[Edu-sig] And now for something completely different...

Arthur_Siegel@rsmi.com Arthur_Siegel@rsmi.com
Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:41:20 -0500

Kirby writes -

>With a little spit and polish ("search and replace"
>in the Povray editor), simple cartoony renderings may be transformed
>into more expensive-looking sculptures, as here:

>       http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/concavedodeca.html


>This gets us into the realm of "math + art" -- always a fertile
>realm (good book:  'Connections: The Geometric Bridge Between
>Art and Science' by Jay Kappraff -- which is just coming out in
>a 2nd edition this month, April 2001).

The subject i've been rooting about in for the last few years - 
projective geometry -  a mathmatical discipline that it seems 
to me was the essential step toward non-Euclidian geometry/Relativity, 
etc - was itself a direct outgrowth of the purely artistic concerns 
of Renaissance painters related to perspective.

Jason writes -

>>Searching on Google for 'lg3d' I come across some nice sites:


Surprised Kirby didn't mention it - maybe did not consider it
relevant to this list.  But Jason you might be interested that the
tool that did the actual rendering  at this site - Struck - is
a java project that Kirby has been close to for some time and 
originally turned me on to -  that evolved into Fluidiom, and 
which is continuing to evolve in interesting directions. 


Unfortunately for me, the list that follows Fluidiom developments
tends to communicate in Buck Fullerisms - so I don't keep up very well.

But its an interesting place to lurk, nonetheless.