[docs] [issue18588] timeit examples should be consistent

Raymond Hettinger report at bugs.python.org
Thu Jun 19 22:19:49 CEST 2014

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

> I did find it somewhat confusing when trying to interpret 
> the timeit documentation.

Perhaps that is a good thing.  Making good, repeatable, meaningful timings  where you have a clear interpretation of the results is non-trivial, learned skill.   Cross-checking results and explaining differences are fundamental skills.  There is really no reason the docs should try to make it look easier that it really is (running the tool is easy, but interpreting results sometimes isn't).

> Being a somewhat pedantic and trivial patch, I'm fine if you 
> want to close it wontfix.

That is reasonable.  I don't that this has caused any actual impediment to learning how to use timeit.  The docs have been somewhat successful in that regard.

nosy: +rhettinger

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