[docs] calendar bug related to September 2-14, 1752

Scott Bannert bannerts at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 10:03:16 CET 2012


I think I might have found an issue with the calendar related to the point
of time in history when the date was necessary to correct by 11 days.
Anyhow, the correction is made in a GNU+linux machine, so it seems like
something worth fixing in python.  I have created an account at
bugs.python.org (username: bannerts) and submitted a bug (ID: 14048),
however I'm new at this so I thought I would send an email too.

*How I discovered it: *
I was reading through some posts on reddit when I came up on this one:
which seemed to state that in the September of 1752, they decided to skip
from Wednesday the 2nd to Thursday the 14th.  Out of curiosity, I decided
to see if Python had it recorded this way by typing in the following
commands in python:

>>> import calendar
>>> calendar.TextCalendar().pryear(1752)

The calendar printed does not show this correction, which I suppose is
something that might be worth fixing.

Anyhow, I'm relatively new to using python and I have found that the
language is really useful.  Whoever you are, keep up the good work.

Scott Bannert

Cell: (979) 418-2422
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