[Doc-SIG] In-line hyperlink alternatives
David Goodger
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 00:42:02 -0500
Benja Fallenstein wrote:
> In my mind, `example` <example.html>_ is a single construct, just as
> `example`_ is; it is as well distinguished from `example` as `example`_
> is. This is true to the human eye
Not to my eye, not to my mind. The underscore has to be *immediately*
adjacent to the backquote to provide an alternate meaning. After the URL is
just too far away: action from a distance.
To me, the `reftext <url>`_ construct says "a reference with text 'reftext'
(and oh, by the way, it's a reference directly to this URL)". The angle
brackets serve to parenthesize the URL within the reference, and "`...`_"
encloses the whole.
> (It's quite hard to
> come up with an example where the author didn't put an underscore
> because they intend the interpreted text + angle-bracketed text
> interpretation, while a reader could reasonably assume that a link is
> meant; thus, I don't see this as a problem.)
Not so hard. For this example, assume the default role of interpreted text
is to indicate index entries:
The `HTML element` <a> is used for hyperlinks.
> The ugly thing is that this allows whitespace inside a construct, of
> course. This is what I see as the main tradeoff here: More readability
> vs. no whitespace in constructs.
It's not just whitespace; it's one thing vs. two, and the first thing isn't
what it normally is because of the end of the second thing.
> Hm, looking at the parser, I think it should be possible to reduce the
> code complication to some additional regexp trickery. I can give it a
> try if states.py's complexity is what you're worried about.
I'm not worried about the code. Much more important is the conceptual
complication to the markup model.
> I don't mind if you use block-level constructs even for really short
> URIs, but I don't agree at all that short URIs interrupt the natural
> flow-- au contraire. (Wouldn't be discussing this otherwise :-) )
We agree to disagree :)
> Just to reiterate: I accept your decision, I just want to be sure that
> you understand my proposal the way I meant it and base the decision on that.
I understand it, and I thank you for your input, but it's just one data
point in a series. I've been sitting on this proposal for 5 months, giving
it *lots* of thought. Many people have chimed in, and I'm tired of the
debate. My job is to make the best decision for the project as a whole, and
I believe that has been done. Let's move on.
David Goodger <goodger@python.org> Open-source projects:
- Python Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/
(includes reStructuredText: http://docutils.sf.net/rst.html)
- The Go Tools Project: http://gotools.sourceforge.net/