[Python Edinburgh] O'Reilly User Group Programme

Mark Smith mark.smith at practicalpoetry.co.uk
Fri Apr 26 11:55:24 CEST 2013

Hi All,

We've been accepted as a member of the O'Reilly User Group Programme! This
has several benefits:

* We all get 50% off e-books and 40% off printed books ordered from
www.oreilly.com. Use the code DSUG when ordering e-books and OR111 when
ordering print books.
* We can request review copies of books - I'm hoping to provide a facility
to post reviews on www.pythonedinburgh.org, but this may take a little
* We can request free books to give out at events we run - something
Nicholas Tollervey (who runs the London Python Dojo) calls 'Developer Bait'

I'm planning to enter us for similar schemes at Apress, Manning and Wrox
(and maybe some others). Let me know if you have any questions or
suggestions for other ways our user group can help our members.

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