[docs] [issue23559] [doc] inconsistent range example output
Raphaël Bleuse
report at bugs.python.org
Mon Mar 2 09:21:16 CET 2015
New submission from Raphaël Bleuse:
Reading the documentation for ranges (see https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/stdtypes.html#ranges), the example using a negative index output is inconsistent with the range effective behaviour.
One can read:
>>> r[-1]
while (in my understanding) it should be:
>>> r[-1]
Note the output should be 8 and not 18.
assignee: docs at python
components: Documentation
messages: 237029
nosy: bleuse, docs at python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: [doc] inconsistent range example output
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5
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