[Edu-sig] re: programming for artists

Arthur_Siegel@rsmi.com Arthur_Siegel@rsmi.com
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 10:58:57 -0500

Jason - 

And I don't disagree much with you, either.

I  certainly agree with you that there is fun and
merit in a multimedia oriented Python book/project.

I in fact raised the issue.  Here, mostly because
this seems to be a default forum for non-technical
Python advocacy issues, but also because I do see
a CP4E aspect to it.

But I am  being stubbornly a bit school marmish by asking you 
to be precise/mathematical in flushing out what it is you are suggesting - 
if you are advocating a CP4E thrust.  Or asking you to be
less ambiguous about it. 

Because I fear that some one else could pick up your approach/suggestions
and run with it in the wrong direction - from my perspective, that is. 

 Achieving CP4E is easy.  Just define  'programming'  broadly enough
and we're home.
Kind of what I sense the Scheme folks worst gloss on what 
we are about here. 

The argument goes that none of us are writing machine language code. 
The argument can be made that clicking Blenders GUI buttons is
just another level up the high level language chain.  One is programming
the Blender API in using its GUI.  The argument is not out and out 
ridiculous, which is why I think it needs to be addressed head on.
And why I am scared of a media/game focused approached that
doesn't have its definitions and intentions in a row upfront.

Computer literacy is a worthy and practical educational pursuit.  But it
is fundamentally a different pursuit in my mind than programming education.

I guess I'm advocating coming to some defintions.  

I do significant VBA work.  By my lights, its not programming.

In the end I  think  we need to respect the fact that programming education
always been closely tied to mathematical education - generally
coming out of the same department in institutes of higher education.  
The availability/use of Python changes the equation only very slightly,  
if at all, and only at the margins.

It has  been intersting to watch Kirby developing a grasp of the  more
and arcane aspects of Python. Damn it if I can follow him much anymore.

Will happen naturally with his approach.

He is a synergist who I think understands the math/programming synergies. 

Yes, I would love to see a Python forum/project with a multimedia thrust.

I do see the potential for a great book. 

Just suggesting that you would be adding another level of complexity/
contentiousness by tying it in any significant way to CP4E 
goals, objectives.

Suggesting, I guess, the course of least resistance.

Let it be what it is.  I don't think it requires any other justification.