[Edu-sig] Re:
Matthias Felleisen
Mon, 8 May 2000 11:17:27 -0500 (CDT)
Thanks for the correction about www.schemers.com.
It is also interesting to see how plugged in they seem to be
to a general community using Scheme in education - which is
more extensive and long-standing than I had heretofar understood.
Two small words of caution:
1. The list of "Scheme in Education" that www.schemers.com publishes is a
monotonic list. They don't take off courses when they switch to Java.
The good news is that we're picking up others, too.
2. Most of the schools on their list of secondary schools are actually
DrScheme schools.
No big deal, but don't just add our list of schools to theirs. Still, it is
true that Scheme is plugged into about
- 70 to 80 domestic universities
- 60 to 80 domestic high schools
- 30 to 50 European universities, mostly France and Germany
- the national 'class preparatoire' curriculum in France
- a dozen or so high schools in Germany
-- Matthias