[docs] [issue37082] Assignment expression operator (walrus) not in built-in help()

Matthias Bussonnier report at bugs.python.org
Tue May 28 14:26:23 EDT 2019

New submission from Matthias Bussonnier <bussonniermatthias at gmail.com>:

Do the following at a Python prompt: 
>>> help()

Welcome to Python 3.8's help utility!


help> symbols

Here is a list of the punctuation symbols which Python assigns special meaning
to. Enter any symbol to get more help.

!=                  +                   <=                  __
"                   +=                  <>                  `
"""                 ,                   ==                  b"
%                   -                   >                   b'
%=                  -=                  >=                  f"
&                   .                   >>                  f'
&=                  ...                 >>=                 j
'                   /                   @                   r"
'''                 //                  J                   r'
(                   //=                 [                   u"
)                   /=                  \                   u'
*                   :                   ]                   |
**                  <                   ^                   |=
**=                 <<                  ^=                  ~
*=                  <<=                 _

Oh no ! Our favorite `:=` is missing :-(

assignee: docs at python
components: Documentation
messages: 343813
nosy: docs at python, mbussonn
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Assignment expression operator (walrus) not in built-in help()
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker <report at bugs.python.org>

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