[Doc-SIG] Slides for reST PyCon tutorial
Brett Cannon
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 14:16:13 -0800 (PST)
I am giving a tutorial on reST at PyCon (http://www.python.org/pycon/ )
and I would like technical feedback on the slides I have done. You can
find the web page at http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~bac/rest_tutorial.html .
The one page is the whole presentation.
The goal of the tutorial is to get people who have never touched reST to
be able to read either a PEP or the python-dev Summaries with no troubles.
Now I have a 15 minute time limit and I already had to cut out tables; I
will probably have to cut out one or two more sections to be in under the
time limit.
If you have any comments, please email me personally (no need to bug the
list about this). I am mostly looking for feedback on technical issues.
I have enough friends who do not know reST to be able to test clarity out
on them.