[Edu-sig] Re: Edu-sig digest, Vol 1 #274 - 1 msg

L. Humbert humbert@hagen.de
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 19:49:10 +0200


in the actual issue
vol 24, no.2 (april 2001)
of "informatik spektrum"
- the german journal for professional informatics
(springer verlag)

you'll find an article

"Quo vadis, informatik"
written by Britta Schinzel and Karin Kleinn
pp 91-97

There is a small abstract in english included, which I'll post here.

The questions are available in german at the end of the article.

On interst you may ask the article authors
( schinzel at modell.iig.uni-freiburg.de )
for translation of the questions into english (;-

Within a project "Professionalisation of Infor-
matics" performed at the Institute for Computer
Science and Social Research of the University of
Freiburg we want to explore which are the actual
standards of professionality in German Informatics,
which ways the subject is following at the time, and
what is considered as most likely future develop-
ment.We want to find out which are the different
streams of self definition and leading visions within
Informatics, especially with respect to software de-
velopment, and how these are participating in the
development of Informatics as science and as a pro-
We want to invite all colleagues interested in the
future of Informatics, in particular also the female
ones, to tell us their opinions.

	Ludger Humbert