[Edu-sig] Post request and Dead-link note - FOLLOW-UP
Dean Goodmanson
Tue, 03 Jul 2001 02:51:01 -0000
Stephen (and Edu-sig regulars),
Thank you for your reply. I revisited your Oreilly post and found I didn't
read enough before posting. I've since drifted through the archives and
found that the robotics and interaction portion of my message have been well
discussed. The use of physical world interaction and linguistics discussion
of a computer language are also well covered. I've found the discussions of
teaching math and programming rather mind-blowing.
Please forgive my less than detailed, redundant topiced, testimonial post.
It appears my application has preceded my analysis.
As far as my off-the mark subject line, the original subject was in an email
to the list admin.
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