[Edu-sig] re: Lightflow again

Jason Cunliffe jasonic@nomadicsltd.com
Tue, 26 Dec 2000 10:40:38 -0500


Delighted to hear you are excited as I am about Lightflow... this python api
has really got me dreaming!
I have been digging around for more tools & examples beyond the intro python
code in the Lightflow docs..

Here's what I found so far this morning - hope some of this may be helpful
to you:

hamaPatch is a free spline-based 3d modelling program for Windows 95,
featuring shaded previews, export to many popular 3d fomats, and the ability
to perform test renders in POV-Ray or BMRT. It includes many options and
tools for creating, editing, and previewing 3d models. hamaPatch is still
under development by its creator, Hamakazu, so its functionality will
continue to expand.
[note: hamaPatch includes a 'render to POVray/lightflow' button.]
Version 2.09 hamapatch.zip (303 kb) updated 09/23/00

3DWin is available at
> http://www.stmuc.com/thbaier
*new* version integrates openGL and exports to Lightflow as .py files among
many others

Blender to POV-Ray, Lightflow etc.
Last updated (13-Dec-1999)

As a first test I want to extract the information about some (or all)
primitives Blender supports and to write it to renderer specific files which
allow several renderers to produce a picture similar to the picture Blender
can render with itīs own renderer.

The basic idea is to use Blenders scripting facilities to collect
information about the scene. There are two ways to bind Python scripts to
Blender (This is described in more detail on the Blender Python Scripting

You can bind a script to an individual object and execute this program every
time the user changes frames, and during rendering and animation playback.
You can execute a script by opening the script window (SHIFT-F11), loading
the appropriate python script (OPEN NEW) and executing it with ALT-P.

Do please keep me posted of any work you do with Lightflow.
I have had some trivial install snags - so I have not yet beean able to get
Lightflow runnig correctly on my laptop system [Sony VIAO Win98se].
-( Pretty sure it's Something to do with PATHs not beingg set correctly.
arg!@#.. hopefully this will be solved before dusk

best wishes
- Jason
Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']

----- Original Message -----
From: Arthur Siegel <ajs@ix.netcom.com>
To: Jason Cunliffe <jasonic@nomadicsltd.com>; <edu-sig@python.org>
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2000 12:32 PM
Subject: [Edu-sig] re: Lightflow again

> Sorry for the multi-posts - and the change of subjects a bit from CP4E to
> general Python advocacy.
> But finding Lightflow quite exciting. Seems to be very much the up and
> coming raytracer/radiosity engine.
> 3dWin (and its crossplatform engine - 3dto3d) - which is a 3d file format
> converter which has been on the scene for many years - now includes the
> ability to import files from standard 3d modeler formats
> (3dStudio, Lightwave, AutoDesk) and output Python files which can be
> rendered by Lightflow.
> Just thought it interesting to see Lightflow as the impetus for work on
> automated generation of Python code.
> Do any other such examples exist?