From gael.varoquaux at Mon Nov 13 02:23:15 2006
From: gael.varoquaux at (Gael Varoquaux)
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:23:15 +0100
Subject: [Doc-SIG] code-block directive
Message-ID: <>
I have added python-code syntax-highlighting. This feature has been hand
coded in extensions like the trac extension, or in rest2web. This leads
to variants of rest that are not compatible with docutils. I have thus
added a crude version of syntax-highlighting. The new directive follows
the trac directive:
.. code-block:: python
I have not coded support for other language than python, and the
directive default to a literal block if the language isn't python.
For the latex2e writer, where I was able to use the listings package, and
thus get free support for other languages. For the newlatex2e it is
impossible to use the listings package, as the code cannot be passed as
macro arguments (see section 5.1 of the listings manual).
This is a first draft and is probably of a lower quality then other
directive. I would like to push for inclusion of this new directive even
if it doesn't support all the features it could to regain language
compatibility with trac.
Comments on the patch are welcome.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: docutils/docutils/parsers/rst/directives/
--- docutils/docutils/parsers/rst/directives/ (revision 4799)
+++ docutils/docutils/parsers/rst/directives/ (working copy)
@@ -108,7 +108,21 @@
node.line = self.content_offset + 1
return [node] + messages
+class CodeBlock(Directive):
+ required_arguments = 1
+ optional_arguments = 0
+ has_content = True
+ def run(self):
+ self.assert_has_content()
+ text = '\n'.join(self.content)
+ self.options['language'] = self.arguments[0]
+ node = nodes.code_block(text, text, **self.options)
+ node.line = self.content_offset + 1
+ return [node]
class Rubric(Directive):
required_arguments = 1
Index: docutils/docutils/parsers/rst/directives/
--- docutils/docutils/parsers/rst/directives/ (revision 4799)
+++ docutils/docutils/parsers/rst/directives/ (working copy)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
'topic': ('body', 'Topic'),
'line-block': ('body', 'LineBlock'),
'parsed-literal': ('body', 'ParsedLiteral'),
+ 'code-block': ('body', 'CodeBlock'),
'rubric': ('body', 'Rubric'),
'epigraph': ('body', 'Epigraph'),
'highlights': ('body', 'Highlights'),
Index: docutils/docutils/writers/html4css1/
--- docutils/docutils/writers/html4css1/ (revision 4799)
+++ docutils/docutils/writers/html4css1/ (working copy)
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
import time
import re
from types import ListType
+import token, tokenize
+import cStringIO
import Image # check for the Python Imaging Library
except ImportError:
@@ -28,8 +30,8 @@
import docutils
from docutils import frontend, nodes, utils, writers, languages
from docutils.transforms import writer_aux
+from docutils.colorizer import python2html
class Writer(writers.Writer):
supported = ('html', 'html4css1', 'xhtml')
@@ -1075,6 +1077,18 @@
# Content already processed:
raise nodes.SkipNode
+ def visit_code_block(self, node):
+ if node['language'] == 'python':
+ self.body.append(python2html(node.astext().encode('ascii')))
+ else:
+ self.body.append('
+ self.body.append(node.astext().encode('ascii'))
+ self.body.append('
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+ def depart_code_block(self, node):
+ pass
def visit_literal_block(self, node):
self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'pre', CLASS='literal-block'))
Index: docutils/docutils/writers/html4css1/html4css1.css
--- docutils/docutils/writers/html4css1/html4css1.css (revision 4799)
+++ docutils/docutils/writers/html4css1/html4css1.css (working copy)
@@ -273,3 +273,29 @@ {
list-style-type: none }
+/* Python syntax highlighting */
+.pysrc {
+ font-weight: normal;
+ background-color: #eef2f7;
+ background-position: right;
+ background-repeat: repeat-y;
+ border: 1px solid;
+ border-color: #999999;
+ margin: 20px;
+ padding:10px 10px 10px 20px;
+ font-size: smaller;
+ white-space: pre ;
+.pykeyword {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #262668 ;
+.pycomment { color: #007600; }
+.pystring { color: #0000bb; }
+.pynumber { color:purple; }
+.pyoperator { color:purple; font-weight: bold; }
+.pytext { color:black; }
+.pyerror { font-weight: bold; color: red; }
Index: docutils/docutils/writers/latex2e/
--- docutils/docutils/writers/latex2e/ (revision 4799)
+++ docutils/docutils/writers/latex2e/ (working copy)
@@ -639,6 +639,13 @@
'\\usepackage{amsmath}\n', # what fore amsmath.
+ '\\definecolor{darkgreen}{cmyk}{0.7, 0, 1, 0.5}\n',
+ '\\definecolor{darkblue}{cmyk}{1, 0.8, 0, 0}\n',
+ '\\definecolor{lightblue}{cmyk}{0.05,0,0,0.05}\n',
+ '\\definecolor{grey}{cmyk}{0.1,0.1,0.1,1}\n',
+ '\\definecolor{lightgrey}{cmyk}{0,0,0,0.5}\n',
+ '\\definecolor{purple}{cmyk}{0.8,1,0,0}\n',
+ '\\usepackage{listings}\n\\def\\codeblocksize{\\small}\n',
'\\usepackage{ifthen}\n', # before hyperref!
self.linking % (self.colorlinks, self.hyperlink_color, self.hyperlink_color),
@@ -1052,6 +1059,40 @@
def depart_classifier(self, node):
self.body.append( '})\n' )
+ def visit_code_block(self, node):
+ self.literal = 1
+ self.body.append(r"""
+ extendedchars=true,
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ keywordstyle=\sffamily\bfseries,
+ identifierstyle=\sffamily,
+ commentstyle=\slshape\color{darkgreen},
+ stringstyle=\rmfamily\color{blue},
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ tabsize=4,
+ breaklines=true,
+ classoffset=1,
+ otherkeywords={[,],=,:},
+ keywordstyle=\color{purple}\bfseries,
+ classoffset=0
+ escapebegin={\color{darkgreen}},
+ backgroundcolor=\color{lightblue},
+ fillcolor=\color{lightblue},
+ xleftmargin=0pt,
+ fillcolor=\color{white},
+ frame=single,
+ fillcolor=\color{lightblue},
+ rulecolor=\color{lightgrey},
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\codeblocksize}
+""" %( node['language'], node['language']) )
+ def depart_code_block(self, node):
+ self.body.append('\n\\end{lstlisting}}\n')
+ self.literal = 0
def visit_colspec(self, node):
Index: docutils/docutils/writers/newlatex2e/
--- docutils/docutils/writers/newlatex2e/ (revision 4799)
+++ docutils/docutils/writers/newlatex2e/ (working copy)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
from docutils.writers.newlatex2e import unicode_map
from docutils.transforms import writer_aux
+from docutils.colorizer import python2latex
class Writer(writers.Writer):
@@ -402,6 +403,18 @@
visit_doctest_block = visit_literal_block
depart_doctest_block = depart_literal_block
+ def visit_code_block(self, node):
+ if node['language'] == 'python':
+ self.body.append(python2latex(node.astext().encode('ascii')))
+ else:
+ self.body.append('\n\\begin{verbatim}\n')
+ self.body.append(node.astext().encode('ascii'))
+ self.body.append('\n\\end{verbatim}\n')
+ raise nodes.SkipChildren
+ def depart_code_block(self, node):
+ pass
inline_literal = 0
def visit_literal(self, node):
Index: docutils/docutils/writers/newlatex2e/base.tex
--- docutils/docutils/writers/newlatex2e/base.tex (revision 4799)
+++ docutils/docutils/writers/newlatex2e/base.tex (working copy)
@@ -79,6 +79,12 @@
\usepackage[colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}
% Get color, e.g. for links and system messages.
+ \definecolor{darkgreen}{cmyk}{0.7, 0, 1, 0.5}
+ \definecolor{darkblue}{cmyk}{1, 0.8, 0, 0}
+ \definecolor{lightblue}{cmyk}{0.05,0,0,0.05}
+ \definecolor{grey}{cmyk}{0.1,0.1,0.1,1}
+ \definecolor{lightgrey}{cmyk}{0,0,0,0.5}
+ \definecolor{purple}{cmyk}{0.8,1,0,0}
% Get \textnhtt macro (non-hyphenating type writer).
% For sidebars.
@@ -113,6 +119,7 @@
% Taken from
% and modified. Used with permission.
@@ -413,6 +420,21 @@
\csname D\DEVparent subtitle\endcsname{#1}%
+\providecommand{\pynumber}[1]{\color{purple} #1}
+\providecommand{\pytext}[1]{{\sffamily #1}}
Index: docutils/docutils/
--- docutils/docutils/ (revision 4799)
+++ docutils/docutils/ (working copy)
@@ -1267,6 +1267,7 @@
class option_string(Part, TextElement): pass
class description(Part, Element): pass
class literal_block(General, FixedTextElement): pass
+class code_block(General, FixedTextElement): pass
class doctest_block(General, FixedTextElement): pass
class line_block(General, Element): pass
@@ -1447,8 +1448,8 @@
abbreviation acronym address admonition attention attribution author
block_quote bullet_list
- caption caution citation citation_reference classifier colspec comment
- compound contact container copyright
+ caption caution citation citation_reference classifier code_blockcolspec
+ comment compound contact container copyright
danger date decoration definition definition_list definition_list_item
description docinfo doctest_block document
emphasis entry enumerated_list error
From fredrik at Wed Nov 15 23:00:35 2006
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 23:00:35 +0100
Subject: [Doc-SIG] ANN: the pyfaq wiki has moved; pyfaq 1.0b1 is available
(portions of this was posted to a while ago)
Back in April, I posted a copy of the Python FAQ over at,
to collect comments and new FAQ entries for
Since development has ceased, and the server's been hit
by spam lately, I've decided to move the material over to a hopefully
more reliable site:
This move was completed just over two weeks ago.
After the move, I've gotten tons of useful comments from the Python
community, and incorporated more than 60 comments into the articles.
Several new articles have also been added, and more are on their way.
For the adventurous, there's also a pre-processed distribution archive
which contains all pages from the FAQ as XHTML fragments. The format is
described here:
From pipehappy at Thu Nov 30 18:06:38 2006
From: pipehappy at (pipehappy)
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 12:06:38 -0500
Subject: [Doc-SIG] beginner: the missing .cls
Hi everyone
I have read the document 'documenting python' but am still confused. I
know LaTex, the mark described in the document and the required tool.
But when I just try to feed the doc.tex to LaTex, it tells me missing
'howto.cls'. And there are five or six men at to convert
the collected plain text into tex format. So I guess the source
tarball doesn't provide whole story. Can some one tell me where I can
find the missing file? Thanks very much!