[Edu-sig] Lesson plan collection
Dethe Elza
Wed, 04 Jul 2001 08:23:38 -0700
Thanks, Wesley!
I teach a 4-hour high level intro to XML, the class notes are at:
Also an occasional class on programming XML, mainly using XSLT. There is no
programming pre-requisite that I can rely on for this class. If I had my
way I'd teach it as a follow-up to a basic XML class, but I just fill in
when the regular instructor can't make it. Anyway, my notes are up at:
Both pages have extensive links to other tutorials and presentations.
As far as Python goes, I'm trying to get a handle on what's realistic to
cover in a 6-8 week, 2-3 hours per week continuing ed class, given that
attendees will have wildly varying previous knowledge (in most cases no
programming at all).
I know I won't be able to cover GUIs and network programming extensively,
but I think giving the students a taste of that, even in a introductory
class, is important.
Dethe Elza (delza@burningtiger.com)
Chief Mad Scientist
Burning Tiger Technologies (http://burningtiger.com)