[Edu-sig] More introspection w/ Python 2.2a2

Kirby Urner urnerk@qwest.net
Sun, 26 Aug 2001 23:31:36 -0400

More introspection in Python 2.2a2:

>>> t = type(3)
>>> t
<type 'int'>

t is a metaclass, the type of 3, i.e. an integer.
You can create a new instance of an integer by calling 
the integer type:

>>> t()
>>> t(1)

These instances are type integer:
>>> type(t(1))
<type 'int'>

But the type object that gets returned as <type 'int'> is an instance of 
type, a metaclass:

>>> t.__class__
<type 'type'>

Using the introspection function from the last post:

>>> ls(t)
['__module__', '__bases__', '__itemsize__', '__dynamic__', '__hash__', 
'__str__', '__weakrefoffset__', '__dict__', '__name__', '__cmp__', 
'__init__', '__setattr__', '__basicsize__', '__new__', '__base__', 
'__flags__', '__class__', '__getattr__', '__mro__', '__delattr__', 'mro', 
'__repr__', '__dictoffset__', '__call__', '__defined__', '__doc__']

These are the methods of the type metaclass -- nothing to do with integers 
per se.

>>> t.__module__

The type metaclass is itself a subclass of a yet more generic type 

>>> t.__bases__
(<type 'object'>,)
>>> z = t.__bases__[0]
>>> ls(z)
['__module__', '__bases__', '__itemsize__', '__dynamic__', '__hash__', 
'__str__', '__weakrefoffset__', '__dict__', '__name__', '__cmp__', 
'__init__', '__setattr__', '__basicsize__', '__new__', '__base__', 
'__flags__', '__class__', '__getattr__', '__mro__', '__delattr__', 'mro', 
'__repr__', '__dictoffset__', '__call__', '__defined__', '__doc__']

Seems to be the same basic animal.

What are __flags__ ?  Hell if I know:

>>> t.__flags__

>>> t.__new__
<built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x80e3620>

I've been hearing about this __new__ thingy.  Anyone want to elucidate?
All ears.
