[docs] 9. Classes << The Python Tutorial

Andrine Duus andrineduus at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 11:06:36 EST 2017

Suddenly, some "I" is writing the tutorial. But, "we" don't care.

That's only somewhat excusable in texts or papers written by one
individual. Certainly, it wouldn't be excusable in documentation at the
gateway of a massive community.

And other things like statements "A *namespace* is a mapping from names to
objects" should be looked into as well in a proofing. Most people learning
to program for the first time may come to a language like Python, and they
wouldn't have learned formal definitions of mathematical functions to make
sense of such phrasings.

A writer signaling their "higher knowledge" to a fraction of the audience
doesn't serve pedagogical purposes.
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