl5LfXUt1NTrpnl76Cgx4AOIJEKSZaRXZOUlgZ5Mu3l2pC8tI7UhucmQ0OU 02HGuCz3TOHp+rfs78Y1NWn9s0+ULatx/BD28vOsVqOtafKFte5Hgh7eXnWv RhYkIQoBYDqX53bHnK35fP8AqD8z5gMQJTX0lAzc6rWjiFF62edjcjJHNZ90 EgLyNnWODK5SdleEpY2MnGFLj1a1m3Ouf4IGWU7XuPnK5qeMpx3N/C5ddxP3 kzDt3vua1PGvKlP2acHEAuI5EpLpcbBUPcTyBO6NfVv7IypRVPDYHgf9C4ls zEwvc7AbMNpTMZum3sbg9IHyhbbuR4J/Gk51iQBqFtW4crJdAD2GreukFfOF WVlQhCAWC3NtE+6mqD+I7YfKVvSzm9/671MSyS2tzDM1znODX5o3UOP6w+lB Sm6bC7Y97fQf0J02ItaAXhxH2i3Hz0cpt+5+8UJA7mZMK1Y+M/7gmz9C1pta 2FxhtpG4j6AlkvJrvvr/AJuEU5jhskYOVhP+9cEyD85g/hH4k+k07UW+taTj ljf8KRdpmpbe5z0PD1T6enKnbr7Nfb5P2psJJmnCdv8A8v0lddbO/bOD/Cb8 SVGl6i40FpOT2T/hTiHQ9ZeehYXDv4T/ANCduvtF+3yftt8kYYHP9aX0RgfW nB0q1mIMzpJMuwAtYP8AS1SNpu5rrsRYygD7wDPfLVKQbq628AugEdcOm9uH LlJVxrOJGL5PJel2titO06wi9S3FeNxLveK0XchoboTQAGjrZMAKDaFGR7j3 cn49zHHtqGNL+TbkVm0jS49KsxaRyOlaHF2ZwANXciWsyXJ+hCFGghCEAhCE AhCEAhCEAhCEAhCEAhCEH//Z --= Multipart Boundary 0506021810-- From Tue May 7 18:29:38 2002 From: (David Goodger) Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 13:29:38 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness) In-Reply-To: <01ca01c1f5a6$099e7380$> Message-ID: [moving to Doc-SIG for greater exposure] David Goodger wrote: >> However, a literal block isn't really the ideal way to represent an >> address block, is it? I've been mulling over an idea for a "verse" >> directive which seems to apply here. See >> What do you >> think? How about that ';;' syntax? Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > As you say, the outstanding question is interpretation of inline markup > within a verse - i.e., in HTML terms, is it
 or not...

Literal blocks use 
 exclusively and treat all whitespace and line
breaks as significant; no inline markup is recognized.  In "verse blocks"
(semi-literal blocks; anybody have a better name?) only line breaks and
indentation are treated differently from a regular paragraph; inline markup
like *emphasis* is recognized normally.

> Thinking *about* verses, I'd obviously argue for allowing inline markup,
> but am unfussed about lists

I don't think lists or anything else are necessary.  Verse blocks can be
thought of as variations of paragraphs, which don't have nested constructs
in the Docutils model.

> I'm not *too* keen on the use of ";;", but it does have a clear analogy
> with "::", and it's unlikely to be used "by mistake". I assume the rules
> of how it appears are identical to those for "::"? (i.e., precede with a
> space to suppress a colon in the output?)

Perhaps, although I don't think people will want to end a paragraph with a

David Goodger    Open-source projects:
  - Python Docutils:
    (includes reStructuredText:
  - The Go Tools Project:

From  Wed May  8 09:48:29 2002
From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs))
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 09:48:29 +0100
Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness)
Message-ID: <01da01c1f66d$2077b9f0$>

I wrote:
> I'm not *too* keen on the use of ";;", but it does have a clear
> with "::", and it's unlikely to be used "by mistake". I assume the
> of how it appears are identical to those for "::"? (i.e., precede with
> space to suppress a colon in the output?)

David Goodger replied:
> Perhaps, although I don't think people will want to end a
> paragraph with a semicolon.

Ah - sorry, perhaps too much telegraphing in my original paragraph.

What I meant is:

I assume that ";;" will translate to a single colon (or not) according
to the same rules as used for "::" - thus::

    Here is a verse;;

        It's very short


    Here is a verse:

        It's very short


    Here is a verse ;;

        It's very short


    Here is a verse

        It's very short


Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)
"How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive
continuity of ducks." - Dorothy L. Sayers, "Gaudy Night"
My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.)

From  Wed May  8 10:01:00 2002
From: (Moore, Paul)
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 10:01:00 +0100
Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing
Message-ID: <>

From: David Goodger []
> David Goodger wrote:
> >> However, a literal block isn't really the ideal way to represent an
> >> address block, is it?  I've been mulling over an idea for a "verse"
> >> directive which seems to apply here.  See
> >> What do you
> >> think?  How about that ';;' syntax?
> Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote:
> > As you say, the outstanding question is interpretation of 
> > inline markup within a verse - i.e., in HTML terms, is
> > it 
 or not...
> Literal blocks use 
 exclusively and treat all whitespace and
> line breaks as significant; no inline markup is recognized.
> In "verse blocks" (semi-literal blocks; anybody have a better
> name?) only line breaks and indentation are treated differently
> from a regular paragraph; inline markup like *emphasis* is
> recognized normally.

Frankly, this seems like overkill to me. I can see what you're getting at -
there's a gap in the logical model, between completely literal blocks, and
completely interpreted text - but I don't think the gap needs to be filled.

How often is this construct likely to be used? In what contexts? (Python
docstrings? Wiki pages? I'm not sure what target applications are key for
ReST, other than Python docstrings, and doc-sig postings :-)

If you really, really, feel the need to put it in, make it a directive.
Don't invent new syntax for it. And maybe even just make it a sample
directive, not enshrined in the spec, but available as an example of how the
directive infrastructure can be extended.

This actually raises a question, which may well be covered in the
documentation - I haven't read it for a while. How does a document which
relies on a particular directive, state that fact? Just by using it? So that
if the user doesn't specify the directive (using command line flags to the
tools?) he gets a system error/warning, and works out what to do from there?
I guess that's OK, actually - we don't want to have to start documents with
blurb like::

    .. using:: image, quote, my-special-directive

That just gets silly...

Just my 2p worth.

From  Thu May  9 05:07:30 2002
From: (David Goodger)
Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 00:07:30 -0400
Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing
In-Reply-To: <>

Moore, Paul wrote:
> Frankly, this seems like overkill to me. I can see what you're
> getting at - there's a gap in the logical model, between completely
> literal blocks, and completely interpreted text - but I don't think
> the gap needs to be filled.

Perhaps you'd feel differently if you needed to use it?

> How often is this construct likely to be used? In what contexts?

Richard Jones wanted a snailmail address in a document.  That's a
significant use case.  I have yet to quote verse in a document (except
to illustrate this construct), but I can see it happening.  Thinking
of every time I've had to use a line break in Word, or 
in HTML, I believe the construct has merit. > If you really, really, feel the need to put it in, make it a > directive. Don't invent new syntax for it. I agree. Syntax can be added later if called for. > And maybe even just make it a sample directive, not enshrined in the > spec, but available as an example of how the directive > infrastructure can be extended. I think that, similarly to modules in Python's library, directives that are "standard" will be used, but directives that need to be separately installed won't. I'd like to build a rich variety of standard directives, and document them all in "reStructuredText Directives": > How does a document which relies on a particular directive, state > that fact? Just by using it? Yes. There's currently no mechanism to explicitly declare required directives. Directives are located in the docutils/parsers/rst/directives directory; there are two lookup tables linking localized directive name (currently just English) -> canonical directive name -> (module, function) names. As long as a directive is registered properly and located in the right place, the parser will find it. If an unknown directive is used in a document, an error is reported. > we don't want to have to start documents with blurb like:: > > .. using:: image, quote, my-special-directive No, we probably don't. (*I* certainly don't!) Thus the need for a standard place to put directive code. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docutils: (includes reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Thu May 9 05:09:33 2002 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 00:09:33 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness) In-Reply-To: <01da01c1f66d$2077b9f0$> Message-ID: [David] > > Perhaps, although I don't think people will want to end a > > paragraph with a semicolon. [Tony] > What I meant is: > > I assume that ";;" will translate to a single colon (or not) > according to the same rules as used for "::" I see. I wasn't making the same assumption. Were we to implement syntax for the verse construct, that may be a useful approach. But since a directive will suffice for now, the point is moot. We'll keep a record of the idea for posterity though. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docutils: (includes reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Thu May 9 05:09:53 2002 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 00:09:53 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Applications for Docutils/reStructuredText In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Moore, Paul wrote: > I'm not sure what target applications are key for ReST, other than > Python docstrings, and doc-sig postings :-) Currently, and until docstring processing has matured, standalone document processing is the biggest "market". Here's how Docutils is actually being applied now: - HTML:'s HTML is completely auto-generated (except for the quickref, which Tony Ibbs hand-coded). I've seen other sites using it as well (in a Google search). - Presentations: Richard Jones did some initial work on PythonPoint integration. - General documentation: Engelbert Gruber is working on ReportLabs PDF integration. Contrary to the nay-sayers who have claimed that "all we need for docstrings are paragraphs, bullet lists, and [add a random two or three other constructs here]", I believe that a rich palette is key. ReStructuredText is providing a rich palette for input syntax; we're building a variety of context-aware readers, and writers for multiple formats. With a rich, generic syntax and a modular, flexible system, the range of applications is very wide: from tiny docstrings to huge documents, and nearly everything in-between. As components are added, the possibilities multiply. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docutils: (includes reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Thu May 9 09:49:36 2002 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 09:49:36 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsingoddness) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <01f401c1f736$72442dd0$> David Goodger wrote (re ";;" to ":" translation in verses, etc): > I see. I wasn't making the same assumption. Were we to implement > syntax for the verse construct, that may be a useful approach. But > since a directive will suffice for now, the point is moot. We'll > keep a record of the idea for posterity though. *If* we were using ";;", then I think that having it behave in the way I suggest would make sense. *But* I firmly agree that a directive is the sensible approach, at least for the moment - and for the reasons already discussed. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Well we're safe now....thank God we're in a bowling alley. - Big Bob (J.T. Walsh) in "Pleasantville" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Thu May 9 09:52:04 2002 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 09:52:04 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Applications for Docutils/reStructuredText In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <01f501c1f736$ca8c6de0$> David Goodger wrote: > - General documentation: Engelbert Gruber is working on ReportLabs PDF > integration. Great! Has he mentioned this to Andy Robinson/Reportlabs? At the UKPython meeting last month, I talked briefly with Andy, mentioning docutils, and aiming to follow up ('cos the match between what we want and what they provide seems so neat). Work has pulled me in other directions, though, so I've not had time to contact him about either he work or doc-sig related issues - it would be good if someone else were forming links... Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) "How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks." - Dorothy L. Sayers, "Gaudy Night" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Thu May 9 09:55:29 2002 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 09:55:29 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness) Message-ID: <> From: David Goodger [] > Perhaps you'd feel differently if you needed to use it? Oh, certainly. I wasn't implying otherwise - just noting that we have to take care not to include "the kitchen sink" just because someone wants it. The recent discussion on python-dev was lukewarm, and I got the sense that part of the issue was "why does it need to be so complicated?" > > How often is this construct likely to be used? In what contexts? > > Richard Jones wanted a snailmail address in a document. That's a valid case. Two points - first, with this use case in mind, "verse" is a dreadful name. I can't think of a good one, though. And the second point is why can't this be handled with a literal block? I can't imagine needing markup in an address. Is it just because literal blocks are displayed in a fixed-width font, and so don't "look right"? As I said, I see the value of this, but I think that we need to clarify the aims somewhat. As a related point, I personally would prefer ``*emphasis*`` to be bold, not italic, as this is the usage I see most frequently in E-Mail. However, I accept that reST is addressing logical content, rather than layout, and as such, the way the logical construct is formatted is the role of the backend, not the document source. (This is a *good thing* - the alternative leads to tags...) Given this premiss, I would ask again, what is the *logical* construct involved here? Logically, the gap in functionality is the lack of any way of including markup in a "literal" block. In other words, a linebreak-preserving construct where markup is still respected. This is the construct I fail to see the use for - I wouldn't need markup in a snailmail address, so that use case doesn't mandate this. On the other hand, there is a definite point to the layout issue of wanting a "literal" construct which formats like running text, but with linebreaks preserved. And yes, there is a "logical" value to such a construct - but it's hard to put a name to it, and hence to understand its logical significance (as opposed to its layout significance - "I want a literal block of text here, but it looks funny if I use a real literal block which displays in Courier") > of every time I've had to use a line break in Word, or
in HTML, I > believe the construct has merit. Agreed - but Word linebreaks and
tags are inherently formatting directives, not structural ones. That's the distinction I'm trying to make. > > If you really, really, feel the need to put it in, make it a > > directive. Don't invent new syntax for it. > > I agree. Syntax can be added later if called for. And at least as importantly, if you use a directive, you're *forced* to think up a decent name for it! Verse doesn't work for 99% of the real life use cases, and its a PR disaster ("look - this thing is clearly a kitchen sink design - who ever needs to quote verse in Python docstrings???") Quote is a little better, but still has unsuitable overtones (in LaTeX, IIRC, the quote environment uses smaller, slanted text, which is a common convention for "real" quotes). > I think that, similarly to modules in Python's library, directives > that are "standard" will be used, but directives that need to be > separately installed won't. I'd like to build a rich variety of > standard directives, and document them all in "reStructuredText > Directives": OK, that fits with the Python library concept. If you make it clear that "library directives" are extensions, not part of "core" reST, then I have no problem with this. It's the bloat question and PR issues again, though. Thanks for listening - as I said, I'm not against the construct per se, but I would like to see a clearer picture of the logic behind it... Paul. From Thu May 9 10:13:43 2002 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 10:13:43 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] RE: emphasis presentation (was verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness)) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <01f701c1f739$d0e83540$> Paul Moore wrote: > As a related point, I personally would prefer ``*emphasis*`` > to be bold, not italic, as this is the usage I see most > frequently in E-Mail. Interesting. For me, *because* I see the asterisk delimitation more often, I want it to be italic - italic for me is more emphasised (easier to discriminate) than bold. Of course, this probably supports your point about separating presentation from structure - it's easy to conceive of a tool that produces presentation according to either of our preferences. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Well we're safe now....thank God we're in a bowling alley. - Big Bob (J.T. Walsh) in "Pleasantville" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Thu May 9 13:36:33 2002 From: (Guido van Rossum) Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 08:36:33 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] RE: emphasis presentation (was verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness)) In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 09 May 2002 10:13:43 BST." <01f701c1f739$d0e83540$> References: <01f701c1f739$d0e83540$> Message-ID: <> > Paul Moore wrote: > > As a related point, I personally would prefer ``*emphasis*`` > > to be bold, not italic, as this is the usage I see most > > frequently in E-Mail. [Tony Ibbs] > Interesting. For me, *because* I see the asterisk delimitation more > often, I want it to be italic - italic for me is more emphasised (easier > to discriminate) than bold. FWIW, I'm with Tony. --Guido van Rossum (home page: From Thu May 9 16:20:07 2002 From: (Aahz) Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 11:20:07 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] RE: emphasis presentation (was verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness)) In-Reply-To: <01f701c1f739$d0e83540$> References: <> <01f701c1f739$d0e83540$> Message-ID: <> On Thu, May 09, 2002, Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > Paul Moore wrote: >> >> As a related point, I personally would prefer ``*emphasis*`` >> to be bold, not italic, as this is the usage I see most >> frequently in E-Mail. > > Interesting. For me, *because* I see the asterisk delimitation more > often, I want it to be italic - italic for me is more emphasised (easier > to discriminate) than bold. Of course, this probably supports your point > about separating presentation from structure - it's easy to conceive of > a tool that produces presentation according to either of our > preferences. Heh. I use pure italics for book titles, and if I'm really trying to emphasize something, I use both bold and italics. (Pure bold gets used for key terms that are being introduced.) -- Aahz ( <*> See me at OSCON! I'm teaching Python for [Perl] Programmers, a fast intro for all experienced programmers (not just Perl). Early bird ends June 10. From Fri May 10 04:55:25 2002 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 23:55:25 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: emphasis presentation (was verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness)) In-Reply-To: <01f701c1f739$d0e83540$> Message-ID: Paul Moore wrote: > I personally would prefer ``*emphasis*`` to be bold That's easy; just change your stylesheet. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docutils: (includes reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Fri May 10 04:55:56 2002 From: (David Goodger) Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 23:55:56 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Paul Moore wrote: > The recent discussion on python-dev was lukewarm, and I got the > sense that part of the issue was "why does it need to be so > complicated?" Because too simple is useless. HappyDoc seems like a great tool, but I don't use it because using StructuredText is like hitting my head against a brick wall. But it *is* enough for some. I've found that many people, programmers especially, take a condescending attitude toward documentation and related tools, which results in computers being used as electronic pencils. If we listened to them, we'd still be using typewriters (nix that: clay tablets!). I saw it when I was working in Japan with SGML -- well-known multinational companies (an RDBMS producer, a car manufacturer, and a telcom giant) treated their documentation as garbage. But I digress. > > Richard Jones wanted a snailmail address in a document. > > That's a valid case. Two points - first, with this use case in mind, > "verse" is a dreadful name. I can't think of a good one, though. Let me know if you do. I'll be hitting the thesaurus myself. > And the second point is why can't this be handled with a literal > block? I can't imagine needing markup in an address. Is it just > because literal blocks are displayed in a fixed-width font, and so > don't "look right"? Yes, that's right. Markup may not be needed in address blocks, but it would be in other applications. The idea originally applied to quoting verse: poetry, song lyrics, etc. I pointed out to Richard at the beginning of this thread that it was equally applicable to address blocks. So address blocks are a secondary use case, not the primary one. > I would ask again, what is the *logical* construct involved here? > Logically, the gap in functionality is the lack of any way of > including markup in a "literal" block. In other words, a > linebreak-preserving construct where markup is still respected. I approach it from the opposite side. It's not the lack of markup in literal blocks, but the lack of linebreak and indentation control in paragraphs. The "verse" construct permits significant linebreaks and indentation in otherwise ordinary paragraphs. Literal blocks have the connotation of program input or output; this construct doesn't. Literal blocks' use of a monospaced typeface is to emphasize this connotation. That gives me an idea for a name for this thing: "literary blocks"... Probably too clever by far. ;-) > Word linebreaks and
tags are inherently formatting directives, > not structural ones. That's the distinction I'm trying to make. Hmm. I think poets would differ. The way a poem is broken up into lines (whether there's a rhyming scheme or not) is *very* significant, and conveys a large part of the poem's structure. Similarly (but in a much less interesting way) with the pedestrian address block: the line itself is a unit of structure. > And at least as importantly, if you use a directive, you're *forced* > to think up a decent name for it! Yes, explicit is good, especially for non-mainstream uses. Please keep the search for the right name running on low priority in the back of your brain. > If you make it clear that "library directives" are extensions, not > part of "core" reST, then I have no problem with this. I've rearranged the text of the directive definition to reflex this emphasis: > Thanks for listening - as I said, I'm not against the construct per > se, but I would like to see a clearer picture of the logic behind > it... Sure. Thank *you* for writing. The feedback is valuable, as always. -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docutils: (includes reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Fri May 10 09:05:46 2002 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 09:05:46 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] RE: emphasis presentation (was verse construct (was Re: [Docutils -develop] Parsing oddness)) Message-ID: <> From: David Goodger [] > Paul Moore wrote: > > I personally would prefer ``*emphasis*`` to be bold > > That's easy; just change your stylesheet. I think that's my point :-) If you could change the style on a literal block, presentation could be under the user's control, and so the proposed verse construct would just be a different style for a literal block. Of course, (a) you can't do this on a per-block basis, and (b) it doesn't help other presentation formats than HTML. I still don't see a real need for a hybrid literal-with-inline-markup construct. Examples can be produced, but they don't feel like significant cases. If we really need this level of control, maybe it's time to implement a more general "output format specific code" directive. Something like .. for: type=html Put whatever raw HTML you like here .. for: type=LaTeX \begin{red} And here, you write raw TeX \end{red} Of course, this makes the document output-specific, and risks errors (malformed HTML), etc etc. But it is totally general, if people really care... Paul. From Fri May 10 09:46:39 2002 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 09:46:39 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness) Message-ID: <> From: David Goodger [] > Paul Moore wrote: > > The recent discussion on python-dev was lukewarm, and I got the > > sense that part of the issue was "why does it need to be so > > complicated?" > > Because too simple is useless. HappyDoc seems like a great tool, but > I don't use it because using StructuredText is like hitting my head > against a brick wall. But it *is* enough for some. "As simple as possible, but no simpler". Exactly. It's the "as possible" bit that is generally the sticking point. What's one person's useless fluff is another's impossible to live without. But the doc-sig is in the unenviable position of having to make priority judgements. Don't forget, we still haven't got a construct to allow words to be set in 24-point blinking script capitals. And please God, don't let us ever get one :-) But I've seen plenty of web sites which provide evidence that *someone* thinks it is appropriate :-( > I've found that many people, programmers especially, take a > condescending attitude toward documentation and related tools, which > results in computers being used as electronic pencils. If we listened > to them, we'd still be using typewriters (nix that: clay tablets!). I > saw it when I was working in Japan with SGML -- well-known > multinational companies (an RDBMS producer, a car manufacturer, and a > telcom giant) treated their documentation as garbage. But I digress. Again, it's a case of being aware of your target application. Not many people quote poetry in technical documentation. But many would want to include an address. On the other hand, the balance could be completely the opposite in E-Mail postings (depending on the mailing list). It's still a case of needing to understand the priorities. > Yes, that's right. Markup may not be needed in address blocks, but it > would be in other applications. The idea originally applied to > quoting verse: poetry, song lyrics, etc. I pointed out to Richard at > the beginning of this thread that it was equally applicable to address > blocks. So address blocks are a secondary use case, not the primary > one. But in terms of probability of being needed, address blocks are more significant (in my personal view of the target application). It's an 80-20 thing. BTW, on the verse issue specifically, I'm convinced (see below), subject to a decent name. The bulk of what I'm now saying is in terms of generalities. I'm really arguing that we have now reached a stage where a more conservative approach is called for. Specifically, no new syntax should be added - directives form our extension mechanism, and we should concentrate on consolidating the core, and if appropriate, building our "standard library". And on *using* these things for real, in visible ways. It's interesting and encouraging to be reminded that the docutils web pages are all generated from reST. More such public examples would be nice - as well as giving a real-life indication of which constructs are important in practice... > I approach it from the opposite side. It's not the lack of markup in > literal blocks, but the lack of linebreak and indentation control in > paragraphs. The "verse" construct permits significant linebreaks and > indentation in otherwise ordinary paragraphs. Literal blocks have the > connotation of program input or output; this construct doesn't. > Literal blocks' use of a monospaced typeface is to emphasize this > connotation. Ah, yes. When you put it like that, I see your point better. BTW, significant indentation? That could be hard - input is monospaced font, but output is proportional, so preserving the *appearance* of an indent won't be that easy. > That gives me an idea for a name for this thing: "literary blocks"... > Probably too clever by far. ;-) Yes. Given that my preferred use case is addresses, I'd argue for "address blocks", and then note in the documentation that these will work for all sorts of other things, like quoting verse... (And I'm not really joking here, either!) > Hmm. I think poets would differ. The way a poem is broken up into > lines (whether there's a rhyming scheme or not) is *very* significant, > and conveys a large part of the poem's structure. Similarly (but in a > much less interesting way) with the pedestrian address block: the line > itself is a unit of structure. OK. This is the point at which you have convinced me. There are significant cases where line breaking denotes structure, but in a sufficiently "unstructured" way (:-)) that the existing constructs such as lists, etc, don't do what you want. Maybe something like "multiline" blocks gives the flavor, without stressing a particular usage...? > I've rearranged the text of the directive definition to reflex this > emphasis: > > I'd add a bit more. "Directives which have been implemented and registered in the reference reStructuredText parser are described in the reStructuredText Directives document." Add after this "Document authors are entitled to expect that all such standard directives are available. Any other directives should be viewed as domain-specific, and may require special action to make them available when processing the document." Or something like that... Paul. From Fri May 10 10:32:19 2002 From: (Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)) Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 10:32:19 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsingoddness) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <020e01c1f805$949ebb00$> David Goodger wrote: David Goodger wrote: > That gives me an idea for a name for this thing: "literary blocks"... > Probably too clever by far. ;-) Hmm. I don't really see:: .. literary:: working as a directive. Although it's a kindof neat concept! For what little it is worth, here are some random ideas:: .. freeform:: .. keeplines:: .. nowrap:: The last is inelegant but might be the most evocative. Tibs -- Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) Well we're safe now....thank God we're in a bowling alley. - Big Bob (J.T. Walsh) in "Pleasantville" My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.) From Fri May 10 14:09:47 2002 From: (Aahz) Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 09:09:47 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> On Fri, May 10, 2002, Moore, Paul wrote: > > Again, it's a case of being aware of your target application. Not many > people quote poetry in technical documentation. But many would want to > include an address. On the other hand, the balance could be completely the > opposite in E-Mail postings (depending on the mailing list). It's still a > case of needing to understand the priorities. Overall, "not many" is correct; I just want to emphasize that it's not "few" or "rare". > Yes. Given that my preferred use case is addresses, I'd argue for "address > blocks", and then note in the documentation that these will work for all > sorts of other things, like quoting verse... (And I'm not really joking > here, either!) "Address blocks" is okay. WRT your "multiline blocks", I suggest simply "line blocks". -- Aahz ( <*> "usenet imitates usenet" --Darkhawk From Fri May 10 14:19:41 2002 From: (will) Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 08:19:41 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Fri, 10 May 2002, Moore, Paul wrote: > > Again, it's a case of being aware of your target application. Not many > people quote poetry in technical documentation. I do. This might sound odd, but sometimes I like writing little haiku snippets in because the documentation is tedious to write and this makes it a bit more exciting for me (the documenter) and other folks (the readers). It also gets across the fact that I'm slightly insane and they treat the code and documentation accordingly. I find a lot of this discussion really interesting. Most of it starts off with "why do we need xxx? no one will use it." as opposed to "hey--i need xxx for these purposes and StructuredText fits my needs like building a house out of figgy newtons." I know most of us are seasoned developers and have lots of experience--but surely we don't think we've cornered the market on all experience. From reading the reStructuredText specification and listening to David respond to many of the responses to it, I believe reStructuredText is a very well thought out markup syntax that definitely meets the requirements of its mission statement as stated and worked through however many months ago. Currently I use happydoc for my ool docs and AFT for my regular documentation. But I loathe StructuredText--it's like an unruly step-child. I very much look forward to happydoc supporting reStructuredText and if they don't get around to it when I do my next massive documentation overhaul, I may just add it in myself. When that happens, I'm definitely switching over. That's my soapbox. /will From Fri May 10 14:29:45 2002 From: (Doug Hellmann) Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 09:29:45 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> On Friday 10 May 2002 09:19, will wrote: > Currently I use happydoc for my ool docs and AFT for my regular > documentation. But I loathe StructuredText--it's like an unruly > step-child. I very much look forward to happydoc supporting > reStructuredText and if they don't get around to it when I do my next > massive documentation overhaul, I may just add it in myself. When that > happens, I'm definitely switching over. I'm always glad to hear about happy users, even if only semi-happy. I definitely have reST on my list of things to support, and have completed the docstring parser plugin system in HappyDoc specifically to allow me to provide that support. I have not, however, had time to write the actual reST plugin. It should be a pretty straightforward task for someone familiar with the reST converter code. As usual, patches are always welcome. Doug From Sat May 11 17:46:05 2002 From: (David Goodger) Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 12:46:05 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: emphasis presentation (was verse construct (was Re: [Docutils -develop] Parsing oddness)) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Paul Moore wrote: > If we really need this level of control, maybe it's time to > implement a more general "output format specific code" > directive. Something like > > .. for: type=html > Put whatever raw HTML you like here > .. for: type=LaTeX > \begin{red} > And here, you write raw TeX > \end{red} Not implemented yet, but the spec is already there: -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docutils: (includes reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Sat May 11 17:50:10 2002 From: (David Goodger) Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 12:50:10 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Paul Moore wrote: > The bulk of what I'm now saying is in terms of generalities. I'm > really arguing that we have now reached a stage where a more > conservative approach is called for. I agree completely. > Specifically, no new syntax should be added - I'd add, "... without a thorough review". That's one of the reasons I'm holding off on the `auto-enumerated lists`__ proposal. __ > directives form our extension mechanism, Yes. > and we should concentrate on consolidating the core, and if > appropriate, building our "standard library". By your use of "we" and "our", can I assume that you'll be ramping up your involvement? Great! > BTW, significant indentation? That could be hard - input is > monospaced font, but output is proportional, so preserving the > *appearance* of an indent won't be that easy. Alignment of bits of text within lines can't be guaranteed, but the line indentation itself (relative positions of just the left edges) should be trivial. > > I've rearranged the text of the directive definition to reflex this > > emphasis: > > > > > > I'd add a bit more. Noted and added. Thanks! -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docutils: (includes reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: From Sat May 11 22:38:21 2002 From: (Paul Moore) Date: 11 May 2002 22:38:21 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsing oddness) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> David Goodger writes: > > and we should concentrate on consolidating the core, and if > > appropriate, building our "standard library". > > By your use of "we" and "our", can I assume that you'll be ramping up > your involvement? Great! I hope that constructive criticism counts as involvement :-) More seriously, I'd happily get more involved, if I was sure where I could contribute usefully. I had a look previously at doing some form of output writer other than HTML. I would still like to do something like that, in theory, but (a) my time is so limited that something substantial like that is hard to manage (I get started, and then get interrupted, and then have to start over...) and (b) I've never managed to get up to speed with how writers should be structured. Maybe now we have a combined docutils project, things may have settled sown enough that I should look again. Anyway, enough whining - if you do have anything that I could usefully contribute (on the basis that odd half days is about all the time I have) please let me know... Paul. From Fri May 10 12:34:00 2002 From: (Ueli Schl�pfer) Date: 10 May 2002 13:34:00 +0200 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsingoddness) In-Reply-To: <020e01c1f805$949ebb00$> References: <020e01c1f805$949ebb00$> Message-ID: [Tony] > Hmm. I don't really see:: > > .. literary:: > > working as a directive. Although it's a kindof neat concept! > > For what little it is worth, here are some random ideas:: > > .. freeform:: > .. keeplines:: > .. nowrap:: > > The last is inelegant but might be the most evocative. Agreed (and others seem to have too [#1]_). Don't name a construct/directive after a specific use case -- leave it to the user's creativity to apply it wherever it is suitable (other than the ones the construct was invented for)! .. [#1] See, for example, Paul Moore's post of May 10 in this thread. A few more possibilities for names:: .. obeylines:: .. lines:: .. linewise:: I've seen the first one in a TeX posting somewere, and I came up with ``.. linewise::`` when thinking of a suitable (and close) translation of the directive to German. And for completeness, here's my ranking: 1. ``.. keeplines::`` or ``.. obeylines::`` 2. ``.. linewise::`` 3. ``.. nowrap::`` 4. ``.. lines::`` 5. ``.. freeform::`` Ueli From Sun May 12 17:34:17 2002 From: (engelbert gruber) Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 18:34:17 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [Doc-SIG] Applications for Docutils/reStructuredText In-Reply-To: <01f501c1f736$ca8c6de0$> Message-ID: On Thu, 9 May 2002, Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote: > David Goodger wrote: > > - General documentation: Engelbert Gruber is working on ReportLabs PDF > > integration. > > Great! Has he mentioned this to Andy Robinson/Reportlabs? no whome should i talk to just to damper a little bit, i am unsure what will work direct to pdf, cause i see no point (or not enough time) to make another hyphenation for getting a decent justification. my list is i want paragraphs come out correct, titles and maybe emphasize and bold. some things are easy e.g. pdf-contents are generated from reportlab. -- engelbert gruber email: From Mon May 13 07:27:10 2002 From: (Garth Kidd) Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 16:27:10 +1000 Subject: [Doc-SIG] verse construct (was Re: [Docutils-develop] Parsingoddness) In-Reply-To: <020e01c1f805$949ebb00$> Message-ID: <002101c1fa47$38a05c20$4700800a@gkiddlap> keeplines: -1 verse: -0 literary: -0 freeform: +0 obeylines: +0 lines: +0 linewise: +1 nowrap: +1 Regards, Garth. From Juergen Hermann" Message-ID: On Wed, 8 May 2002 10:01:00 +0100, Moore, Paul wrote: >How often is this construct likely to be used? In what contexts? (Pytho= n >docstrings? Wiki pages? I'm not sure what target applications are key f= or >ReST, other than Python docstrings, and doc-sig postings :-) Wiki definitely is: It's not complete yet, but as you can see works in principle. Ciao, J=FCrgen -- J=FCrgen Hermann, Developer ( WEB.DE AG, From Tue May 21 16:32:59 2002 From: (Jeff Epler) Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 10:32:59 -0500 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: [Python-Dev] [development doc updates] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 11:05:55AM -0400, Fred L. Drake wrote: > The development version of the documentation has been updated: > > > > Experimental change: Add some really heavy markup in function signatures > so that when the signature line is wrapped because the browser window is > too narrow, the argument list will wrap to the left parenthesis opening the > argument list. Depending on my browser window's width I get a layout like class addr[, requestHandler[, SimpleXMLRPCServer(logRequests]]) while I would hope for a layout like class SimpleXMLRPCServer(addr[, requestHandler[, logRequests]]) I don't know if it's possible to do this, but it seems that the first line of the parameter list should have the same baseline as the opening paren of the declaration. If this is not possible, then either forcing 'class SimpleXMLRPCServer' to not linebreak, or returning to the old layout class SimpleXMLRPCServer(addr[, requestHandler[, logRequests]]) might be preferable. Jeff PS Please Cc: on replies, not a doc-sig subscriber From David Abrahams" Message-ID: <02e301c200db$fcdf84e0$> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Fred L. Drake" To: ; ; Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 11:05 AM Subject: [Python-Dev] [development doc updates] > The development version of the documentation has been updated: > > > > Experimental change: Add some really heavy markup in function signatures > so that when the signature line is wrapped because the browser window is > too narrow, the argument list will wrap to the left parenthesis opening the > argument list. Cool idea! I'm going to have to steal it... after you fix it ;-) On IE6, the doc for excepthook at looks like this when wrapped: excepthook type, value, ( traceback) -Dave From Tue May 21 16:59:19 2002 From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.) Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 11:59:19 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Re: [Python-Dev] [development doc updates] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <02e301c200db$fcdf84e0$> <> Message-ID: <> Jeff Epler writes: > Depending on my browser window's width I get a layout like > > class addr[, requestHandler[, > SimpleXMLRPCServer(logRequests]]) Ugh! > while I would hope for a layout like > > class > SimpleXMLRPCServer(addr[, requestHandler[, > logRequests]]) That would be ideal. I'd love to be able to "weight" possible line break locations somehow, but I don't think that's possible with today's CSS, even in the more advanced browsers. > I don't know if it's possible to do this, but it seems that the first > line of the parameter list should have the same baseline as the opening > paren of the declaration. If this is not possible, then either forcing > 'class SimpleXMLRPCServer' to not linebreak, or returning to the old > layout Avoiding that linebreak should be easy; the equivalent for C function descriptions is already there. I'll upload an improved version shortly. David Abrahams writes: > Cool idea! I'm going to have to steal it... after you fix it ;-) > > On IE6, the doc for excepthook at > looks like this > when wrapped: > > excepthook type, value, > ( traceback) Interesting; I can't get Mozilla to do that, no matter how narrow I make the Window. ;-) I'll play with this when I have a Windows machine in front of me. -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. PythonLabs at Zope Corporation From Wed May 22 10:24:04 2002 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 10:24:04 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] Message-ID: <> From: Fred L. Drake [] > > The development version of the documentation has been updated: > > > > Slightly improved version of the experimental change; in > signature lines that start with "class " or "exception ", > avoid line breaks between the leading word and the class > or exception name. > > Please continue to provide comments on the change to > or to In, using IE6 on a Windows 2000 machine, scroll down to the definition of pickle() at the bottom. Narrow the window, and when you reach a certain point, the "(" following the function name word wraps onto the next line, resulting in pickle type, function[, ( constructor]) The "(" shouldn't be allowed to wrap. I know this is a borderline case of a borderline case, but I'm not sure that the benefits of all this are worth it. Even when wrapped "properly", you get pickle( type, function[, constructor]) which doesn't look right to me with the "[," hard up against the "function". I'd prefer the "[," to wrap with the following parameter. To do that, you'd need to use unbreakable spaces. Are these universally supported (or even available??) And would unbreakable spaces work in any case? The original problem I noted with "pickle(" would seem to imply that IE6 may well choose to break between text and punctuation anyway. I guess this is only really important for users on very narrow screens (PDAs?), so their comments are probably more important here... Paul. From Wed May 22 10:44:14 2002 From: (=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Walter_D=F6rwald?=) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 11:44:14 +0200 Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] References: <> Message-ID: <> Moore, Paul wrote: > [...] > In, using > IE6 on a Windows 2000 machine, scroll down to the definition of > pickle() at the bottom. Narrow the window, and when you reach a > certain point, the "(" following the function name word wraps onto > the next line, resulting in > > pickle type, function[, > ( constructor]) > > The "(" shouldn't be allowed to wrap. > > I know this is a borderline case of a borderline case, but I'm not > sure that the benefits of all this are worth it. Even when wrapped > "properly", you get > > pickle( type, function[, > constructor]) The table solution seems rather fragile. Why not use something like this:
pickle(type, function [, constructor])
and have a "margin-left: 3em" for the following text. (Of course the style should be in an external style sheet.) An example how this might look can be found at (scroll down to the Converter constructor) Bye, Walter D�rwald From Wed May 22 22:43:28 2002 From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 17:43:28 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Moore, Paul writes: > In, using IE6 on > a Windows 2000 machine, scroll down to the definition of pickle() at the > bottom. Narrow the window, and when you reach a certain point, the "(" > following the function name word wraps onto the next line, resulting in > > pickle type, function[, > ( constructor]) > > The "(" shouldn't be allowed to wrap. Shouldn't, but the controls are flakier here. Try it now. > I know this is a borderline case of a borderline case, but I'm not sure that > the benefits of all this are worth it. Even when wrapped "properly", you get > > pickle( type, function[, > constructor]) > > which doesn't look right to me with the "[," hard up against the "function". > I'd prefer the "[," to wrap with the following parameter. To do that, you'd I'm not entirely sure I agree, but I can live with it either way. What I'd really like to see is a half-space before the "[," (but not if its just "[" following "("). I've changed this a bit; it wraps for me the way you describe on Mozilla 0.9.9; I don't have ready access to MSIE right now. > need to use unbreakable spaces. Are these universally supported (or even > available??) And would unbreakable spaces work in any case? The original > problem I noted with "pickle(" would seem to imply that IE6 may well choose > to break between text and punctuation anyway. It might; this seems like a policy issue that most browsers will implement the same way, though, and not let the user control it (though I think they should let the user control it). > I guess this is only really important for users on very narrow screens > (PDAs?), so their comments are probably more important here... I think the right thing there is to generate simpler HTML and just let it wrap any way it can. That's not too difficult since the iSilo format for PDAs is already using a customized version of the HTML conversion. -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. PythonLabs at Zope Corporation From Thu May 23 01:16:13 2002 From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 20:16:13 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Fred L. Drake, Jr. writes: > I'm not entirely sure I agree, but I can live with it either way. > What I'd really like to see is a half-space before the "[," (but not > if its just "[" following "("). I've changed this a bit; it wraps for > me the way you describe on Mozilla 0.9.9; I don't have ready access to > MSIE right now. Ok, I've checked the latest round of changes, and they seem to work for my with MSIE 6 and Opera 6, both on Win2K. -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. PythonLabs at Zope Corporation From Thu May 23 03:01:54 2002 From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 22:01:54 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Walter D=F6rwald wrote: > The table solution seems rather fragile. > > Why not use something like this: [example elided] Using CSS works well enough with the most modern & up to date browsers, but many users don't update as aggressively as I do, and are using older browsers. My boss, for instance, uses Netscape 4.something, which doesn't do well with even moderate CSS. There are enough browsers out there that either don't implement all the specifications, or don't get all the corner cases right, that CSS is still only acceptable for "detailing", not for substantial presentational control. Now, we can definately be more aggressive with CSS for HTML that will be converted to HTML Help in future releases, but that's only because we don't expect the standards support to vary in that application. User-selected browsers on the open Web are a different world. > An example how this might look can be found at > > (scroll down to the Converter constructor) Nice! -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. PythonLabs at Zope Corporation From Thu May 23 03:25:01 2002 From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 22:25:01 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> I wrote: > I'm not entirely sure I agree, but I can live with it either way. > What I'd really like to see is a half-space before the "[," (but not > if its just "[" following "("). I've changed this a bit; it wraps for > me the way you describe on Mozilla 0.9.9; I don't have ready access to > MSIE right now. And then I wrote: > Ok, I've checked the latest round of changes, and they seem to work > for my with MSIE 6 and Opera 6, both on Win2K. And I've now also checked it with Opera 5.12 and Netscape 6.2.1, where it worked just fine. -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. PythonLabs at Zope Corporation From Thu May 23 08:54:39 2002 From: (Moore, Paul) Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 08:54:39 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] Message-ID: <> From: Fred L. Drake, Jr. [] > I've changed this a bit; it wraps for me the way you > describe on Mozilla 0.9.9; I don't have ready access to > MSIE right now. Yes, that works fine on IE6 now. Thanks, Paul. From Thu May 23 12:25:50 2002 From: (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Walter_D=F6rwald?=) Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 13:25:50 +0200 Subject: [Doc-SIG] [development doc updates] References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote: > Walter D=F6rwald wrote: > > The table solution seems rather fragile. > > > > Why not use something like this: > [example elided] > > Using CSS works well enough with the most modern & up to date > browsers, but many users don't update as aggressively as I do, and are > using older browsers. My boss, for instance, uses Netscape > 4.something, which doesn't do well with even moderate CSS. There are > enough browsers out there that either don't implement all the > specifications, or don't get all the corner cases right, that CSS is > still only acceptable for "detailing", not for substantial > presentational control. Even Netscape 4.7 gets the text-indent/margin-left right (but not much else :-/). And for a browser that does not support it, it should degrade gracefully. > Now, we can definately be more aggressive with CSS for HTML that will > be converted to HTML Help in future releases, but that's only because > we don't expect the standards support to vary in that application. > User-selected browsers on the open Web are a different world. > > > An example how this might look can be found at > > > > (scroll down to the Converter constructor) > > Nice! ... and automatically generated from XML docstrings. Bye, Walter D�rwald From Thu May 23 18:25:03 2002 From: (lolita) Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 00.24.56 +0200 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Eros e soldi:guadagna con internet 0,08 euro a clic Message-ID: sono lolita=2C voglio presentarti il mio nuovo sito affiliazione gratuita con guadagni immediati=3A erotismo=2C chat=2Cloghi e sonerie etc=2C etc=2C l'unico sito che paga cos=EC tanto 0=2C08 euro a clic =2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2Eguarda bene la pg di affiliazione=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2Ee buon divertimento=2E visita il sito=3A http=3A=2F=2Fmembers=2Exoom=2Eit=2Fmarym1976 http=3A=2F=2Fmembers=2Exoom=2Eit=2Fmarym1976 http=3A=2F=2Fmembers=2Exoom=2Eit=2Fmarym1976 From Thu May 30 04:08:41 2002 From: (David Goodger) Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 23:08:41 -0400 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Updates to Docutils Message-ID: I've just checked in a bunch of changes to Docutils. The biggest change was the addition of a command-line interface to the front-end scripts. Greg Ward's Optik package is now required ( I added ``docutils.frontend`` to support command-line processing of front-end scripts (which are now down to 3 lines each). The ``docutils.core.Publisher`` class and ``publish`` function have been greatly simplified by the use of Optik. Download the latest snapshot from: The sandbox snapshot is also available: -- David Goodger Open-source projects: - Python Docutils: (includes reStructuredText: - The Go Tools Project: