[docs] Python Docs
Gerd Neuber
gneuber at physnet.uni-hamburg.de
Tue Oct 23 08:35:15 EDT 2018
unfortunately, on the web page
when trying to download the PDF- or EPUB-format files, I get a 404 error.
May I ask for a fix?
With best regards
G. Neuber
Dr. Gerd Neuber
University of Hamburg
CHyN - Center for Hybrid Nanostructures
Building 600, Room R2 02 (office) & Room TRO 03 (Helium liquefier)
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg, Germany
Phone +49 40 42838-1587 (office)
+49 40 42838-5676 (liquefier)
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