[Edu-sig] PEP 238 - non-integer division
Kirby Urner
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 12:24:35 -0700
>languages. This is especially troublesome since python is so often used
>in a hybrid C or Java environment.
To argue the other side, C and Java both require you to
explicity declare the type of your variable, and the
rules of coercian tell you, in the code itself, when
a change is happening. But in Python, I have much less
to go on when trying to track types, especially when
user input is considered. So there's something to be
said for forcing a type where you might be in doubt
given lack of knowledge about the args.
Given Python is not C or Java in design, especially with
regard to types, it makes sense that it behave differently
if it needs to (it should be true to itself, not to C or
Java). In today's heterogenous programming environment,
you have very different animals working together in hybrid
situations. They shouldn't be forced to pay attention to
how the others work, as long as they're consistent internally.
Guido shouldn't have to turn to C or Java for guidance, and
pro programmers should give up the idea that these two
are to be regarded as hegemonic.