[Doc-SIG] Applications for Docutils/reStructuredText
engelbert gruber
Sun, 12 May 2002 18:34:17 +0200 (CEST)
On Thu, 9 May 2002, Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote:
> David Goodger wrote:
> > - General documentation: Engelbert Gruber is working on ReportLabs PDF
> > integration.
> Great! Has he mentioned this to Andy Robinson/Reportlabs?
no whome should i talk to
just to damper a little bit, i am unsure what will work direct to
pdf, cause i see no point (or not enough time) to make another
hyphenation for getting a decent justification.
my list is i want paragraphs come out correct, titles and maybe emphasize
and bold. some things are easy e.g. pdf-contents are generated
from reportlab.
engelbert gruber
email: engelbert.gruber@ssg.co.at