[Edu-sig] Python for non-programmers

Arthur Siegel siegel@eico.com
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 16:29:02 -0500

Dennis E. Hamilton, wrote -
> If there were any good toy
> applications that did useful things around, I could have him doing
> things at the console shell and python level that he could learn to
> and replicate later.  (I don't care if it is simply playing Hangman, or
> tic-tac-toe or How Many Petals Around the Rose, something that is a
> thing which can be used without having anything to do with building
> software.)

I like to think the PyGeo app I wrote
http://starship.python.net/crew/kernr/PyGeo/ fits well into this category.
You're writing actual Python code and getting immediate feedback as 3D

So far I am a chorus of one who sees it as on point to what EDU-SIG is

But as the guy who spent a good number of hours getting it to the point
where I thought it
was presentable, its hard to be objective.

I'll take any feedback at this point - good, bad, or indifferent.