[docs] Not a 'bug' just a documentation question

Turner, Westley@EDD Westley.Turner at edd.ca.gov
Thu Aug 13 00:04:32 CEST 2015

I recently have a need to learn some basics about Python, so I was reading through the tutorial. I got to section 2.2.1 and found a reference that isn't clear. The first paragraph there says, "It is possible to use encodings different than ASCII in Python source files. The best way to do it is to put one more special comment line right after the #! line to define the source file encoding:", but there hasn't been a previous mention of a #! line. I am sufficiently familiar with Unix systems to know that scripts usually start with a pointer to the interpreter to be used to run the rest of the script, but many readers may not be.

I would suggest a minor entry explaining the differences between scripting and interactive mode. That would give an opportunity to introduce basic shell etiquette.

Thanks for the detailed online instructions! I am learning lots.  :-)
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