[Edu-sig] Lesson plan collection
Dethe Elza
Wed, 04 Jul 2001 08:29:00 -0700
> I certainly think something like that is a good idea. I haven't come to any
> conclusions about how best to accomplish it though. Any ideas?
> -Tim
Well, some of the other SIGs have online repositories. We could start a
SourceForge site or a Wiki with the purpose of housing a FAQ, examples
repository, important pointers which crop up, tips for getting up to speed
with the group, etc. Lesson plans could be an important part of this.
Alternatively, we could add a section for storing (or pointing to) existing
lesson plans on one of the related sites, either "Useless Python" or
"Contagious Fun."
In any case, once we've decided and put something up, we should petition the
Powers That Be to add a link to the SIG page.
Dethe Elza (delza@burningtiger.com)
Chief Mad Scientist
Burning Tiger Technologies (http://burningtiger.com)