[Doc-SIG] PythonPoint front-end
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 11:24:16 -0400
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On Fri, Apr 25, 2003, Patrick K. O'Brien wrote:
> Aahz <aahz@pythoncraft.com> writes:
>> If you'd like, you can have my front-end to PythonPoint. (I created a
>> dead-simple half-reSTed syntax to avoid the drudgery of writing XML.)
>> Once Kevin does his work, it should be simple to modify my front-end to
>> write out reST.
> Sure, I'd like to take a look at that. Thanks. I also see that
> Richard Jones has a pythonpoint writer in his docutils sandbox. Has
> anyone used it?
Here you go. I'm including my PyCon objects presentation so you can see
how it works. (Haven't tried using Richard's bit; I wrote mine a year
ago when reST was really in the Dark Ages. ;-)
(It'll be available on my web site Real Soon Now....)
Aahz (aahz@pythoncraft.com) <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/
"In many ways, it's a dull language, borrowing solid old concepts from
many other languages & styles: boring syntax, unsurprising semantics,
few automatic coercions, etc etc. But that's one of the things I like
about it." --Tim Peters on Python, 16 Sep 93
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="stx2xml.py"
import sys
import os
import re
import imp
import cgi
#cfg = imp.new_module('cfg')
class cfg: pass
tagDict = {}
class Tag:
closes = []
def __init__(self):
self._attr = {}
self.elements = []
def default(self, value):
def end(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def output(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_attrs(self):
tmp = []
for key,value in self._attr.iteritems():
tmp.append('%s="%s"' % (key,value))
return ' '.join(tmp)
class Presentation(Tag):
def __init__(self):
tagStack = []
def pragma_outputFile(self, value):
self.outputFile = value
def pragma_style(self, value):
mod, func = value.split(',')
self.styleMod, self.styleFunc = mod, func
f, p, d = imp.find_module(mod)
mod = imp.load_module(mod, f, p, d)
func = getattr(mod, func)
cfg.styles = func()
def pragma_frame(self, value):
cfg.pageFrame = tuple(value.split(','))
def pragma_footer(self, value):
cfg.footerFrame = tuple(value.split(','))
def pragma_codeRatio(self, value):
cfg.codeRatio = float(value)
def output(self):
tmp = []
tmp.append('<presentation %s>' % self.get_attrs())
mod, func = self.styleMod, self.styleFunc
tmp.append('<stylesheet module="%s" function="%s"/>' % (mod, func))
tmp.append('<section name="Main">')
for slide in self.elements:
return '\n\n'.join(tmp)
def setFooters(self):
numPages = len(self.elements)
pageNo = 0
for slide in self.elements:
pageNo += 1
slide.pageNo = pageNo
slide.numPages = numPages
tagDict['presentation'] = Presentation
class Para(Tag):
tagName = 'para'
styleName = None
reCode = re.compile("``([^`]+)``")
def __init__(self):
self.codeSize = None
def getCodeSize(self):
fontSize = cfg.styles[self.styleName].fontSize
self.codeSize = round(fontSize * cfg.codeRatio, 1)
def parse(self, line):
if self.codeSize is None:
repl = r'<font name="Courier" size="%s">\1</font>' % self.codeSize
return self.reCode.sub(repl, line)
def default(self, value):
value = self.parse(value)
def end(self):
def output(self):
outdict = {
'tagName': self.tagName,
'style': 'style="%s"' % self.styleName,
'data': '\n'.join(self.elements)
tmp = '<%(tagName)s %(style)s>%(data)s</%(tagName)s>' % outdict
return tmp
Para.closes = [Para]
class PreFmt(Para):
tagName = 'prefmt'
styleName = 'Normal'
tagDict['prefmt'] = PreFmt
class Slide(Tag):
def __init__(self):
def pragma_title(self, value):
self._attr['title'] = value
tmp = Title()
def pragma_head(self, value):
self._attr['title'] = value.replace("``", "")
tmp = Head()
def end(self):
def output(self):
tmp = []
tmp.append('<slide %s>' % self.get_attrs())
for tag in self.elements:
pageNo, numPages = self.pageNo, self.numPages
f = '<para style="Footer">%s</para>' % pageNo
return '\n'.join(tmp)
Slide.closes = [Para, Slide]
tagDict['slide'] = Slide
class Title(Para):
styleName = 'title'
tmp = Title
tagDict[tmp.styleName] = tmp
class Head(Para):
styleName = 'head'
tmp = Head
tagDict[tmp.styleName] = tmp
class SmallTitle(Para):
styleName = 'smalltitle'
tmp = SmallTitle
tagDict[tmp.styleName] = tmp
class Normal(Para):
styleName = 'normal'
tmp = Normal
tagDict[tmp.styleName] = tmp
class Bullet(Para):
styleName = 'Bullet' # PythonPoint needs cap :-(
tagDict['bullet'] = Bullet
class Indent(Para):
styleName = 'indent'
tmp = Indent
tagDict[tmp.styleName] = tmp
class URL(Para):
styleName = 'url'
tmp = URL
tagDict[tmp.styleName] = tmp
class Code(PreFmt):
styleName = 'code'
def default(self, value):
value = cgi.escape(value)
PreFmt.default(self, value)
def pragma_include(self, value):
data = open(value).read()
data = cgi.escape(data)
tmp = Code
tagDict[tmp.styleName] = tmp
class Spacer(Para):
def output(self):
return '<spacer %s/>' % self.get_attrs()
tagDict['spacer'] = Spacer
class NumberedList(Para):
def default(self, value):
def output(self):
i = 1
tmp = []
for item in self.elements:
s = '<para style="NumList">%s. %s</para>' % (i, item)
i += 1
return '\n'.join(tmp)
tagDict['numlist'] = NumberedList
def make_frame(frame):
return '<frame x="%s" y="%s" width="%s" height="%s">' % frame
def dispatch_tag(tag, root):
newTag = tagDict[tag]()
tagStack = root.tagStack
#print tag, newTag.closes
for tagType in newTag.closes:
currTag = tagStack[-1]
#print isinstance(currTag, tagType)
if isinstance(currTag, tagType):
#print tagStack
def dispatch_attrib(line, root):
currTag = root.tagStack[-1]
key, value = line.split(' ', 1)
currTag._attr[key] = value
def dispatch_pragma(line, root):
currTag = root.tagStack[-1]
pragma, value = line.split(' ', 1)
meth = getattr(currTag, 'pragma_' + pragma)
def dispatch_comment(line, root):
dispatch = {
'.': dispatch_tag,
'=': dispatch_attrib,
'@': dispatch_pragma,
'#': dispatch_comment,
def parse(input):
root = Presentation()
root.tagStack = [root]
for line in input:
line = line.rstrip()
if not line:
ch = line[0]
if ch in dispatch:
# handle continuation lines in interactive mode
if line[1] == '.':
dispatch[ch](line[1:], root)
except KeyError:
print line
return root
def write(root):
f = open(root.outputFile, 'w')
# print root.output()
def process(input):
input = open(input)
root = parse(input)
if __name__ == '__main__':
input = sys.argv[1]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pyobj.stx"
=filename pyobj.pdf
@outputFile pyobj.xml
@style style,Styles
@frame 0,0,782,612
@footer 0,5,787,25
@codeRatio 0.85
@title Python Objects and New-style Classes
=height 40
<font size="60">Aahz</font>
=height 20
=height 60
Powered by PythonPoint
=height 10
=outlinelevel 1
@head Before we begin...
I'm hearing-impaired
Please speak slowly and clearly
@head Overall
Goal: understand objects
Use new-style classes to illuminate
No classic classes
30 minutes core material
15 minutes optional material
# Deal with stupid ReportLab entity bug
15-30 minutes Q&amp;A
@head Contents
Object Basics
Type/class tangle
Memory management
Optional Material
@head Object Basics
=outlinelevel 1
@head Objects Defined
Object is structured memory
Object has:
Namespace (attributes)
Value (optional: int/string objects have value, files don't)
=outlinelevel 1
@head Everything an Object
All data is object
Functions, types, classes, class instances, iterators, generators,
modules, and files all first-class objects
Objects all have same potential capabilities, but objects
choose which capabilities to expose.
The type determines the capabilities.
("Capability" in its generic sense, essentially
"set of data/methods" -- not the python-dev thread. ;-)
=outlinelevel 1
@head Accessing objects
Targets contain bindings to objects
"Binding" used instead of "reference" because you can only deal with
objects directly, never the references themselves (except in C API).
=outlinelevel 1
@head Kinds of Targets
Names in object space, accessed with dot notation
Indexes / Keys
E.g. ``return`` or function defaults
Important for understanding refcounts
=outlinelevel 1
@head Names
What's a name?
Bare word at builtin, module global, or function scope (more on scope
"Name" instead of "variable"
Names in Python don't contain data, only bindings; they're used like
variables, mostly, but use "names" instead to remember the semantics
=outlinelevel 1
@head Each Object a Namespace
Objects contain dict that maps key/value pairs to names and objects.
For some objects (primarily built-in types, function locals, and some
new-style classes), dict gets mapped to vector for reduced memory
consumption and speed.
=outlinelevel 1
@head Binding Operations
Creating names
``=``, ``for`` (and list comprehensions), ``def``,
``import`` (all forms), ``class``, function/method parameters,
``except`` block (second parameter)
Other targets
``=`` (sequences/maps), ``return``, ``yield``, ``print``,
function/method default parameters
=outlinelevel 1
@head Namespace Demo
=outlinelevel 1
@head Scope
Two scope hierarchies:
Execution scope
Class inheritance scope
Non-local scopes are read-only unless made explicit
=outlinelevel 1
@head Execution Scope
Searches three namespaces in order:
Function local
Module global
Locals shadow globals shadow builtins
=outlinelevel 1
@head Nested Scopes
Functions inside functions
Lexical scope
Not dynamic scope
Allows static analysis of source code
Python 2.1
``from __future__ import nested_scopes``
=outlinelevel 1
@head Class Inheritance Scope
Non-standard "scope" usage
Some people disagree with me that class attribute/method inheritance
should be discussed as a "scope", but it's a convenient way to explain
the similarities with execution scope
Used in methods to distinguish between execution scope (implicit as
in other functions) and the class inheritance scope (which is made
explicit through ``self``)
=outlinelevel 1
@head Scope Demo
@head Type/Class Tangle
Inheritance vs. creation
Class vs. instance
=outlinelevel 1
@head Inheritance vs. creation
Attribute search path
Types are objects that create other objects
Metaclass is type that generates classes; class is type that
generates class instances
``type(Foo) == Foo.__class__``
Instance is an object created by a type
=outlinelevel 1
@head Class vs. Instance
Instance attribute
Access with ``self``
Class attribute
Access with class name
But remember that a class is also an instance...
=outlinelevel 1
@head More Inheritance
Bases vs. Types
An instance's inheritance searches its type, then its type's base
classes. Inheritance does NOT search the type's type.
=outlinelevel 1
@head Type/Class Demo
@head Memory Management
Reference counts
Garbage collection
=outlinelevel 1
@head Reference Counts
Object deletion
Objects are deleted when no bindings reference object
Each binding increases refcount
Decrease refcount
Name going out of scope
=outlinelevel 1
@head ``del``
Deletes bindings, not objects
Can ``del`` parts of objects:
=height 10
>>> L = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> del L[1:3]
>>> L
[1, 4, 5]
>>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 5}
>>> del d['b']
>>> d
{'a': 1, 'c': 5}
=outlinelevel 1
@head Refcount Cascades
Objects refer to other objects
When an object gets deleted, all objects it refers to get decremented and
may be deleted -- leading to a cascade of object deletions
Large lists/dicts
Deleting a large list or dict can take a long time as each object in the
list/dict needs to be walked
=outlinelevel 1
@head GC
Garbage collection
In addition to refcount, not instead of
Occur when two or more objects refer to each other; refcount
can't go to zero. If no external targets refer to cycle,
cycle is "garbage" and GC deletes it.
Objects with ``__del__()`` can't be GC'd because of ordering problem
=outlinelevel 1
@head Refcount/GC Demo
=outlinelevel 1
@head ``__slots__``
Normally stored in dict
``__slots__`` creates indexed vector
Attribute names stored with class, not instance
@head Mutable vs. Immutable
Immutable objects
Strings, numbers, tuples, some class instances, and combinations
Mutable objects
Lists, dicts, most classes and class instances
Why immutable?
Dict keys, space efficiency
=outlinelevel 1
@head Mutable Subtleties
Lists embedded in tuples
=height 10
>>> a = (1, ['foo'], 's')
>>> a[1] = {'foo': 'bar'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment
>>> a[1].append('bar')
>>> a
(1, ['foo', 'bar'], 's')
=height 5
Cannot force class immutable; it's an implied contract in code and
documentation (must use C API to force immutable)
=outlinelevel 1
@head Copy Semantics (for function calls)
Immutables don't need copy
Mutables must be copied
If you don't want them modified, that is
=outlinelevel 1
@head Copy Example
=height 15
``list.sort()`` is an in-place operation; here we create a function that
returns the list
=height 10
>>> def sort(L):
... L.sort()
... return L
>>> L = [11, 7, 12, 5]
>>> sort(L[:])
[5, 7, 11, 12]
>>> L
[11, 7, 12, 5]
>>> sort(L)
[5, 7, 11, 12]
>>> L
[5, 7, 11, 12]
=height 15
Notice how failing to make copy modifies original list
=outlinelevel 1
@head Mutability Again
``=`` vs. ``+=`` (and family)
``=`` always [re]binds
mutable vs. immutable
``+=`` may rebind ``self`` to original object if mutable (but not
=outlinelevel 1
@head Tuples and ``+=``
=height 10
>>> a = (1, ['foo'], 'xyzzy')
>>> a[1].append('bar')
>>> a
(1, ['foo', 'bar'], 'xyzzy')
>>> a[1] = 9
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment
>>> a
(1, ['foo', 'bar'], 'xyzzy')
>>> a[1] += ['spam']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment
>>> a
(1, ['foo', 'bar', 'spam'], 'xyzzy')
=outlinelevel 1
@head ``+=`` expansion
=height 10
=height 15
Rewrite with temp vars:
=height 10
>>> a = (1, ['foo', 'bar'], 'xyzzy')
>>> x = a.__getitem__(1)
>>> x
['foo', 'bar']
>>> x.__iadd__(['spam'])
['foo', 'bar', 'spam']
>>> a.__setitem__(1, x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has
no attribute '__setitem__'
>>> a
(1, ['foo', 'bar', 'spam'], 'xyzzy')