[Edu-sig] re: programming for artists
Mon, 4 Jun 2001 15:41:49 -0500
Jason writes -
>Seriously, I think there is a book to be written. I would be happy to act as
>general editor for it. I believe such a book would best be an anthology of
>writers, perspectives and applications. I am certainly no Python expert, but
>I see where Python 'fits' in ways that perhaps others don't. Nor am I a
>teacher, but I am a student [not formally enrolled, except permanently at
>the School-of-Life U.] An interetsing editorial question is how to balance
>general techniques against application-specific API uses.
My issue is sorting out CP4E goals from the multi-media thrust.
My own recent posts sort of speak to this confusion, at least my own.
One encouraging the use of simplified Web technologies as a basis
for a CP4E curricula.
One noticing (complaining) that Pythons Web technologies are well-known
and promoted whereas its multimedia facility confined to its own
Python underground.
One lobbying for keeping math in a central place in CP4E efforts, and
seeing 3D visualization as a tool, but subserviant tool, in a curricla
around mathematical concepts.
On the other hand, nobody who finds programming fun can argue with a
Programming for the Fun of It approach.
Just think it should be kept clearly separate from Python in Education. Well
it will serve some purpose toward that end. But it should be free-wheeling
enough that
it need not be burdened with any serious intent, or pretensions to same.
If we are promoting Fun, and programming as a means to that end, I'm in.
But at some point it may not be fair to burden Edu-Sig as the forum for the
effort, it seems to me.