[Doc-SIG] Request for Eyeballs: Python Project Howto

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Sep 30 15:49:46 CEST 2009

John Kleint wrote:
> I'm writing an introduction to releasing open-source Python projects.
> Having recently gone through it for the first time myself, I was
> amazed at how far and wide I had to range to pull together all the
> information that goes into making a good Python package.  So I thought
> I'd write it up and share:
> http://infinitemonkeycorps.net/docs/pph/

Maybe move licensing to be nearer choosing a project host. You often 
have to have already chosen a license when you choose a host, so putting 
them together makes sense.

Mention Pyflakes and Pychecker when you mention Pylint? Pylint is very 
powerful, but a real pain to configure.

In testing resources you should link to the Python Testing Tools 
Taxonomy: http://pycheesecake.org/wiki/PythonTestingToolsTaxonomy

Nothing more so far. :-)

All the best,


> It's tentatively called the "Python Project Howto," and it's aimed at
> people who, though not necessarily new to Python, may be new to
> packaging and possibly open source.  It tries to be succinct and
> practical, demonstrating by example.  It covers choosing project
> hosting, setting up version control (Subversion basics), code quality
> (Pylint) and style (PEP 8), documentation (reStructuredText, Sphinx),
> unit testing (doctest and unittest), licensing, packaging (distutils),
> and release (PyPI).
> One thing I don't want it to be is an exhaustive list of all the
> possibilities for each of those areas.  For instance, I cover
> reStructuredText and Sphinx, but not epydoc; distutils but not
> setuptools.  I've tried to pick the simplest, most common among
> several options, and sometimes provided a link to others (pip, nose).
> I'm trying to Keep It Simple for people just dipping their toes into
> the Python ecosystem.  I'd really like to know what people think; it
> would be great to get some feedback on it.  Thanks!
> -John
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