[docs] [issue21763] Clarify requirements for file-like objects

R. David Murray report at bugs.python.org
Tue Jun 17 16:07:14 CEST 2014

R. David Murray added the comment:

Nikolaus: while I agree that Raymond's comments were a bit strongly worded, it doesn't read to me as if the thread you link to is on point for this issue.  The thread was focused on a *specific* question, that of calling close twice.  The question of what the docs mean by "a file like object" is a different question.  Specifically, you will note that "duck typing" never came up in that thread (as far as I remember).

As Raymond indicated, a glossary entry would be appropriate, and would reference the ABCs.

This entry already exists; although it is labeled "file object", it mentions that they are also called "file like objects".  It would be appropriate to link mentions of the phrase "file like object" in the docs to this glossary term, if they aren't already.


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