[Edu-sig] implementing summation notation (in Scheme & Python)
Kirby Urner
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 09:44:59 -0700
The generic sigma notation concept is presented in Scheme
by authors Abelson and Sussman [1] as follows [2]:
(define (sum term a next b)
(if (> a b)
(+ (term a)
(sum term (next a) next b))))
a and b are start, end values, with (term a) giving the
actual term to be summed -- which might be a itself --
and (next a) giving the next value for a. In other words,
both term and next are functions, not numbers.
Here's the same thing in Python:
def sum(term, a, next, b):
if a>b: return 0
return term(a) + sum(term,next(a),next,b)
And a non-recursive version:
def sum2(term, a, next, b):
total = 0
while a<b:
total += term(a)
a = next(a)
return total
or we could do it this way:
from operator import add
def sum3(term,a,next,b):
def indexlist(a,next,b):
output = []
while not a>b:
a = next(a)
return output
return reduce(add,[term(x) for x in indexlist(a,next,b)])
from __future__ import nested_scopes
from operator import add
def sum4(term,a,next,b):
def indexlist(a,next,b):
if a>b: return []
else: return [a] + indexlist(next(a),next,b)
return reduce(add,[term(x) for x in indexlist(a,next,b)])
If working in IDLE, you need to save the above in a new window,
then do CTRL-F5 to add it into to your namespace. This is
because the from __future__ thing doesn't work in the shell
There's another problem with sum4 though -- it doesn't take advantage
of locally scoped bindings, i.e. there's no need to pass next and
b as parameters to indexlist if these are fixed within the outer
function. So a rewrite of sum4 might be:
def sum4(term,a,next,b):
def indexlist(s=a):
if s>b: return []
else: return [s] + indexlist(next(s))
return reduce(add,[term(x) for x in indexlist(a)])
I've introduced s to show that it changes through iterations
and only initializes to a. sum3 could similarly benefit from
local bindings:
def sum3(term,a,next,b):
def indexlist():
output = []
while not s>b:
s = next(s)
return output
return reduce(add,[term(x) for x in indexlist()])
although again, if in IDLE, this will involve transfering the
def to a saved module/window and executing it with CTRL-F5.
If you want to sum consecutive integers, term(a) is just a,
so the authors write ident:
(define (identity x) x)
and another function to increment by 1:
(define (inc n) (+ n 1))
We'll do the same in Python and find 1+2+3+...+10:
def ident(a): return a
def inc(a): return a+1
>>> sum(ident, 1, inc, 10)
>>> sum2(ident, 1, inc, 10)
>>> sum3(ident, 1, inc, 10)
>>> sum4(ident, 1, inc, 10)
(define (pi-sum a b)
(define (pi-term x)
(/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 2))))
(define (pi-next x)
(+ x 4))
(sum pi-term a pi-next b))
> (* 8 (pi-sum 1 1000))
def pi_sum(a,b):
def pi_term(x): return 1.0/(x * (x+2))
def pi_next(x): return x+4
return sum(pi_term,a,pi_next,b)
>>> 8 * pi_sum(1,1000)
-- the above summation converges to pi.
[1] http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html
[2] http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-12.html