[Doc-SIG] Polish translation

Maciek Olko maciej.olko at gmail.com
Sat Apr 6 19:30:16 EDT 2019

Thank you for warm welcome!

I've already started translating. I was thinking that GitHub repo and
translation process described there would direct people to Transifex and
help to spread the word as being googlable.

Maciej Olko

sob., 6 kwi 2019 o 19:03 Julien Palard <julien at palard.fr> napisaƂ(a):

> Hi Maciek!
> Nice to hear from Poland! You can already start translating using the
> transifex project: https://www.transifex.com/python-doc/python-newest/
> that's where most of the translation looks to happen (except French which
> only happen on Github, we find it easier to review pull requests and
> comment on them than transifex).
> You're the de-facto coordinator for this language, (there's no established
> process) so welcome on board :)
> Feel free to start encouraging people to join (more efficient than trying
> to translate alone), I'll create you a repository on
> github.com/python/python-docs-pl as soon as it make sense ("enough"
> strings are translated), a few percent later we'll add you to the build so
> you can preview the doc on docs.python.org, and finally we'll follow the
> rules of PEP 545 about going public, being you'll need to have translated:
>    - 100% of bugs.html with proper links to the language repository issue
>    tracker.
>    - 100% of tutorial.
>    - 100% of library/functions (builtins).
> Bests,
> --
> Julien Palard
> https://mdk.fr
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