[docs] [issue28437] Documentation for handling of non-type metaclass hints is unclear
Neil Girdhar
report at bugs.python.org
Sun Oct 16 03:22:48 EDT 2016
Neil Girdhar added the comment:
Thanks for taking the time to explain, but it's still not working for me:
from types import new_class
class MyMetaclass(type):
class OtherMetaclass(type):
def metaclass_callable(name, bases, namespace):
return new_class(name, bases, dict(metaclass=OtherMetaclass))
class MyClass(metaclass=MyMetaclass):
class MyDerived(MyClass, metaclass=metaclass_callable):
MyDerived = new_class("MyDerived", (MyClass,), dict(metaclass=metaclass_callable))
print("Gotcha again!")
So my questions are:
1. Why shouldn't Lib/types:new_class behave in exactly the same way as declaring a class using "class…" notation?
2. What's the point of checking if the metaclass is an instance of type? It seems to me that in Python 2, non-type metaclasses did not have to be the "most derived class" (that's what the documentation seems to suggest with the second rule). However, we no longer accept that in CPython 3 — neither in the Lib/types, nor in a regular declaration. In fact, the exception is:
"metaclass conflict: "
"the metaclass of a derived class "
"must be a (non-strict) subclass "
"of the metaclasses of all its bases");
So why not just check that unconditionally in Lib/types.py?
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