[Edu-sig] How to think like a computer scientist... and In Search of the
Perfect Case Study...
Jeffrey Elkner
10 Jan 2001 13:56:04 -0500
Hi All!
The Python version of "How to think like a computer scientist" has been
updated. The source
format is now LaTeX, and I'm generating the HTML from that with a script
(in Perl... oops ;-)
that Jonah Cohen wrote for that purpose.
Also, there is very nice review of the text at:
Now comes the part where I ask for your help. I think the book is two
or three chapters short
of completion. Specifically, the missing content includes:
1. file I/O and data persistance (pickle and shelve)
2. exceptions
3. a REALLY GOOD case study that uses 1 and 2 and maybe even....
4. a short intro to simple graphics programming?
I'm looking for the perfect case study. It should be: instructive, fun,
easy to understand, fun,
make use all the programming ideas discussed previously, and fun. Did I
mention it should
be fun?
I want to write the missing chapters around a discussion of the case
study, introducing file
I/O, persistance, and exceptions as they arise. I'm not a programmer,
so I am asking help
in finding this case study. I really need something that students will
want to learn. Something
that they will find fun and useful when it is done.
Also, in keeping with the free license of the book itself, I'm looking
for a case study which
is GPL'd. Can we please have a discussion on edu-sig around this topic?
Thanks in advance for your help.