[Python Edinburgh] Request For Volunteers

Mark Smith mark.smith at practicalpoetry.co.uk
Mon Jan 25 05:14:28 EST 2016

I'd like to reduce the bus-factor of Python Edinburgh. To that end,
I'm looking for some volunteers to help me run the group. Despite my
ability to make it look complicated, the amount of work is not
actually that high. That said, I think with a little bit more time
dedicated to it, we could really help this group flourish.

I'm looking for volunteers for the following roles:

Talk Organiser: Speakers need to be found and cajoled into writing and
giving talks. In the short term, this isn't a problem - people come to
me and *ask* to give talks!

Website Maintainer: The website (www.pythonedinburgh.org) is a Django
app, hosted on Heroku. It needs some love - especially on the HTML/CSS
side of things (it's a reasonably plain Bootstrap front-end at the
moment). Potentially, it could also be expanded to include a blog or
whatever direction the group wishes to take it in.

Dojo Host(s): I'd like more people to take on the role of dojo host,
so that I'm not a bottleneck for running dojos. James did a great job
of this a few months ago, but I'd like some more people who feel
comfortable taking on this role.

Outreach Coordinator: We should run more events with the aim of
introducing new people to Python and encouraging diversity within the
group. PyLadies has been one of the best things that's ever happened
to us regarding encouraging women to attend Python Edinburgh events.
I'd like to associate us with educational institutions,
under-represented communities and charities.

If you'd be interested in one or more of these roles, please email me
(directly, don't hit reply!) listing which roles you're interested in.
I would particularly like to encourage women to apply because we
should have significant representation in these roles.

Here's to a better organised 2016!


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